Poll: How many times do you have to remove the battery on your N900?
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How many times do you have to remove the battery on your N900?

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longcat's Avatar
Posts: 333 | Thanked: 153 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ blah blah
Originally Posted by twigleaf1976 View Post
I agree. Just haven't the time at the moment.
All those problems and you haven't time to flash it?

I wouldn't tolerate that for a minute, i would flash it right away...
Posts: 310 | Thanked: 383 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Originally Posted by twigleaf1976 View Post
I don't believe the results. My N900 freezes all the time, it is a piece of utter sh*te.

It freezes when I copy more music across. I know it is indexing but the CPU runs at 100% it seems, and then it gives up everything for around ten minutes. Doesn't tell me it is indexing like it used to, just hangs while it does something. It also does this if I connect via PC mode or mass storage mode. It just indexes itself to see what has changed. Usually nothing but it still takes the agonizing time to look.


Pulling the battery is the only way to resolve this, hildon just loves to hog the CPU. Although that has started corrupting the app manager, which forgets the repositroy AND installed apps.

Had to use "apt-get -f install" to resurrect this turkey and it wasted three hours of my life. Yesterday in fact.
I hate to say this, but I promise you that you'll never solve this issue without warranty exchange. You have a defective flash cell or bad controller.

Reflashing it 1000 times will never resolve the issue. The device needs to be replaced. No OS (android, iOS, Windows Mobile, WebOS) can maintain stability when blocks go bad.

Check your kernel log (type dmesg), and you should be seeing I/O or ECC errors.

Last edited by nightfire; 2010-08-13 at 19:40.
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Originally Posted by twigleaf1976 View Post

Hangs every time mid way through a film and I press the screen to get the little icons for pause. Takes five seconds of stutturing noise and choppy film before it hangs and then gives me the icons. Sometimes dropping the app completely and dropping to desktop. The blessed little CPU can't hack film playback AND something pressing the screen at the same time. Perhaps it is watching the film as well and not paying attention?
I get that sometimes, but it's an I/O issue, not a CPU issue. When stuff is demanding alot of ram, something else gets pushed out to swap. When it tries to load the icons again, there'll on one hand be activity retrieving those back from swap, as well as pushing something else to swap, and probably also apps wanting their code back from /opt. The emmc is extremely bad at multitasking, and slows down alot. Nothing happens when apps is waiting for the emmc to give them their data back, the cpu is sitting idle waiting for the emmc to provide data.

Interesting vote though. Amazing what people put up with or how much difference there is amongst something manufactured the same way.
I'd think the filesystems would get pretty thoroughly corrupted after a week or two of battery removal every day, resulting in most time being spent trying to figure out the fs
Posts: 78 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Florence, Italy
My N900 has never frozen .....nor crashed! Overclocked at 950 too.
Bec's Avatar
Posts: 876 | Thanked: 396 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Gets stuck a lot when running android though
Posts: 62 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ Poland
My N900 sometimes have blocked desktop. I can start menu, but i can tap on shortcuts on desktop. And incoming messages don't appear on screen. I must reboot my n900 after this.
Maemo Meego Maego!
Posts: 179 | Thanked: 99 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Yorkshire, UK
Originally Posted by nightfire View Post
I hate to say this, but I promise you that you'll never solve this issue without warranty exchange. You have a defective flash cell or bad controller.

Reflashing it 1000 times will never resolve the issue. The device needs to be replaced. No OS (android, iOS, Windows Mobile, WebOS) can maintain stability when blocks go bad.

Check your kernel log (type dmesg), and you should be seeing I/O or ECC errors.
Used "dmesg" and there is no I/O or ECC errors. But I did reboot last night because duke nukem crashed. So it just reports lots of "musb_hdrc periph: enabled ep2out for bulk out, maxpacket 512." kind of messages. I will have to keep an eye on it, at the moment I don't have time to sit and read the wiki on how to flash it. It is just a media player for me now (back to my tytn2). I can however use the dmesg to see what is going on as the phone acts up.

Interestingly, another "quirk" of this phone. In order to turn the volume of a game up, for example duke nukem. I can't use the volume controls anymore. I now need to go into media player, turn up the volume in that. Which then affects games and other software. The volume controller that is tied to the hardware buttons on top. No longer have any effect, but still slide the little picture of the volume left and right along the screen.

This phone just gets better.
Posts: 310 | Thanked: 383 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Originally Posted by twigleaf1976 View Post
Used "dmesg" and there is no I/O or ECC errors. But I did reboot last night because duke nukem crashed. So it just reports lots of "musb_hdrc periph: enabled ep2out for bulk out, maxpacket 512." kind of messages. I will have to keep an eye on it, at the moment I don't have time to sit and read the wiki on how to flash it. It is just a media player for me now (back to my tytn2). I can however use the dmesg to see what is going on as the phone acts up.

Interestingly, another "quirk" of this phone. In order to turn the volume of a game up, for example duke nukem. I can't use the volume controls anymore. I now need to go into media player, turn up the volume in that. Which then affects games and other software. The volume controller that is tied to the hardware buttons on top. No longer have any effect, but still slide the little picture of the volume left and right along the screen.

This phone just gets better.
Man, just send it back for replacement.

I've never had any of the issues you're talking about. I run OC'd at 1.1ghz, 24/7. Phone has not crashed in 6 months. Everything works flawlessly the way it should. Videos play perfectly, volume controls work fine, bluetooth, wifi..

Something is very clearly wrong.
msa's Avatar
Posts: 909 | Thanked: 216 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Bremen, Germany
not too often for me, but a few times randomly when i was listening to music.
after a song ended, the cpu-load went up to 100% and got stuck there. waited several minutes, but nothing happened (didnt react to power-button either)
had to hard-reset by taking the battery out.
Posts: 328 | Thanked: 101 times | Joined on Dec 2009
I only need to reboot when I need to switch battery and needs to use 3G when I am outside and running out of juice . Otherwise no, I do not reboot.

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