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Originally Posted by paulh View Post
The only advantage that I see in the filesystem method is that I can merge map sets together easily. E.g. I can take a low-detail basemap of the country and combine it with detailed maps of several cities by copying them all to the 770.

But if there was an easy way to merge and edit the databases then it could prove to be more versatile approach for that sort of thing too.
Exactly. I'm all in favor of the database approach, but I also enjoy the ability to merge (and purge) detailed regional coverage from a larger PC based repository into working storage. Hopefully, v2.0 can migrate this functionality to the new paradigm.
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I can only imagine that the next version will be selling even more hardware. As I was researching prior to buying my n800, this was the program that put opened the wallet. I have enjoyed it very much so far, and will continue too, I am sure. I like the database approach, especially when scanning the "disks", etc. I think it will increase performance in other applications.

Otherwise, keep up the good work! Even my wife likes it, and seeing she is not a gadget nut that is saying a lot.


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Like a lot of other folks on this thread, I want to start off by saying thank you for the app and all of your wonderful support. It truly makes the n800 an indispensable tool. My friends always marvel "that thing does GPS too!" Yup, thanks to our good friend Gnuite!

My $0.02 cents would be to have mapper temporarily override any other running program when a waypoint was approached, come to the foreground and mute other apps (ie. Canola or media player) so that the upcoming directions could be heard/seen, then resume business as usual (send mapper back to it's original state and unmute apps).

Aside from that, perspective and rotational maps would be killer, but I LOVE the program as is, so anything above and beyond that is fine with me. I'm probably one of the few that doesn't really care how the db is managed. As long as I can still download maps of anywhere in the world (via virtual earth or google) my needs are most definetly covered.
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Originally Posted by gnuite View Post
I'm on the way toward releasing Maemo Mapper v2.0. Maemo Mapper v2.0 is going to represent a major shift in the paradigm I've been using up to this point, mostly as a reaction to the release of the N800. The focus with the 770 was very much on performance, due to the limitations of the hardware. The focus in Maemo Mapper v2.0 will be on features and aesthetics, including drag-panning, heading-based view rotation, and maybe even some transparency or anti-aliasing. Heck, I'll even be testing the feasability of implementing a "perspective" view, allowing you to see more of the map in front of you.

By popular request, I will also be aiming for cross-platform compatibility in hopes of a Windows (or at least x86) release, so you can run Maemo Mapper on your laptop at any resolution you wish. (For that reason, I am even considering renaming or forking the project. Any ideas? Not GpsDrive. )

One of the big changes will be to use a database cache instead of a file system cache, to address the internal fragmentation of thousands of small files eating away at the free space of memory cards. Before I go further in the development of this particular new feature, I wanted to get some opinions about how to introduce it.

Those of you with "extensive" map caches may not appreciate having to re-download the maps that they've downloaded. I'm planning to provide a command-line utility to "convert" a file system cache to the new database cache format. Would you prefer that I also continue to allow Maemo Mapper to work with a file system cache? I can set it up so that each repository can be switched independently between a file system cache or a database cache. (It would complicate the code and reduce performance slightly.)

I guess my real question is this: does anyone see any value in maintaining the old file-system-based map cache? The only benefit I see is being able to browse through the individual map files, deleting or adding files as you see fit. The file system hierarchy is too complex for this, though, and if you're savvy enough to sort it out, you're probably savvy enough to mess with a database cache directly. Are there other, more relevant reasons to maintain backward compatibility with file system map caches?

Also, I'm open to other ideas to implement in v2.0, but keep in mind that I'm only one man, and my plans for v2.0 are already taking up a lot of my spare time. Hopefully, I'll find the time to document some of these plans in the Garage, but until then, feel free to post suggestions to this thread or the Feature Request section of the Maemo Mapper Garage Tracker.

Note: I will still, always be releasing every new version of Maemo Mapper for the 770, as well as for the N800. Some of the newer features may not run as well under particular conditions, or may require the use of swap, but it will ALWAYS be runnable (and usable) on the 770. I still own my 770, and I want to be able to run Maemo Mapper on it, too.

First off Hi gnuite,

Outstanding effort with this program! It works very well. I saw this thread this morning and have been thinking about my response all day. Sorry if I'm a bit late to the party.

I have been using Navicore for the past week or so and as far as a paradigm shift with your program goes it has already happened for me. I found that both apps can share the BT GPS receiver concurrently.
What this means to the user is that by simply switching tasks you get two views of the road ahead. In this role Maemo Mapper is very good companion software for Navicore and in fact makes the N800 an in car navigator that has features no one else offers.
I can rely on Navicore for detailed street views, rerouting, and voice directions and use M/M for tracking where I've been, a north oriented street map to show what roadways lie ahead, and my position in relationship to pre-loaded poi's.

I do like the idea of a stand alone converter for a DB. As it is right now I have one drive pretty much dedicated to M/M because of its format. Being able to construct a personal DB is also a plus because now with Navicore's detailed street maps on board I am using M/M mostly at zooms above 4, for level 4 and below I use the hybrid satellite maps as they may show landmarks that will help during the trip. I download them to a separate cache then merge them together later. It sounds like this converter will allow me to continue doing this.

It occurred to me that by going in the direction as competition for existing navigators you may always find yourself behind the curve as far as users go and will be bombarded with requests to make the program act like the latest commercial offering.

Rather than going that route I was hoping that M/M's direction would be more toward on-line connectivity and public POI DB's. That is, having the ability to connect and find POI's based on simple search criteria like "plumber" followed by a zip code and have the program plot all the plumbers on the map along with their addy's and phone numbers. Or when no zip code is given it returns all plumbers within the current map view.

Functions like these would make M/M and the N770/800 quite the travel aid.

Examples of Goggle's efforts for WinMo and Palm can be found here >>

J2ME jar file here >>

Whatever happens... rock on dude. You have made my N800 more enjoyable to use and as I use it more and more that means a lot.
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Originally Posted by rhouge View Post
My $0.02 cents would be to have mapper temporarily override any other running program when a waypoint was approached, come to the foreground and mute other apps (ie. Canola or media player) so that the upcoming directions could be heard/seen, then resume business as usual (send mapper back to it's original state and unmute apps).
I'd have to investigate further, but I'm pretty sure that this sort of thing would be more or lerss impossible for a user-level (i.e. not root) program to accomplish. It's too bad, too, because flite's volume can be so low at times, and it's already hard enough to understand without music playing at the same time.
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One feature that I would like to see (and it may already be implemented, and I haven't noticed it) is the ability to specify the main locations to pass through.

What I mean is that I want to go from point A to point D, but I want to vistit points B and C along the way.

This something like Google's new Add Destination feature. This way I can get a map that goes to all of the places I want to see.

To date, I have been adding multiple routes to do this, but I think it would be simpler if this information could be input in a simpler fashion.

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I think the best addition to v2 would be an enhancement to the route generation capability. Right now, everything depends on your server - a backup server, perhaps on would be useful. Also, the program is effected by any changes to the directions file generated by google. (This happened twice in the last few weeks.) Perhaps the gpx file generator could be made more robust, or maybe you could have a program running on your server that regularly downloaded a test route. While this won't fix anything, it would alert you to the problem, and allow for a better error message.

The program is great as is. I drove 1800 miles over the last 3 weeks, and the only hiccup was with the route generation.

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Originally Posted by kbarter View Post

One feature that I would like to see (and it may already be implemented, and I haven't noticed it) is the ability to specify the main locations to pass through.

What I mean is that I want to go from point A to point D, but I want to vistit points B and C along the way.
Clear the route (using the "Route | Clear" menu item, then open the Download Route dialog. Enter "A" in the From text field, "B" in the To text field. Download that route. Then, open the Download Route dialog again, this time using "Last Route Point" as the From and "C" as the To. Download that route. Repeat for "D".

That should give you what you want, and you never have to enter any addresses more than once.
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Originally Posted by howardcb View Post
I think the best addition to v2 would be an enhancement to the route generation capability. Right now, everything depends on your server - a backup server, perhaps on would be useful.
I'd love to implement the Google-Maps-to-GPX conversion in Maemo Mapper instead of the GPX Driving Directions web service, but using the latter allows me to make hot fixes whenever Google changes their HTML format, without having to release a new version of Maemo Mapper.

For v2, I am considering trying both: implement the parser internally and try that first, and if that doesn't work, try the web service.

Originally Posted by howardcb View Post
Also, the program is effected by any changes to the directions file generated by google. (This happened twice in the last few weeks.) Perhaps the gpx file generator could be made more robust, or maybe you could have a program running on your server that regularly downloaded a test route. While this won't fix anything, it would alert you to the problem, and allow for a better error message.
It's hard to make the web service "more robust" because Google Maps doesn't provide their data in a well-defined format (like XML). Instead, I have to parse an "HTML" page (which is actually 75% unreadable Javascript).

Downloading a test route occasionally is a good idea, though, and I've been meaning to set it up for some time.
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routing and auto-rerouting without needing network access. ie. the device does the routing itself. not sure how this can be done, since its raster maps.

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