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good work friend .. U gave words to my feelings.. thanks alot ..
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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
But you have to admit that repeating Apple's initial folly on the MMS wasn't exactly a good look for Nokia.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I fully expect the next iteration (or maybe even in a PR if it gets backported from Harmattan) to have MMS, the alternatives are just too embarrassing, regardless on the impact on everyday usability.

Just like the waiting game for PR1.2. But you're right... faith is necessary. I just hope it pays off. Didn't really pay off in the long-term for the N810.
What I'm saying is - there is no guarantee for anything, so enjoy the ride. If (god forbid) you drop and break your phone tomorrow, does it matter if it has a Flash upgrade in X months or whatever promise Nokia/Google or anyone gave ? It's the half full half-empty thing, if you get it, yay, if you don't, duh, but feeling down just WAITING for something (not) to happen is somewhat a mystery to me. And, on a personal note, IMHO MeeGo gives chances of a new life to the N810, too - nothing spectacular, but still, a better outlook than it ever had with Fremantle. But I digress now

And fMMS isn't exactly something I'd call truly integrated. It's a solution, but it's rather bolted on.

And... all versions of the iPhone got MMS after the upgrade was made available. But fMMS sure as hell came faster than the iPhone update.
Correct me if I'm wrong (I'm by no means an iPhone expert), but I read a while back that the original iPhone did not receive MMS with the iPhoneOS update in question, and they used a hack requiring jailbreak to have a slightly makeshift way of doing MMS.
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Ivanzorkic, it is good to see something like this in here!

This community has needed an article like this for long. I regret that I can only press the "Thanks!" button once.
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Originally Posted by attila77 View Post
Correct me if I'm wrong (I'm by no means an iPhone expert), but I read a while back that the original iPhone did not receive MMS with the iPhoneOS update in question, and they used a hack requiring jailbreak to have a slightly makeshift way of doing MMS.
Actually... you are quite right. The original iPhone did not get the MMS update in 3.x. I've kept my original iPhone 2G around, but it's jailbroken. Has been for quite some time. Same for my iPhone 3G too. But the iPhone 3GS isn't jailbroken yet.

And for the record, I have not paid for all of those phones. Company supplied them all.
Posts: 67 | Thanked: 280 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Originally Posted by Venemo View Post
Ivanzorkic, it is good to see something like this in here!

This community has needed an article like this for long. I regret that I can only press the "Thanks!" button once.
Wow, thanks!
Posts: 67 | Thanked: 280 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Originally Posted by Spotfist View Post
Your posts are pretty much exactly what your are complaining about...
My posts? Hah! I don't even post much and when I do its to either ask or answer a question. This thread was the exception. As for why I keep reading the whiner threads, well, I don't. - I don't have to read them, the topics say it all. I admit, I read one or two, saw the pattern and now I observe the thread titles in the active topics list.

Originally Posted by Spotfist View Post

Your first post also comes across as if we should all be happy with what we have and says nothing about "demanding quality service". All I'm saying is that some people have been "tricked" into buying the n900, I showed the phone to my brother and the things I could do on it... well lets just say I had to scrape bits of his head off the floor, he was blown away.
And how is it that they've been tricked, exactly? Don't tell me you buy a high end device because of its MMS capabilities? If you bought the N900, you bought it because you saw it running movies or surfing the web. And on that front it delivers fully. Now, I agree - some people like MMS and would like to have it - but being "tricked" when they found out it isn't there? That's a bit too much. Its like buying a Mercedes and finding out that the built in sound system doesn't play MP3s - a downer, sure, but were you tricked if the car delivered on the promise of high performance, speed and safety? Do you start nagging how it is the worst car in the world?

I am NOT saying that there aren't things that should be improved on the N900. If you go back to what I wrote, you'll see that I was quite disappointed with some aspects of the N900 - with the emphasis on the word SOME. I would like better google integration, for example, I was also disappointed with Nokia's Ovi treatment of the N900, in fact, I was - and to a degreee, still am - quite angry with it. And I prefer capacitive screens to resistive, as I don't use the stylus.

But I realized that disappointment with SOME aspects of the device downgraded the whole experience - which is quite silly, really. It's easy to go down that road, buyers regret kicks in, and we stop enjoying things that work because of the things that don't. It's called whining. As long as you refrain from phrases like "worst phone ever" or "some N900 users were TRICKED", you can criticize all you like and I won't stop you. In fact, I may join you - I want full portrait support for the conversation app, for example and I see no reason not to implement it as it is a very requested feature.

So. Again I ask you how were some users tricked? The N900 promo video shows it running movies, taking photos and skyping. And it does all these things better than market leaders such as iPhone or Android. When you visit the N900 website it says 'mobile computer' and it delivers there too - with desktop grade multitasking and full linux. So, where's the trickery?

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Posts: 478 | Thanked: 101 times | Joined on Feb 2010
When I say "tricked" I am talking about your analogy of the Mercedes but the other way round, you dont buy a Merc to find out that, yes it goes fast, has leather interior but oh wait when I turn the stearing wheel left the car goes right...?

If you read my post I am talking about the average person (my brother) there is no ways in hell he would be able to install fmms even if it was in extra's on this site, this is a person who doesn't understand what the blinking flashy box does near his phone line (router) he gets an engineer to instal and just expects things to work. If it's not on Ovi then he wouldn't even know it exists.

These are generally the people who complain and say "the n900 sucks, blah, blah, blah"
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Originally Posted by ivanzorkic View Post
Wow, thanks!
No, I thank you. I think you are right.

Every device out there has advantages and disadvantages. If the advantages of the N900 outweigh its disadvanteges FOR YOU, only then should you buy it.

If you later find yourself in a situation where you REALLY want something that your device of choice can't address, then you should replace it.

Overall, the whining about things that doesn't do, but the majority doesn't want them, is useless.
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Originally Posted by Spotfist View Post
When I say "tricked" I am talking about your analogy of the Mercedes but the other way round, you dont buy a Merc to find out that, yes it goes fast, has leather interior but oh wait when I turn the stearing wheel left the car goes right...?

If you read my post I am talking about the average person (my brother) there is no ways in hell he would be able to install fmms even if it was in extra's on this site, this is a person who doesn't understand what the blinking flashy box does near his phone line (router) he gets an engineer to instal and just expects things to work. If it's not on Ovi then he wouldn't even know it exists.

These are generally the people who complain and say "the n900 sucks, blah, blah, blah"
I don't think the n900 was ever marketted for people who wanted an iphone like experience. From the getgo, we knew it was a linux machine w/ a phone stack. Great for us, too bad for the iphone people and the android people who don't root/mod their phones. I had 2 android phone before the n900, and I think this machine is much more robust then anything out there right now, yes including the new Incredible. Good stuff!
Banned | Posts: 3,412 | Thanked: 1,043 times | Joined on Feb 2010
You did post a very good almost a book on how people should not "whine" for whatever reasons BUT you should also respect people's complaints and "whine's" simply because Nokia for all their worth are indeed being very very quiet on the issue's and troubles THEY have brought to people regarding their N900 design.
Yes the N900 is a first of it's kind and yes it has many problems and people must be allowed to voice what they are feeling regarding their device. YOU in the meanwhile if you carry on downing people for negative comments will get the distinct label of a "fanboy" so please allow critisism among good points especially if its constructive,

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