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Posts: 197 | Thanked: 65 times | Joined on Jul 2011
What a cool & great phone I must say!

after some hours of use, I am thinking of these,

- What would be the best solution to find/install apps like Osuuspankki?
- Do we have a chance to get the weather on homescreen etc?
- Is there currently some way to get foursquare working?
- Is there currently some way to get gtalk working?
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gtalk works after you add your google account. in the notification screen use the pulley menu to set status.
Proud owner of Jolla phone, number 274.

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Originally Posted by andreas1 View Post
- What would be the best solution to find/install apps like Osuuspankki?
You apparently can get Google Play to work with these instructions and then install it from there, or then you can do what I did and use this service to download the apk package of the app into your jolla and install it.
My Maemo5 projects:
mSpede - Speed testing game | Them Bloody Ducks - 2D duck hunting game | Maetronome - A simple metronome app | CuteMPC - MPD client

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Originally Posted by xerxes2 View Post
IIRC the preferred commands with systemd are "poweroff" and "reboot". The "halt" command is basically useless.
there's also:
dsmetool -b
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Originally Posted by Manatus View Post
Old ad-blocking methods apply on Jolla:

Get a hosts-file. Check that it does not contain anything fishy.

Enable dev mode. Set SSH server on and type the password.

In terminal type:
devel-su (the password was set in the SSH server configuration of DEV mode)

Backup and replace these files:

First is what Sailfish uses, the latter ones for Android.

Before replacing files it may be wise to add the original hosts file lines to the top of the ad servers blocking host file.

EDIT: Added /opt/alien/system/etc/hosts path. Seemed to help to get rid of the ad banner with Foreca app. Plain /system/etc/hosts helped with the Firefox. Hint for the alien dalvik path from the google apps installation instructions.
And while you're at it, feel like providing the host file that you use?
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Originally Posted by hana View Post
Would this be a good thread for reviews and conversation about accessories for Jolla, or should there be another thread for accessories? Like which headphones work with the phone and what kind of pouch it would fit.
definitely a separate thread. this will become a much larger topic once people start receiving all their phones in bigger numbers

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Flash player works in Jollas alien dalvik. No idea if it would work same way in real Android 4.1.2, but atleast officially Adobe/Google dropped support for it.

Download Flashplayer for Android 4.0:

Download Firefox for Android from your favorite market. (Downloaded mine from Play and it might work with other browsers aswell, didn't try tho)

Go to site with Flash content.

Edit: Every Android app i've tried worked flawlessly. Whatsapp even found my contacts from somewhere(had it installed on N9 earlier). Only exception is Kik messenger not logging in (not even using it, just wanted to check it out) and accelerometer being delayd on games. Could you guys with problems on Android apps give me some names so i could test them?

Last edited by JjyKs; 2013-12-12 at 05:47.

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Posts: 197 | Thanked: 65 times | Joined on Jul 2011
Originally Posted by andreas1 View Post
What a cool & great phone I must say!

after some hours of use, I am thinking of these,

- What would be the best solution to find/install apps like Osuuspankki?
- Do we have a chance to get the weather on homescreen etc?
- Is there currently some way to get foursquare working?
- Is there currently some way to get gtalk working?
I got foursquare working, by finding an older version of it since latest version gives some "google-error"
- foursquare_2011.12.24.apk (check-in works)
- foursquare_2012.06.14.apk (check-in doesnt work due to location problems, otherwise seems to work)

About gtalk, I installed it and got errors when trying to send a message, cant remember what was it. After I installed xabber from android and succeeded chatting, the gtalk via native messages started to work.

Last edited by andreas1; 2013-12-12 at 08:14.
Posts: 123 | Thanked: 268 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Helsinki, Finland
This might be a bit obvious, but here goes:
If you have wlan with a security key connected (like WPA2-AES) and have trouble adding another wlan connection with security key. Typically Jolla willa ask you for the key but the connection attempt fails, and after the first attempt Jolla will not ask for a key anymore.

Disconnect existing wlan connection first and then try to connect to the new network. Jolla should now prompt for the key.
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It seems that connecting the "The first one" other half only installed the theme. I'm not seeing, or hearing for that matter, the unique ring tones mentioned.

How do I get them installed? Any help would be appreciated.

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