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Posts: 5 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Dec 2010
Originally Posted by geni4u View Post

I've been missing reminder sync from Erminig, so today, finally, I opened my toolbox called vim ;-). erminig-0.2.11.patch adds support for alarm/reminder sync. You can uncompress erminig-0.2.11.patched.tgz under /: tar zxvf erminig-0.2.11.patched.tgz. This tarball replaces:


Note that Python Google Calendar API supports reminders only in the primary calendar. One workaround for this limitation is to add reminders from non-primary Google calendars and sync them to N900.

geni4u, I tried out your patches out, I'm getting a crash which I think is due to your modifications, trace:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/erminig", line 153, sync_all_profiles(widget=<gtk.ToolButton object at 0x41f79aa8 (GtkToolButton at 0x4c79f0)>, data=<hildon.StackableWindow object at 0x41f791e8 (HildonStackableWindow at 0x458060)>)
        id = i[0]
        do_profile_sync(id, data)
  variables: {'data': ('local', <hildon.StackableWindow object at 0x41f791e8 (HildonStackableWindow at 0x458060)>), 'id': ('local', 1), 'do_profile_sync': ('global', <function do_profile_sync at 0x41fa3330>)}
  File "/usr/bin/erminig", line 139, do_profile_sync(id=1, data=<hildon.StackableWindow object at 0x41f791e8 (HildonStackableWindow at 0x458060)>)
            profile['remoteSource'], \
            profile['lastLocalUpdate'], currentTime, progress)
  variables: {'profile': ('local', {'lastUpdate': 1291754673, 'direction': 0, 'lastLocalUpdate': 1291754673, 'remoteSourceTitle': u'Gabriel Devenyi', 'remoteAccountId': 1, 'enabled': 1, 'localSource': u'1', 'remoteSource': u'', 'localSourceTitle': u'N900', 'id': 1}), 'progress': ('local', <gtk.ProgressBar object at 0x41f7c8f0 (GtkProgressBar at 0x4dd8d0)>), 'currentTime': ('local', 1291942054)}
  File "/usr/share/erminig/", line 552, local_sync(pid=1, localSource=u'1', remoteSource=u'', lastSync=1291754673, stime=1291942054, progress=<gtk.ProgressBar object at 0x41f7c8f0 (GtkProgressBar at 0x4dd8d0)>)
      getNewEventsFromLocal(pid, int(localSource), remoteSource, lastSync, progress)
      getUpdatedEventsFromLocal(pid, int(localSource), remoteSource, lastSync, progress)
      getDeletedEventsFromLocal(pid, int(localSource), remoteSource, lastSync, progress)
  variables: {'lastSync': ('local', 1291754673), 'getUpdatedEventsFromLocal': ('global', <function getUpdatedEventsFromLocal at 0x4107df30>), 'int': ('builtin', <type 'int'>), 'pid': ('local', 1), 'localSource': ('local', u'1'), 'remoteSource': ('local', u''), 'progress': ('local', <gtk.ProgressBar object at 0x41f7c8f0 (GtkProgressBar at 0x4dd8d0)>)}
  File "/usr/share/erminig/", line 511, getUpdatedEventsFromLocal(pid=1, localSource=1, remoteSource=u'', lastSync=1291754673, progress=<gtk.ProgressBar object at 0x41f7c8f0 (GtkProgressBar at 0x4dd8d0)>)
        gid = updateGoogleEvent(event, remoteSource, pid)
  variables: {'updateGoogleEvent': ('global', <function updateGoogleEvent at 0x4107def0>), 'gid': (None, None), 'pid': ('local', 1), 'event': ('local', <Event.Event instance at 0x41eeff08>), 'remoteSource': ('local', u'')}
  File "/usr/share/erminig/", line 490, updateGoogleEvent(evt=<Event.Event instance at 0x41eeff08>, googleid=u'', pid=1)
        google_api.run_google_action(google_api.gd_client.UpdateEvent, event.GetEditLink().href, event)
      except ErminigGoogleError, e:
  variables: {'href': (None, None), 'google_api.gd_client.UpdateEvent': ('global', <bound method CalendarService.UpdateEvent of <gdata.calendar.service.CalendarService object at 0x41fad9f0>>), 'event': ('local', <gdata.calendar.CalendarEventEntry object at 0x41ef0d50>), 'google_api.run_google_action': ('global', <function run_google_action at 0x41076db0>), 'event.GetEditLink': ('local', <bound method CalendarEventEntry.GetEditLink of <gdata.calendar.CalendarEventEntry object at 0x41ef0d50>>)}
  File "/usr/share/erminig/", line 26, run_google_action(func=<bound method CalendarService.UpdateEvent of < object at 0x41fad9f0>>, *args=('', <gdata.calendar.CalendarEventEntry object at 0x41ef0d50>), **kwargs={})
          res = func(*args, **kwargs)
  variables: {'res': ('local', None), 'args': ('local', ('', <gdata.calendar.CalendarEventEntry object at 0x41ef0d50>)), 'func': ('local', <bound method CalendarService.UpdateEvent of <gdata.calendar.service.CalendarService object at 0x41fad9f0>>), 'kwargs': ('local', None)}
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/gdata/calendar/", line 390, UpdateEvent(self=<gdata.calendar.service.CalendarService object at 0x41fad9f0>, edit_uri='calendar/feeds/myemaillink', updated_event=<gdata.calendar.CalendarEventEntry object at 0x41ef0d50>, url_params=None, escape_params=True)
  variables: {'converter': (None, None), 'gdata.calendar.CalendarEventEntryFromString': ('global', <function CalendarEventEntryFromString at 0x4118a230>)}
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/gdata/", line 1335, Put(self=<gdata.calendar.service.CalendarService object at 0x41fad9f0>, data=<gdata.calendar.CalendarEventEntry object at 0x41ef0d50>, uri='/calendar/feeds/myemaillink', extra_headers=None, url_params=None, escape_params=True, redirects_remaining=3, media_source=None, converter=<function CalendarEventEntryFromString at 0x4118a230>)
            escape_params=escape_params, redirects_remaining=redirects_remaining,
            media_source=media_source, converter=converter)
  variables: {'media_source': ('local', None), 'converter': ('local', <function CalendarEventEntryFromString at 0x4118a230>)}
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/gdata/", line 1263, PostOrPut(self=<gdata.calendar.service.CalendarService object at 0x41fad9f0>, verb='PUT', data=<gdata.calendar.CalendarEventEntry object at 0x41ef0d50>, uri='/calendar/feeds/myemaillink', extra_headers={'Content-Type': 'application/atom+xml'}, url_params={'gsessionid': 'erEgWvFkWpBRHc9ePExyVA'}, escape_params=True, redirects_remaining=3, media_source=None, converter=<function CalendarEventEntryFromString at 0x4118a230>)
          server_response = self.request(verb, uri, data=http_data,
              headers=extra_headers, url_params=url_params)
          result_body =
  variables: {'headers': (None, None), 'url_params': ('local', {'gsessionid': 'erEgWvFkWpBRHc9ePExyVA'}), 'extra_headers': ('local', {'Content-Type': 'application/atom+xml'})}
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/atom/", line 93, optional_warn_function(*args=(<gdata.calendar.service.CalendarService object at 0x41fad9f0>, 'PUT', '/calendar/feeds/myemaillink'), **kwargs={'data': <gdata.calendar.CalendarEventEntry object at 0x41ef0d50>, 'headers': {'Content-Type': 'application/atom+xml'}, 'url_params': {'gsessionid': 'erEgWvFkWpBRHc9ePExyVA'}})
            warnings.warn(warning, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
          return f(*args, **kwargs)
        # Preserve the original name to avoid masking all decorated functions as
  variables: {'kwargs': ('local', {'headers': {'Content-Type': 'application/atom+xml'}, 'url_params': {'gsessionid': 'erEgWvFkWpBRHc9ePExyVA'}, 'data': <gdata.calendar.CalendarEventEntry object at 0x41ef0d50>}), 'args': ('local', (<gdata.calendar.service.CalendarService object at 0x41fad9f0>, 'PUT', '/calendar/feeds/myemaillink')), 'f': ('local', <function request at 0x41806cb0>)}
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/atom/", line 172, request(self=<gdata.calendar.service.CalendarService object at 0x41fad9f0>, operation='PUT', url=<atom.url.Url object at 0x41ef0250>, data=<gdata.calendar.CalendarEventEntry object at 0x41ef0d50>, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/atom+xml'}, url_params={'gsessionid': 'erEgWvFkWpBRHc9ePExyVA'})
        if data and 'Content-Length' not in all_headers:
          content_length = CalculateDataLength(data)
          if content_length:
  variables: {'content_length': (None, None), 'CalculateDataLength': ('global', <function CalculateDataLength at 0x418080b0>), 'data': ('local', <gdata.calendar.CalendarEventEntry object at 0x41ef0d50>)}
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/atom/", line 728, CalculateDataLength(data=<gdata.calendar.CalendarEventEntry object at 0x41ef0d50>)
        return len(str(data))
  variables: {'data': ('local', <gdata.calendar.CalendarEventEntry object at 0x41ef0d50>), 'str': ('builtin', <type 'str'>), 'len': ('builtin', <built-in function len>)}
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/atom/", line 364, __str__(self=<gdata.calendar.CalendarEventEntry object at 0x41ef0d50>)
      def __str__(self):
        return self.ToString()
  variables: {'self.ToString': ('local', <bound method CalendarEventEntry.ToString of <gdata.calendar.CalendarEventEntry object at 0x41ef0d50>>)}
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/atom/", line 361, ToString(self=<gdata.calendar.CalendarEventEntry object at 0x41ef0d50>, string_encoding='UTF-8')
        """Converts the Atom object to a string containing XML."""
        return ElementTree.tostring(self._ToElementTree(), encoding=string_encoding)
  variables: {'ElementTree.tostring': ('global', <function tostring at 0x411772f0>), 'self._ToElementTree': ('local', <bound method CalendarEventEntry._ToElementTree of <gdata.calendar.CalendarEventEntry object at 0x41ef0d50>>), 'string_encoding': ('local', 'UTF-8'), 'encoding': (None, None)}
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/atom/", line 356, _ToElementTree(self=<gdata.calendar.CalendarEventEntry object at 0x41ef0d50>)
        return new_tree
  variables: {'self._AddMembersToElementTree': ('local', <bound method CalendarEventEntry._AddMembersToElementTree of <gdata.calendar.CalendarEventEntry object at 0x41ef0d50>>), 'new_tree': ('local', <Element '{}entry' at 0x4020cef0>)}
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/atom/", line 316, _AddMembersToElementTree(self=<gdata.calendar.CalendarEventEntry object at 0x41ef0d50>, tree=<Element '{}entry' at 0x4020cef0>)
            for instance in member:
  variables: {'instance._BecomeChildElement': ('local', <bound method Reminder._BecomeChildElement of <gdata.calendar.Reminder object at 0x41ef02d0>>), 'tree': ('local', <Element '{}entry' at 0x4020cef0>)}
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/atom/", line 344, _BecomeChildElement(self=<gdata.calendar.Reminder object at 0x41ef02d0>, tree=<Element '{}entry' at 0x4020cef0>)
  variables: {'new_child': ('local', None), 'self._AddMembersToElementTree': ('local', <bound method Reminder._AddMembersToElementTree of <gdata.calendar.Reminder object at 0x41ef02d0>>)}
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/atom/", line 326, _AddMembersToElementTree(self=<gdata.calendar.Reminder object at 0x41ef02d0>, tree=<Element '{}reminder' at 0x41fb1410>)
              tree.attrib[xml_attribute] = member.decode(MEMBER_STRING_ENCODING)
        # Lastly, call the ExtensionContainers's _AddMembersToElementTree to 
  variables: {'tree': ('local', None), 'xml_attribute': ('local', 'minutes')}
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'decode'
Any ideas of how to fix?

Last edited by gdevenyi; 2010-12-10 at 02:32.
Posts: 94 | Thanked: 40 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ Germany
Originally Posted by gdevenyi View Post
geni4u, I tried out your patches out, I'm getting a crash which I think is due to your modifications, trace:
Are you sure it's because of the changes? Did you revert back and try again?
erminig is great but it's capricious, for example it works great on my 3G/3.5 connection but it always shows a bug-detected-message when trying to sync on Wifi, maybe it's the Wifi here, I still have to try it at at another one but this is a thing that bugged me for an hour or so until I noticed.
Posts: 479 | Thanked: 641 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Switzerland
Originally Posted by weißelstone View Post
Are you sure it's because of the changes? Did you revert back and try again?
erminig is great but it's capricious, for example it works great on my 3G/3.5 connection but it always shows a bug-detected-message when trying to sync on Wifi, maybe it's the Wifi here, I still have to try it at at another one but this is a thing that bugged me for an hour or so until I noticed.
That's very odd...usually it's the other way around (wifi is fine, but 3G gets Erminig on its knees)

As mentioned before, Erminig is rather sensitive to poor internet connection, bugging out when it loses connectivity to the Google servers. This is one thing (more strict error checking) that definitely needs improvements, and is planned for the upcoming release.
Posts: 5 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Dec 2010
Another bug I've found:

Erminig still puts items in /var/cache/alarmd/alarm_queue.ini even when you uncheck "automatically synchronize daily"

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Posts: 479 | Thanked: 641 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Switzerland
Originally Posted by gdevenyi View Post
Another bug I've found:

Erminig still puts items in /var/cache/alarmd/alarm_queue.ini even when you uncheck "automatically synchronize daily"
thanks. I will also look at this issue...
Posts: 73 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Dec 2009

I'm using erminig-NG 0.2.11 . The automatic sync does not work for me. Do I have to do something other than configure it in the gui?

I even tried leaving erminig running in the background during my scheduled sync time, but it still doesn't trigger a sync.

seems to be working now, installed Alarmed

Last edited by mtran66; 2010-12-17 at 15:03.
Posts: 73 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Dec 2009
I noticed a frequent bug with a weekly event in google. I have an event set for every monday, and it is frequently syncing it to tuesdays on my n900.
Posts: 22 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on May 2010 @ Slovenia

I've done some digging on my issue.

Originally Posted by gasper_k View Post
I recently cleared all of my calendars, removed the Erminig db file, and re-added the calendars. Since then, event changes don't get synced from my phone to Google Calendar. Newly added events are synced OK, but when I rename or change the time later on, the change isn't synced. The other way (from gcal to phone) works fine. Anybody has any idea how to tackle this?
After some debugging I discovered that Erminig correctly detects locally modified events, but when it's trying to sync them, an error occurs:
<H1>Method Not Allowed</H1>\nThe request method <code>PUT</code> is inappropriate for the URL <code>/
I omitted most of the HTML code for brevity. The error occurs in google_api.run_google_action(google_api.gd_client. UpdateEvent, ...) call. Seems as if the GetEditLink().href on the Event object doesn't return an URL that supports PUT method? Should it be POST instead? If it matters, I'm syncing a calendar in domain/apps, not an ordinary Google account.

Edited: some typos and additional info.

Last edited by gasper_k; 2010-12-28 at 22:15.
Posts: 479 | Thanked: 641 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Switzerland
Dear all,

believe it or not, I just restarted my scratchbox VM to resume working on Erminig! (those christmas holidays are a good thing after all ...away from work and more free time...)

So far I applied the patches by the following persons:

thomasvs (ISO8601 dates)
Jaffa (silent errors in alarmed mode)
mdengler (remote source not populated)
geni4u (alarm sync)

Thank you very much to all of you for providing them! This is greatly appreciated!

I'm now looking looking more in details at those patches and if there are any issues with them, but they look rather clean, so I don't expect to alter them too much.

Concerning other issues: I will look at the open bugs in bugzilla and to the posts in this thread, and answer accordingly.

As you may imagine, calendar syncing is not exactly an easy task, since there are so many corner cases...but I'm working on it ... patience is the keyword here

Concerning the planning: I expect to release let's call it a "sync" release, so that everybody is at the same level (with all patches applied, and some more additions by myself), then we will work from there to squash bug after bug. I hope that this will be fine for all of you.
When to release it? Well I would say one week from now or something like that.

The Following 14 Users Say Thank You to lorelei For This Useful Post:
Posts: 291 | Thanked: 134 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ North-west, UK
Can anyone comment on the stability of using an existing Google and N900 calender with Erming ? Like many people, I was using Neuevasync till they charged, and have only had intermittent success with with the built in MfE program and Google...
Go on, press the 'thanks' link, you know you want to

erminig, erminig-ng, ernie nig, google calendar, google sync, synchronization

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