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Slow on n900?!? Naah, it just gives you the native experience .

Jokes aside (huh?) it is not slow at all (at least here). The problem is it starts and runs rotated 180 deg from landscape and I cannot find a way to rotate it to portrait. CSSU-thumb, qml12, force-rotation disabled.

otherwise great job helex
Never fear. I is here.

720p video support on N900,SmartReflex on N900,Keyboard and mouse support on N900
Nothing is impossible - Stable thumb2 on n900

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kernel-power developer and maintainer


The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to freemangordon For This Useful Post:
Posts: 293 | Thanked: 163 times | Joined on Jan 2012 @ beijing-islamabad
finally helex ,you did it .thanks man .great great job .
Edit : I could never manage to read your first whole post earlier untill i installed this on my N900,i was like whatdafuq,then i read your first post thoroughly and eyes were all opened when i read that it is an other joke app .lmao .
Now that we are playing jokes ,may i request a joke ?
What if you could make it such an app where we could really use this as an emulator ? Could add apps to show on the main desktop ?
Sorry if this is a serious joke .lol
thanks again .

Last edited by imo; 2012-09-09 at 07:55.

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Originally Posted by helex View Post
...(have you ever seen tiles with rounded corners?), it doesn't infringe any trademark...
Yes, it does. Apple owns all rectangles with rounded corners. Beware of their army of lawyers!

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Originally Posted by LiiKeInsane View Post
can't using it -.-

nothing happens
Oh, thats strange. Which version have you installed?

wpxemulator 0.0.3-5 should work. If you installed 0.0.3-1 it won't start. (no permission to start it)

Originally Posted by freemangordon View Post
Slow on n900?!? Naah, it just gives you the native experience .

Jokes aside (huh?) it is not slow at all (at least here). The problem is it starts and runs rotated 180 deg from landscape and I cannot find a way to rotate it to portrait. CSSU-thumb, qml12, force-rotation disabled.

otherwise great job helex
Okay, my N900 isn't overclocked,but it runs CSSU. I'm not sure if my device runs the latest version. It runs here in Landscape mode and I rotated the whole stuff -90 degree to make it look portrait.
My N900 refused to show it in portrait. So this was the fastest fix for me. Hmm... I guess I need to look again into it.

Originally Posted by imo View Post
finally helex ,you did it .thanks man .great great job .

Originally Posted by imo View Post
I could never manage to read your first whole post earlier untill i installed this on my N900,i was like whatdafuq,then i read your first post thoroughly and eyes were all opened when i read that it is an other joke app .lmao .
LOL! Job done!

Originally Posted by imo View Post
Now that we are playing jokes ,may i request a joke ?
What if you could make it such an app where we could really use this as an emulator ? Could add apps to show on the main desktop ?
Sorry if this is a serious joke .lol
thanks again .
Meh... we would need to port MONO to our handsets to have something "like" a working .NET framework. The effort needed to do this is overwhelming. Personally I spent a lot of effort and money to get finally a Nokia N9 in my country. It has a unique UI, great multitasking and superb working applications. I don't really like Windows Phone. If you would like the limited Apps from Windows Phone on your device I would say you should buy a Lumia 800 on eBay. They are currently really really cheap and they will get soon even cheaper for a good reason.

Sorry for the bad news. But my intention was only to give others the WP expirience I would expect from a Lumia. Nothing more, nothing less.
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ah sighs ! i am sure my english sucks since you couldnt understand what i really meant there .I have never been interested in any lumias ,but what i was trying to say is that WE could get a WP experience in real ,not through a joke app but with a real app.By adding apps i didnt mean to ask for anything like nitdroid .I was saying that may be it could turn out to be a windows-launcher ( more of a theme ) ,where we have empty window tiles and we select apps from main menu such as phone,settings,conky etc and by pressing on a tile ,app responds e:g ,conky shows all the information ( required ) .
Like in your wpx emulator ,tiles dont respond at all when get pressed .Hopefully you understood what i really meant .
Secondly i am sure you would be least interested in all this but still i typed all this with my fingers crossed .See through it if possible at any time .TIA
Posts: 359 | Thanked: 322 times | Joined on Jun 2010
Woah, wait a sec. What if we didn't want an emulator per se, but instead just have your app empowered to activate our existing N9 apps? This way, the phone button in your app would call the phone UI, the SMS button would call the messages app, the right arrow would take you to the homescreen. That sort of thing. Would such a thing be possible? I bet if you made it a pro-version of your current app, it would sell like hot cakes. . .

I love the app as-is, and at the same time, the idea of having something that is a bit more of a hybrid is even more perverse.

Great work! And no sweat if it's too much of pain, but I had to ask . . .
Hitting this thanks button will make you smile and feel good ----------------------------------------------------------------->
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Posts: 7,075 | Thanked: 9,073 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Moon! It's not the East or the West side... it's the Dark Side
Ok, Lads and Ladies

Who is NOT a windows phone?

EDIT: An the photo is taken with a Nokia 920 windows 8 phone.( I apologize, that information was fake like the rest of the nokia promotion movies and images)
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...

Last edited by Dave999; 2012-09-09 at 10:17.

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Moderator | Posts: 6,215 | Thanked: 6,400 times | Joined on Nov 2011
Oh Gawd Dave you are a closet WP fan

2&4 are definitely WP while 1&3 are webos and symbian belle by Samdung
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Posts: 7,075 | Thanked: 9,073 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Moon! It's not the East or the West side... it's the Dark Side
You are almost right. Windoze Rules!
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...
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Posts: 543 | Thanked: 802 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Germany
Originally Posted by freemangordon View Post
The problem is it starts and runs rotated 180 deg from landscape and I cannot find a way to rotate it to portrait.
I just uploaded a bugfix. Try if it works for you. Over here nothing changed.

Originally Posted by imo View Post
ah sighs ! i am sure my english sucks since you couldnt understand what i really meant there .I have never been interested in any lumias ,but what i was trying to say is that WE could get a WP experience in real ,not through a joke app but with a real app.By adding apps i didnt mean to ask for anything like nitdroid .I was saying that may be it could turn out to be a windows-launcher ( more of a theme ) ,where we have empty window tiles and we select apps from main menu such as phone,settings,conky etc and by pressing on a tile ,app responds e:g ,conky shows all the information ( required ) .
Hmm... yes, a replacement to the hildon windows manager on the N900. It should be possible but I would say no maemo developer is really interested enought in this. Sorry.
At the N9 it seems nearly impossible to me. But I'm not a expert.

It should be enought if it is only a app. Perhaps The post of Hacker could be enought for you?

Originally Posted by imo View Post
Like in your wpx emulator ,tiles dont respond at all when get pressed .Hopefully you understood what i really meant .
Secondly i am sure you would be least interested in all this but still i typed all this with my fingers crossed .See through it if possible at any time .TIA
In the end, if we really do this... wouldn't we get at some point to a situation we really could get sued?
Currently the app is just a persiflage. So nothing useful and it looks and works differently. But as soon as it would work like the original it could get really dangerous. At least in my opionion. But I'm not a expert.

Originally Posted by Hacker View Post
Woah, wait a sec. What if we didn't want an emulator per se, but instead just have your app empowered to activate our existing N9 apps? This way, the phone button in your app would call the phone UI, the SMS button would call the messages app, the right arrow would take you to the homescreen. That sort of thing. Would such a thing be possible? I bet if you made it a pro-version of your current app, it would sell like hot cakes. . .
This is possible and easily doable. Yes. I would need only to search for the apps which are needed to launch and I thought already about it. Hmm...

I will see. I need to think about it a little bit. But if you're able to you could search which commands at the terminal are needed to start the Phone / SMS and Facebook app. Hmm... okay, different code is needed at the N9 and N900.

Perhaps it is okay to launch simply some apps. But I would be afraid to make the app really functional. And I wouldn't sell it. It shouldn't get a commercial application. I'm to afraid to get at a point where it could get a target to get sued.
If you wan't to support me there is already a working store button at the N9 version. I have way better applications at the store. And a good rating is always welcome over there. If anything is not working please write me here a short message instead of a negative rating.
And donations are already welcome. The best would be to donate me just more time!

Originally Posted by Hacker View Post
I love the app as-is, and at the same time, the idea of having something that is a bit more of a hybrid is even more perverse.
perverse ... thats the point!

Originally Posted by Hacker View Post
Great work! And no sweat if it's too much of pain, but I had to ask . . .
You're welcome.
I was a Qt Ambassador!

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