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Poll: should Jolla SDxC (exFAT) compatibility?
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should Jolla SDxC (exFAT) compatibility?

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By the way, do we know if this SD card slot will be accessible from the tablet edges, or will it buried inside it under panels and batteries and whatsnot? Because IMHO that would make the portability issue almost pointless.
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Originally Posted by minimos View Post
By the way, do we know if this SD card slot will be accessible from the tablet edges, or will it buried inside it under panels and batteries and whatsnot? Because IMHO that would make the portability issue almost pointless.
Goodquestion. I think the slot is on the side near the microusb socket. At least, that is what I think the two slots in one of the pictures is.
I am not sure it is a good idea… if iti is springloaded the card could be ejected accidentally.
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Originally Posted by benny1967 View Post
And of course you can only do this if your computer/phone/tablet can read exFAT in the first place.
Actually, depending on where this information is stored, something like "start reading from address X to address Y from the start of the partition and interpret the result as an integer" might be enough to get these types of constants.
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