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Originally Posted by konttori View Post
You need to have more than 12 albums (and thus probably quite a bit more mp3s) to have the scrolling enabled.
ok thanx, i already read that a few reply's back...

I see.. you really need to have more than 12 albums to activate the scrolling.

I thought the same as coldfusion.. as i had more than 12 mp3's and videos.. i thought the scrolling should be enabled...

But already added more albums.. and it's working.. and it looks awsome on the 770.

One thing though.. I can watch videos perfectly with mplayer.. but if i open them through ukmp it's a no go.. the video stays black.. the sound comes and goes... sometimes i can see an image.. but.. it just doesn't work.. and i have to wait a while before it goes back to ukmp. In 1.4 took a while to open.. but it worked.. not with 1.5.

Great job with the kinetic scrolling

Posts: 397 | Thanked: 227 times | Joined on May 2007
The bug is that when you have less than 12 albums you can't scroll on the listing of the mp3s when you've opened the album even when in this album there are more than 20 mp3s. Scrolling should be enabled in the mp3 listing regardless of the number of albums but according to the number of mp3s in that particular album.
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YEah, very true. I will fix this bug for the next version.
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Posts: 136 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ Lafayette, LA
Originally Posted by konttori View Post
Anyway, it will come relatively soon (and with it, will come bookmarking).
That's a feature I'd really like! (I wasn't going to get greedy with feature requests )
Keep up the great work.
Posts: 65 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Jan 2007
I found one operational problem with UKMP. It's easy to end up with the "delete" option when cycling through continuous play & party mode, especially while driving. You can also end up with the delete option if you want to press the pause key while driving, and miss it. The problem is then you end up deleting your songs, instead of playing them. This happened on my drive to work.
Posts: 24 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Feb 2007
Originally Posted by howardcb View Post
I found one operational problem with UKMP. It's easy to end up with the "delete" option when cycling through continuous play & party mode, especially while driving. You can also end up with the delete option if you want to press the pause key while driving, and miss it. The problem is then you end up deleting your songs, instead of playing them. This happened on my drive to work.
It's not a problem but a securoity feature meant to teach you too stop fiddling around with your IT when driving... Keep both hands on the steering wheel and your eyes on the road

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konttori, did you miss my post?
Posts: 213 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on May 2007 @ Montreal, Canada

I installed UKMP 1.5, and it works only if you download public videos from YouTube.
If I try to download my private videos , UKMP will block and will not download the video.

Will this feature be corrected in a future version of UKMP.

Regards Robert
Posts: 122 | Thanked: 12 times | Joined on Feb 2007 @ Helsinki, Finland
Thanks Konttori,

UKMP 1.5 doesn't stop playing after each song, like 1.4 beta 3 did on my 770.

However, it seems that OGG files make UKMP crash with the following message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/MediaCenter", line 2750, in <module>
    if __name__ == '__main__': main()
  File "/usr/bin/MediaCenter", line 2693, in main
  File "debian/python2.5-pygame/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pygame/", line 303, in update
  File "/usr/bin/MediaCenter", line 947, in update
  File "/usr/bin/MediaCenter", line 643, in playSong
  File "/usr/bin/MediaCenter", line 723, in playFile
  File "/usr/bin/MediaCenter", line 282, in createGSTOGGPlayer
    self.player = gst.parse_launch( "gnomevfssrc name=source ! oggdemux name=demuxer ! ivorbisdec name=decoder ! dsppcmsink name=sink" )
gobject.GError: no element "oggdemux"
I believe oggdemux for GStreamer is provided for n800 by "ogg-support", but this can't be installed on 770. I have installed mogg, but it only adds OGG support for the default audio player
Posts: 1,038 | Thanked: 737 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ Helsinki
I suggest using dpad middle for pause / play toggle. It is the intended use, I put the play/pause image there more for reference use.

I will make uktube to allow viewing of private videos as well.

I read your post, just forgot to answer. OGG support is crippled in the way that it does not load ogg tags yet. You will need to put your ogg files in folders with the album name as the folder name. That way, ukmp will try to get the cover based on the album name. I will look into getting ogg/wma/aac tag support as well as wma tag support in the future. I am just focusing on mp3 support as most of the music these days is in mp3 format.

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