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Originally Posted by Capt'n Corrupt View Post
It's ironic, that restricting discussion of competition or different viewpoints is considered 'keeping the forum clean' considering the following: if you look closely, what you are requesting is not the nature of openness, rather something a little closer to a walled-garden. It seems that openness is a obvious characteristic for Maemo devices, but not Maemo users.
I like discussion about technical differences.
I sometimes even lurk and like the differences between posters like e.g. danramos, 9000, ysss and so on.

But there is a difference between "openness" and a completely senseless discussion like
where the OP obviously was just looking for attention.

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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
Do they at least point out why? I mean--if I shelled out several hundred clams, tried to stick with it past warranty but the company screwed me for support, refuses to offer decent repair options (parts, service centers, ANYTHING), and furthermore doesn't even communicate with the community built around the platform (in fact, seemingly shunning it)... maybe they're slightly more than bitter and want to communicate that for other people who might follow in their footsteps before they get told that (as was repeated so damned often ever since it came out) they "should have researched it more before [they] bought it".
Of course you have to research before you buy something.

In the same way you research before buying a car or other
technical stuff.

If you buy a VW Polo and then complain that it is to small,
that IS strange.

If you buy a VW Polo and then come to the forum complaining that all your friends use different cars then there is something strange in your other habits. ;-)

Of course it is a pity that in our case VW now thinks that cooperation with Trabbi ( ) is best. ;-)
But as long as you have a community that thinks Trabbi is **** and VW cars are supported by community, the research was not in vain.

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The best thing to do is report the posts/threads immediately.

We have been recently deleting posts and giving infractions to some members due to forum rule violations. FYI, the forum rules are here:

Reggie Suplido

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And what's with the annoying bada rox tags that's almost on every thread.. can we report misuse of tags??

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I agree keeping TMO "clean" is the best way for it to remain what it is actually: the main/unique source of valuable information to learn how to get the most of your N900 and get answers before even asking !

Personally, I find TMO rather clean and threads are properly assign to categories... so what ? just go on that way.

Many thanks to moderators for the job !

PS: "my" N900 is not obsolete because I am able to do much more with it than my friends/collegues do with their Androids

Last edited by ymartin59; 2011-03-21 at 20:23.

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Originally Posted by geneven View Post
You will find my posts in threads about how much people LOVE their N900s, but that doesn't mean that I think the N900 is PERMANENTLY the best phone to ever buy. For one thing, did you notice Nokia saying that it was partnering with Microsoft and that Meego (officially the descendent of Maemo) is a mere test option? If I LOVE LOVE LOVE my N900, how will I keep loving it after Nokia abandons it? I will have to choose another phone, right?

The fact is that this community is BEYOND loyalty and always has been. It is for QUALITY no matter what company offers it. While Nokia goes chasing the will-o'-the wisp, we are still here, still supporting the idea of the Internet Tablet while Nokia has abandoned it. Post about Nokia and ask why it has abandoned us, not why we have abandoned Nokia.

I think you hit reply on the wrong post(maybe the wrong thread) because I have no idea what you're talking about.

As for the rest of it, I'm sorry...I don't have any personal attachments to any corporations, or the device(s) themselves. It's hard to have feelings for something that will never have feelings for you. I bought a device, they sold one. End of story.
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Originally Posted by PMaff View Post
I like discussion about technical differences.
I sometimes even lurk and like the differences between posters like e.g. danramos, 9000, ysss and so on.

But there is a difference between "openness" and a completely senseless discussion like
where the OP obviously was just looking for attention.
Exactly! except I usually don't like reading danramos or ysss.

You even found the thread I was too lazy to reference.
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Originally Posted by bandora View Post
And what's with the annoying bada rox tags that's almost on every thread.. can we report misuse of tags??
If it violates the rules, sure you can report it. As for the 'bada rox' tag, I see that it's one member who keeps doing that. Maybe a fan lol.
Reggie Suplido

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Originally Posted by Reggie View Post
If it violates the rules, sure you can report it. As for the 'bada rox' tag, I see that it's one member who keeps doing that. Maybe a fan lol.
haha lol I guess.. Maybe Mr. Murtazin checks TMO?

Off-topic: Lovin your 1,337 posts!
Dave999's Avatar
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Is it possible to remove all my posts when I reach 1000 posts?

speech, this worked, thought control

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