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Originally Posted by SamGan View Post
Nokia innovation? They can innovate on the casing for WP now. That's what left of Nokia innovation.
Guys please think before posting. If nokia ceases Wp then who would we laugh at????
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Originally Posted by Zoxir View Post
Guys please think before posting. If nokia ceases Wp then who would we laugh at????
Please--think of the children.
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR
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Maybe Elop should blame the reviewers.
Walter Mossberg the oldest tech guy ever must have stock in Apple because he can't recommend LUMIA over IPhone because it has lower resolution and Seemingly Lower Quality camera And Unexplained browsing Hitch On wifi. Never to mention the 4g lte superiority at only 99. od=WSJ_hp_MIDDLENexttoWhatsNewsTop
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Meanwhile there is the htc one x with quad core and 4.7" 720p screen at the same size. It looks pretty neat too.

Neither the limited windows phone software nor the hardware are adequate for the typical high-end user.
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An interesting article in ny times for those who have not seen it:

I think the partnership will work.
Posts: 273 | Thanked: 463 times | Joined on May 2011 @ Athens
Originally Posted by Lumiaman View Post
An interesting article in ny times for those who have not seen it:

I think the partnership will work.
Just as the reasons why the partnership will work the page can't be found.
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Originally Posted by Lumiaman View Post
An interesting article in ny times for those who have not seen it:

I think the partnership will work.
Um... what article? Also.. heh.. I reeeally don't think it's a partnership that will work.

Edit: Aaaand URL to article is posted. You'll note that he's rooting for them just for the sake of them being underdogs--not because there's any real merit to anyone claiming it'll be a success. There's nothing about this that looks positive, really. A losing platform and a losing hardware producer... with a losing combination and a formula that lacks an ounce of what competitors have successfully executed already long ago and are doing far easier, cheaper and better today.
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR

Last edited by danramos; 2012-04-05 at 02:23.
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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
Um... what article? Also.. heh.. I reeeally don't think it's a partnership that will work.

Edit: Aaaand URL to article is posted. You'll note that he's rooting for them just for the sake of them being underdogs--not because there's any real merit to anyone claiming it'll be a success. There's nothing about this that looks positive, really. A losing platform and a losing hardware producer... with a losing combination and a formula that lacks an ounce of what competitors have successfully executed already long ago and are doing far easier, cheaper and better today.
Actually the article is quite nice, and I dont think that MS and NOKIA are betting on LUmia 900 as much as they are betting on W8. Lumia900 is a smooth phone. Have you tried any of the lumia phones? Not bad at all, but yes, they do lack some of the features that everyone expects. The evolution is going in the right direction for MS and NOKIA. Negativity doesnt help anyone
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Originally Posted by Lumiaman View Post
Actually the article is quite nice, and I dont think that MS and NOKIA are betting on LUmia 900 as much as they are betting on W8. Lumia900 is a smooth phone. Have you tried any of the lumia phones? Not bad at all, but yes, they do lack some of the features that everyone expects. The evolution is going in the right direction for MS and NOKIA. Negativity doesnt help anyone
My issue(s) with WP7 - limited resolution. 4.3 inch screens should not be limited to 800 x 480 in 2012.

And yes... they're banking on Lumia 900 making some noise in the US, the continued expansion of WP7 into new territories and hopefully that will bode well of the upcoming WP8 updates and how that's going to hopefully equate to PC, tablet and handset sales.

I'm not a believer yet.

blame others, deluded fanboys, kidsbeingkids, lumiadork, ms will die, salesdroids, the elop flop, wp blows

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