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Originally Posted by Lumiaman View Post
Actually the article is quite nice, and I dont think that MS and NOKIA are betting on LUmia 900 as much as they are betting on W8. Lumia900 is a smooth phone. Have you tried any of the lumia phones? Not bad at all, but yes, they do lack some of the features that everyone expects. The evolution is going in the right direction for MS and NOKIA. Negativity doesnt help anyone
For the love of god can Nokia and more specifically WP advocates please stop with the grandiose delusions of the uncertain future. I've read it all now, "wait for Nokia", "wait for advertising", "wait for carrier backing", "wait for 7.5 (mango)", and now "wait for 8.0". I agree that negativity doesn't help anyone but neither does blind optimism. yes I do think it's blind optimism because I see no evidence or reason why 8.0 will not lack things the same as 7.5 and 7.0 before it. It just seems to be continuously moving the goalpost every time, in a bid to stay relevant.

Last edited by Cue; 2012-04-05 at 20:39.
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While I get your statement... I felt the same way with Maemo 5 and Harmattan.

We all pick and choose our battles. And honestly it will continue to happen. WP7 though... I like it. But not enough to root for it. I like Harmattan enough to root for it, but feel like Nokia just isn't listening.
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nokia is dumb. Theyre deaf and blind.
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Is it safe to say the Nokia board should vote to fire their CEO? Or maybe all the issues should be written in Finnish so that Nokia will understand?
Posts: 27 | Thanked: 36 times | Joined on Feb 2012
I think Nokia must not ditch WP7 now, they will lose even more credibility. They will never adopt Android (and obviously iOS) so atm WP7 is the only major OS they have left. It's getting better and the fantastic design of the Lumias is helping.
Symbian is not an option anymore, despite it being the most complete OS feature wise and new updates which are taking it back to a good level. In people's minds Symbian is a dead walking, noone will like it even if it's actually good.
I think they should stick to WP7 waiting for their next "billion dollar strategy", apparently centered around Qt 5, to become operative and just then maybe ditch WP7 if sales will still be low.
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Originally Posted by Lumiaman View Post
Actually the article is quite nice, and I dont think that MS and NOKIA are betting on LUmia 900 as much as they are betting on W8. Lumia900 is a smooth phone. Have you tried any of the lumia phones? Not bad at all, but yes, they do lack some of the features that everyone expects. The evolution is going in the right direction for MS and NOKIA. Negativity doesnt help anyone

Nokia is doing miserably and has only been accelerating it's failures lately. Nokia has combined forced with a platform that has been doing miserably and has only been accelerating its failures lately. They're the two worst tastes that go even worse together. This is what you get when you fire all the smart engineers and innovators with good ideas and designs but disagree with the executives and business people. Naivete doesn't help anyone either. Has nobody learned the lessons of Circuit City (i.e. they fired all their highest-paid, best salespeople... a few months of incredibly poor sales later, they went bankrupt and closed all their stores). heh
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR
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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
Nokia is doing miserably and has only been accelerating it's failures lately. Nokia has combined forced with a platform that has been doing miserably and has only been accelerating its failures lately. They're the two worst tastes that go even worse together. This is what you get when you fire all the smart engineers and innovators with good ideas and designs but disagree with the executives and business people. Naivete doesn't help anyone either. Has nobody learned the lessons of Circuit City (i.e. they fired all their highest-paid, best salespeople... a few months of incredibly poor sales later, they went bankrupt and closed all their stores). heh
i think you need to look yourself hard in the mirror, and ask yourself, where is all this hate coming from? I do feel sorry for you.
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Originally Posted by Cue View Post
For the love of god can Nokia and more specifically WP advocates please stop with the grandiose delusions of the uncertain future. I've read it all now, "wait for Nokia", "wait for advertising", "wait for carrier backing", "wait for 7.5 (mango)", and now "wait for 8.0". I agree that negativity doesn't help anyone but neither does blind optimism. yes I do think it's blind optimism because I see no evidence or reason why 8.0 will not lack things the same as 7.5 and 7.0 before it. It just seem to be continously moving the goalpost every time, in a bid to stay relevant.
WP 7.5 is step 4 out of fi......infinity
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Originally Posted by JethroSang View Post
Is it safe to say the Nokia board should vote to fire their CEO? Or maybe all the issues should be written in Finnish so that Nokia will understand?
I think the Board should vote to fire Elop and Elop should vote to fire the Board. Let's have a war dammit.
Posts: 1,033 | Thanked: 1,013 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Originally Posted by Etchelon View Post
I think Nokia must not ditch WP7 now, they will lose even more credibility. They will never adopt Android (and obviously iOS) so atm WP7 is the only major OS they have left. It's getting better and the fantastic design of the Lumias is helping.
Symbian is not an option anymore, despite it being the most complete OS feature wise and new updates which are taking it back to a good level. In people's minds Symbian is a dead walking, noone will like it even if it's actually good.
I think they should stick to WP7 waiting for their next "billion dollar strategy", apparently centered around Qt 5, to become operative and just then maybe ditch WP7 if sales will still be low.
WP ------ major, YOU SURE?

Symbian Belle FP1 is working pretty much flawless. Nokia could just slap a different name on it and get it over with. Maemo is ready and wanted by many people. Maemo 5 with the inclusion of swype for tablets and Maemo 6 i.e. MeeGo Harmattan for phones. Unified ecosystem with Qt and Ovi services and there would be no fragmentation. Additionally, slap PureView on all those new devices.
They are idiots continuing with WP. They are punching a dead horse. If Nokia does this and apologizes in ads ("finally Harmattan for all") to consumers by making them wait so long for what THEY actually wanted, they'd be golden.

A bit of a Spanish soap opera I know, but it'd work in an ad

blame others, deluded fanboys, kidsbeingkids, lumiadork, ms will die, salesdroids, the elop flop, wp blows

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