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Posts: 116 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Sep 2009
has anyone got this sorted yet, i still get the prompts saying incorrect password. :-( have not had an email since 03/08/10 and its starting to annoy me ALOT that i no longer have push email on my phone that being an internet tablet should have. I have tried installing the modest update found on here to no avail and have deleted then reinstalled the account status on my phone however nothing seems to change, i still get asked about my password. thanks all
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Originally Posted by pwannell View Post
has anyone got this sorted yet, i still get the prompts saying incorrect password. :-( have not had an email since 03/08/10 and its starting to annoy me ALOT that i no longer have push email on my phone that being an internet tablet should have. I have tried installing the modest update found on here to no avail and have deleted then reinstalled the account status on my phone however nothing seems to change, i still get asked about my password. thanks all
It seems that the only network in the UK who supports Nokia Messaging is Orange. I am with Vodafone and have been told (by Nokia Care this morning) that NM is not available to me until Vodafone sign up to an agreement with Nokia.

So, why are Nokia forcing network operators to sign up to what is a basic human right of modern day mobile phones, and why are Vodafone not signing up to an agreement with Nokia to support this service. Either way I am shafted, and I'm the *!@!$ customer.
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EDIT - disregard the below ... it emerged that while I was gettig n"push" instantly through MfE, I am entirely unable to sent mail using it (even after removing NM) so it isn't a viable solution for now.

my NM on Voda UK is still working OK despite various statements from folks on the forum that it is (or soon will be) now exclusive to Orange network, and that their Voda access to NM has ceased to work. I can't see any reason why all accounts on Voda wouldn't be disabled at the same time (I doubt there are that many people using NM in the first place) but who knows?

Assumng that my NM access WILL get disabled eventually, I did a quick test today and set up my gmail under MfE (point it at Once I set "always on" for sync frequency on my peak schedule, I am getting my email via NM and MfE at exactly the same time.

So, if worst comes to worst, MfE seems to be a permanently free way to get push gmail (well, ActiveSync, which is the same thing for practical purposes) which doesn't depend on Nokia and/or your Cellco in order to work.

Given that it

a) cuts out the (sometimes unreliable) Nokia servers
b) exposes any labels you've set up in gmail as separate folders in modest
c) lets you see your ALL sent items (i.. those which were sent from clients OTHER than n900 too)

... I actually think it's better in most respects than NM.

I'm not sure if gmail sync is "supposed" to work in MfE: There is a huge thread here about MfE which suggests it isn't supposed to (but "might" work if you are lucky) - I lost the will to live after reading the first 100+ pages and still none the wiser - so I don't know if this will work for everyone - suck & see!

n.b. On my initial sync, it failed with a server error. I'd elected to sync everything (email, tasks, calander). I removed calander & tasks, and tried again, which went OK. Not sure if that means that tasks/calendar cant be sync'd or if it was just coincidence - but I only really want my emails anyway.

I'm going to leave NM & MfE running side by side in modest for a few days to check that MfE is reliably notifying me of new mail (and can reliably be used to reply etc.). if that goes well, I'll probably ditch NM entirely before they get the chance to ditch me (sort of like hearing you're about to be dumped and finishing with your g/f first!) as it is really an unwanted middle man, only there due to modest's lack of inbuilt IMAP-idle support, and certainly not worth paying for in my case.

Hope this is of some use to others who are looking for an alternative to NM for push gmail :-)
n900: "with power comes responsibility".

If you buy a niche, highly modifiable smartphone and proceed to mess it up by blindly screwing around, don't just blame the phone, also blame yourelf.

Last edited by Pigro; 2010-09-17 at 12:23.
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i am on t-mo and had the same problem a few weeks ago but is working fine now. i am not sure about the tie-ups people are talking about though...
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Originally Posted by Pigro View Post
EDIT - disregard the below ... it emerged that while I was gettig n"push" instantly through MfE, I am entirely unable to sent mail using it (even after removing NM) so it isn't a viable solution for now.

my NM on Voda UK is still working OK despite various statements from folks on the forum that it is (or soon will be) now exclusive to Orange network, and that their Voda access to NM has ceased to work. I can't see any reason why all accounts on Voda wouldn't be disabled at the same time (I doubt there are that many people using NM in the first place) but who knows?

Assuming that my NM access WILL get disabled eventually, I did a quick test today and set up my gmail under MfE (point it at Once I set "always on" for sync frequency on my peak schedule, I am getting my email via NM and MfE at exactly the same time.

So, if worst comes to worst, MfE seems to be a permanently free way to get push gmail (well, ActiveSync, which is the same thing for practical purposes) which doesn't depend on Nokia and/or your Cellco in order to work.

Given that it

a) cuts out the (sometimes unreliable) Nokia servers
b) exposes any labels you've set up in gmail as separate folders in modest
c) lets you see your ALL sent items (i.. those which were sent from clients OTHER than n900 too)

... I actually think it's better in most respects than NM.

I'm not sure if gmail sync is "supposed" to work in MfE: There is a huge thread here about MfE which suggests it isn't supposed to (but "might" work if you are lucky) - I lost the will to live after reading the first 100+ pages and still none the wiser - so I don't know if this will work for everyone - suck & see!

n.b. On my initial sync, it failed with a server error. I'd elected to sync everything (email, tasks, calander). I removed calander & tasks, and tried again, which went OK. Not sure if that means that tasks/calendar cant be sync'd or if it was just coincidence - but I only really want my emails anyway.

I'm going to leave NM & MfE running side by side in modest for a few days to check that MfE is reliably notifying me of new mail (and can reliably be used to reply etc.). if that goes well, I'll probably ditch NM entirely before they get the chance to ditch me (sort of like hearing you're about to be dumped and finishing with your g/f first!) as it is really an unwanted middle man, only there due to modest's lack of inbuilt IMAP-idle support, and certainly not worth paying for in my case.

Hope this is of some use to others who are looking for an alternative to NM for push gmail :-)

well MFE works on N900 with PR 1.2 as of today. NM keeps asking for password prompts although same password works on E63.

Here is how MFE works with GMail on N900 PR 1.2

First up MFE demands only few things..

1 -you have to clear all your settings (clear device)
2 -and your nokia calender must be totally blank
3 -and your N900 must have Zero contacts on your phone before you try to setup MFE.

Found this info the hard way browsing sites.

To do this delete all contacts from the Contacts.
empty your N900 calender
Now go to Settings>>hit the power button to get the "clear device" option and select yes to clear the device.

Now setup MFE with Gmail..username password leave domain blank and then next server name etc as advised on gmail .

Then last option is what you want to sync first. Just sync calendar first . SYNC peak off and off peak "always"....let it finish syncing. After that it will show the satus 'connected" or "idle" which means MFE is working now

Now go to settings of MFE and now select contacts and Email syn too. And then send and receive.

Important things to note which ppl confuse is

1- contacts sync to MFE but they dont show in contacts.but if you search them using contact search button u will see them. So i have to manually download my gmail contact as contact card and import into contacts to fix this issue.

2- SMTP settings are done in the Email settings separately for email GPRS/3G/WLAN.

Last edited by lashback; 2010-09-21 at 20:44. Reason: typo

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Wow. First, my N900 only sucked at making calls. Dropped calls, connection errors, mistakenly rejected calls, and missed calls that did not even ring. Now, I have the Nokia Messaging password problem. At least my "mobile computer" used to be good at messaging and texting. Well, that was too much to ask of it. Can't express how sorely disappointed I am with the extremely poor software on what is obviously great hardware. Talk about a waste of potential. My brother bought an N900 at the same time I did, and he has even more problems than I do. He's gone back to using his 6820, which functions infinitely better than the N900 as a phone.

Anyway - unless I missed it, there is no way to correct this bug (bar completely resetting the device?), right? I have already voted for the bug: Not holding my breath on a fix or firmware update, though.
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I can receive emails but not send it says failed any idea.
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incorrect SMTP server settings, or use of a ISP SMTP server that requires you to be connected through their connection before it will accept messages.
Posts: 12 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Mar 2010
what should the out going SMTP be for yahoo mine is port 25

Last edited by guy74; 2010-09-30 at 19:26.
Posts: 12 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Mar 2010
I deleted account and made a new one now it works.

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