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Originally Posted by Kangal View Post
Actually the iPhone 4 has the best antenna DESIGN available. By using the stainless steel band, you give the phone a professional and appealing aesthetics AND give the antenna more direct access to radio signals.

What Apple did wrong was put a cheap/inferior receiver/module compared to the norm:
since the design should've allowed for better signals, it would have to be a bad software stack (i highly doubt) or antenna that is weaker ... to bring the reception quality down (even when you aren't touching the bridge)

(actually you can, continue reading)

And another thing Apple did do wrong was put the bridge in the wrong spot. If they expect people to use this without sticking duct tape or having to put a case on.
I am right handed so I probably wont cover that bridge while on a call. But if I have to multitask (jot a note etc) I will change hands and now cover the bridge.
If they put the bridge on the top or bottom, there would be an issue of dropped reception when holding the phone in landscape (horizontally). For instance, streaming media while playing games or watching videos (multitasking) or even streaming videos ... I will still be bridging the two bands.
So where to place it?
On the left or right side on the the top (near corner).
1) I won't be touching it while holding the device in landscape (TICK).
2) I won't be touching it while holding the device in portrait (small tick) ... while people can shift the phone down from the usual grip position to accidentally bridge with the inside of the index finger medial phalanges. But the incidence would be much lower and users wouldn't need to but could easily adapt to avoid the issue.

Win, Win?


As mentioned earlier, this places the antenna much closer to your central cortex (brain) so there is increased radiation danger.
It is all about compromises.

1) Go with the inferior but proven design (Nokia, Samsung, HTC etc)
Design= Mediocre reception, Mediocre radiation, Mediocre aesthetics
2) Go with the iPhone 4 design and lose reception
Design= Low reception, Mediocre radiation, High aesthetics
3) Go with the iPhone 4 design and destroy the design by placing a duct tape or use a phone cover over the bridge.
Design= Mediocre reception, Mediocre radiation, Low aesthetics
4) Go with the iPhone 4 design but have a large plastic/non-conductive material placed where the bridge rests by the OEM
Design= Mediocre performance, Mediocre radiation, Mediocre aesthetics
5) Go with the iPhone 4 design but place the bridge on the top left (or right for left handers) corner
Design= High performance, High radiation, High aesthetics

Ofcourse, these are some possibilities, the OEM may choose to tweek the actual antenna and design to make it more appealing, or less radiation to people, or better reception than what is inferred.

If I was designing a slate phone (like the iPhone) as a user:
My first choice would go to numb 5 if the radiation level was acceptable.
Then numb 1, I want a universal design, not areas where the aesthetics looks poor
Then numb4, it may not be the best but it is acceptable and gives a universal design
Then numb 3, poor aesthetics but good reception is better than no reception
Then numb 2, ppfffh!
Damn. steve jobs visits
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Not sure if this has been posted already but RIM's response is even more strong than Nokia's.
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Originally Posted by techngro View Post
Better yet, how about prioritizing not screwing over your customers by end of lifing their (new) OS and then telling them that your (newer) OS won't be supported on their device.
What the **** are you talking about?
The next OS will be supported by the N900. That has been stated many times already.

I don't know why people keep whining about this all the time.

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Originally Posted by Venemo View Post
What the **** are you talking about?
The next OS will be supported by the N900. That has been stated many times already.

I don't know why people keep whining about this all the time.
I assume you are talking about MeeGo?
Could you post your source that MeeGo will be supported officially on N900?

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Originally Posted by Laughing Man View Post
I guess returning to "dumbphones" is an option but I've grown to like having access to the Internet everywhere. (my how things change).
Neah. I'll just abort the N900's phone, which is closed asn sucky, and buy a phone to talk. I'll sync them via bluetooth, and I'll have an internet tablet, screen, etc, and a phone. You know, just like out ancestor did it back with N800.

Originally Posted by ossipena View Post
you are acting like n900 wasn't only for early adopters and nothing more.
So, what, if I'm an early adopter I don't deserve a patch? Are early adopters and developers sub-customers, sub-citizens, sub-human? Do we not have the rights others have?

I'm not a developer. What, was my phone free? N900 exited test toy and entered the realm of products when they slapped the 600E sticker on it. You want money, you have to do something for it. It's the law. Customer service isn't optional. By beta, it means it takes longer, not that it never finishes.

Fix it. Fix it fix it fix it.
N900 dead and Nokia no longer replaces them. Thanks for all the fish.

Keep the forums clean: use "Thanks" button instead of the thank you post.

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Originally Posted by Venemo View Post
What the **** are you talking about?
The next OS will be supported by the N900. That has been stated many times already.

I don't know why people keep whining about this all the time.
Yes, I too am interested in this support that claims Meego will be officially supported on the N900.

And don't give me that BS about the devs will make it work. No official support means when there is something crucial that doesn't work, we (the dumbasses who install a version of an OS that isn't supported by the manufacturer) will be waiting around assed out for months for a fix from part time developers who aren't getting paid to fix **** and so can take their sweet f@#$% time.

You goddamn Nokia fanboys make me want to puke.
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Alright, gang, time to chill.
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I'm sorry. Sometimes...

I just get so...




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Originally Posted by Venemo View Post
What the **** are you talking about?
The next OS will be supported by the N900. That has been stated many times already.

I don't know why people keep whining about this all the time.
I thin you should re-read Nokia's statement again. There is a part that Nokia said MeeGo will be available for N900 but only be the source code and the rest will be the community contribution. There is no official support from Nokia. N900 may be the developer choice of device for meeGo but not the official device to support it.

Hope i made it clear

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Not just you techngro.
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