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I had asked this on a different thread but this one seems more appropiate. Does the android app Hackers Keyboard work? I like it because it includes Ctrl, tab and esc keys. Also, I am curious whether apps that are designed to appear as floating windows work on Jolla Sailfish. You might consider trying an app called "Stick it" which will play videos in a small window. Also the app "hovernote" is nice for taking notes with. Thanks!

Last edited by mscion; 2013-12-23 at 04:14.
ste-phan's Avatar
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Originally Posted by bandora View Post
I wonder if u can install Google maps... Current navigation app on the Jolla phone sux
NavFree from the Yandex repostitory works.

Depending on your location there are free downloadable maps. (Asia seems to be lacking)

Edit: NavFree online reviews show an advertisement bar in NavFree but no such suffering on the Jolla Android as far as I can tell.

Compass applications for Android:
Installing a simple compass application indicates: orientation sensor not found or compass not found, sorry you need a better phone

Anyway, happy to see the Jolla GPS sensor is being mapped to the Android machine.

Last edited by ste-phan; 2013-12-23 at 08:09.
Posts: 301 | Thanked: 531 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ The Netherlands
Originally Posted by pizzulicchio View Post
I have installed Whatsapp downloading from APTOIDE store...
i have done the contacts syncs before installing app so no problems for the contacs...

No sms activation... automatic call is needed at first startup.

Whatsapp chat is fully working, picture sending too, but i'm not be able to play the video received.
The video player doesn't start.
Can someone confirm that ?
Yes. Same experience. Also messages with sound instead of video will not be played. I installed the apk from the WhatsApp website.
Posts: 57 | Thanked: 20 times | Joined on May 2010 @ Florence, Italy
I have "workarounded" the whatsapp media problem downloading VLC player from yandex store or aptoide, so i can play the media downloaded from whatsapp browsing from vlc the path: sdcard/WhatsApp/Media.

Not so easy access but... i can accept for now...
( yappari for my N900 is better than official WhatsApp )

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Posts: 123 | Thanked: 219 times | Joined on Mar 2011 @ Confederatio Helvetica
Does anyone now how to change the language in Yandex Store? Was English, than switched to German after a reboot...

Edit: Eeeer... to answer my own question. Just reboot again. I guess I should report a bug.

Last edited by rentze; 2013-12-24 at 18:47.
Posts: 496 | Thanked: 651 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ London
Originally Posted by ste-phan View Post
orientation sensor not found or compass not found.

Ah - that might explain why Navfree has difficulty getting the direction of travel arrow orientated correctly when you are stationary.
Posts: 18 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on Aug 2012 @ Åbo, Finland
Any tips on working music streaming services for my new wonderful phone?
Tried pandora but it didn't really work.. What do YOU use?
Posts: 136 | Thanked: 58 times | Joined on Apr 2012
Originally Posted by latency View Post
But contacts in whatsapp only show up as numbers and not the names of the contacts?
Found a solution to that problem. Find the contact in question (or any contact, if it's all of them for you) and change the name of the person. It is enough to remove or add a letter. Save this change. Change it back to the normal name. Now whatsapp should sync the contact immediately with the name.
At least it worked this way for me.

Other things:
Does Google Music work for anyone? Perhaps people with play store installed? I can install and open the app, but the account button does nothing. streams fine. Of course it doesn't scrobble from sailfish player. Has anyone tried it with an android music player? (Is there a good one, preferrable one that lets you sort by album artist tag?)

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Posts: 18 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on Aug 2012 @ Åbo, Finland
Originally Posted by Ozymandias View Post streams fine. Of course it doesn't scrobble from sailfish player. Has anyone tried it with an android music player? (Is there a good one, preferrable one that lets you sort by album artist tag?)
(Liquid Bear) through Yandex seems to be working fine, even continues playing when I go to the home screen or work in a Sailfish app. Also gives notifications when it changes song for example

edit: sry wrong app I meant "@to music"

Last edited by wred_e; 2013-12-25 at 01:11.

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Rdio seems to work fine

Newsblur android client work well (although one icon in the toolbar has a strange size).

The ABC (Australia) app video streaming doesn't work.

aindroid, essential apps

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