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Originally Posted by macegr View Post
I puzzled through the SDK installation only to have it *partially* work. No one actually has a good tutorial on how to set up a development environment for this tablet. Some of the HowTo's are literally incomplete pastes from several readme bad, there are actually instances of "now use this command:" and there is a blank space. The same files are referred to by different names in almost every setup guide, and in order to find all the necessary files you have to piece clues from five different incomplete tutorials and fill in the gaps with Google (mostly seeing unanswered requests for help setting up the dev environment).
Having spent a large amount of last week puzzling that too, I can at least answer that (and posted in the developer thread).
Ignore the howtos that are referenced in the normal maemo sections, the ones you refer to with missing parts. They missing parts can actually be viewed in the html. I went to the bugtracker to view mention the problem after someone (possibly texrat) said about remembering to raise bugs, I found a but that referenced it, but unfortunately it seemed to be just a list of comments arguing about whos problem it was to fix, or whether it was already fixed, so I don't think it is going to be fixed anytime soon!
Anyway, even if it was fixed (in which case it would look like the complete ones on, if you mean the 770, even the working document is completely wrong and can't be followed, luckily I found a page (actually referenced on the bug about the documentations page) where it does give good working instructions:

It is a pretty poor state of affairs if you can't actually get the instructions to set up to develop on the site purporting to be about the device itself, and instead of fixing the problem the people in charge of it just argue about whos fault it is.

Originally Posted by macegr View Post
There are a lot of good programmers out there who just want to get a toolkit and write their code, not fix the toolkit first.
Too right. It also filters out the type of developers who aren't prepared to put up with complicated setups, which possible explains how a lot of software has over complicated setups, or confusing settings!
Khertan's Avatar
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major resource hog though
Yes, too many ...

I want to optimiz it the first time, but i see the source and i think it ll be better to make an other clock app. When my small code editor will be finish i ll create one.
johsua's Avatar
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Why couldn't you just use a javascript clock? Like this:

or this:


You could get the javascript, store it locally and put on whatever look and feel you wanted.

If you read above you'll see that I am using one. Thanks, though.

Last edited by johsua; 2007-08-17 at 12:41.
tabletrat's Avatar
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Or if you are connected to the web you could just use something more subtle:
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Originally Posted by jzencovich View Post
Wow what was that in your pocket? *whip out tablet* Yeah, it's my cool Internet Tablet ;-)
Sometimes when people ask what I'm fiddling with, I'll hold it up to my ear and say it's my iPhone. All but maybe one or two people are like "Wow, really! Awesome!" Before they realize it's not.

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maemoClock: My first application for the N800, my first application in Python

A clock for the N800, including a day/night world map. First internal alpha, main features achieved.

One big thing remaining: How to get rid of the osso.OssoException: Cannot initialize context error? Happens in "osso_c = osso.Context("osso_test_device_on", "0.0.1", False)". Help much appreciated :-)

The standalone example from the pymaemo.garage documentation works without problems. Same code in my app gives the error. Oh well.

A first screenshot:

Last edited by twaelti; 2007-08-23 at 21:44.
Khertan's Avatar
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I ll get a look at your error

EDIT : without source i can t help u.

Last edited by Khertan; 2007-08-24 at 05:26.
Posts: 883 | Thanked: 980 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ Bern, Switzerland
Originally Posted by Khertan View Post
I ll get a look at your error
EDIT : without source i can t help u.
Thank you for your offer! I'll first have to clean up the code over the weekend - right now, it's in a state I would be too ashamed to send to someone
aflegg's Avatar
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Looks good. Have you tried stracing it or running it overnight on batteries to see what it does to your battery life?

Hopefully, looking at the screenshot it's sleeping for a minute before updating the display...

Edit: duh, it's got a seconds display, so it won't be sleeping long at all. You probably want to remove that, or at least make it not update the display, and sleep for much longer periods when the screen is blanked or the application isn't in the foreground. There are DBUS events for both of these.
Andrew Flegg -- |
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Last edited by aflegg; 2007-08-25 at 16:29. Reason: Duh: it's got a seconds display
pipeline's Avatar
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sleep for a minute? i think normally that would be bad. I would expect sleep for 1 sec maybe (1000 ms).

Not sure about python but in most languages sleeping for 60 seconds would mean the app would become unresponsive for a whole minute... would look locked up if you tried killing or switching tasks.

Look forward to using your app!

Here are some flash-based clocks you can download and use locally... some are widescreen and some even have alarms and only a few simple ones dont max out the cpu... but they are cool : (flash on nokia is buggy so your likely to crash going -between- pages.. maybe bookmark before you start trying them out... each is stable on its own just when entering/leaving the pages it may crash... must be quirk to n770/800 flash plugin.

Scroll down to the -second- list which points directly to the SWF files then if you like you can save it.

Of those clocks i like these the most :

Last edited by pipeline; 2007-08-25 at 18:14.

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