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Originally Posted by Lumiaman View Post
Actually the article is quite nice, and I dont think that MS and NOKIA are betting on LUmia 900 as much as they are betting on W8.
So, for how long will this moving the goalposts game last exactly? I'm willing to bet my unicorn N9 that once the W8/WP8 is out and has some glaring omissions that makes it uncompetitive (and WP will still depend on Zune despite the touted 'integration'), the cry will be: but wait for WP8.5, Microsoft is already working on those... Sure, Microsoft has a lump of cash that can make this game perpetual, but Nokia (and anyone else who bases their business around it) will go under the ice in the process - and there still will be people crying "... just wait, the next thing is gonna be AWESOME!"

As gerbick said, the game is exactly as with Maemo before, with one tiny difference - Maemo at least delivered from time to time, it just lacked some polish; WP has the polish, but not much else to it.

What gives you the reason to be so optimistic about the WP? If Microsoft, as one of the largest software companies, is moving this slowly and repeating the same mistakes - that Google, and even Apple overtake them every step of the way, how can one realistically expect for that system to succeed, be the next big thing or whatever? Having enough cash to sustain you for quite long on your road to irrelevance does not a good system make.

Originally Posted by Etchelon View Post
I think Nokia must not ditch WP7 now, they will lose even more credibility. They will never adopt Android (and obviously iOS) so atm WP7 is the only major OS they have left...
While I agree with most of what you've said, what makes the WP7 a 'major OS'? Apart from cash burning to keep the impression of its relevance in the public, much like the tactics Microsoft used in their vain attempt to push out the Flash from the web and replace it with their Silverlight - it's everything but a `major OS`. FFS, even that half-assed attempt from Samsung called Bada beats it in the 'majority' department, not to mention the archaic BBOS and the 'burning' Symbian. The would-be third elopsystem is at best the sixth one, with a tendency of a downfall. Talk about 'burning platforms' - this one is already in ashes, and I see no phoenix on the horizon to rise from those ashes...
Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.
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Guys people want WP they just don't know it. That's why Microsoft will try to force it down everyones throat I bet they will give out a nokia Lumia whatever for free with every Windows 8 license and then announce they have now captured 2,7% of the market.
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I think you guys should get out of your shoes for once and try to look at the world with non-geek eyes. Normal people actually think that iPhone is the best, followed by Android. Normal people now think, after more than a year being laughed at by everyone, that Symbian is crap. Normal people now see the ads about Lumia and that little big name in the ads, "Microsoft", and think it's wow. We geeks know that WP7 still lacks a shitload of functionalities, that it's as close as iOS, and all the other shortcomings, normal people don't and just remain impressed by the UI and the "Microsoft" brand behind it. Moreover, a lot of devs are turning to this OS.
It certainly had a very slow start, but it's about to spring, imo. It certainly is better than Bada, not in the numbers (Bada sold much more because it's on cheap phones) but in quality, potential (= devs in the ecosystem) and future updates.
This is my view, I might be wrong, but for sure normal people, who are 99% out there, don't know **** about Maemo, Harmattan or other stuff, and have been brainwashed into thinking that Symbian stinks. So yeah, WP7 is the third of the 3 major OSes.
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Originally Posted by Etchelon View Post
I think you guys should get out of your shoes for once and try to look at the world with non-geek eyes. Normal people actually think that iPhone is the best, followed by Android. Normal people now think, after more than a year being laughed at by everyone, that Symbian is crap. Normal people now see the ads about Lumia and that little big name in the ads, "Microsoft", and think it's wow. We geeks know that WP7 still lacks a shitload of functionalities, that it's as close as iOS, and all the other shortcomings, normal people don't and just remain impressed by the UI and the "Microsoft" brand behind it. Moreover, a lot of devs are turning to this OS.
It certainly had a very slow start, but it's about to spring, imo. It certainly is better than Bada, not in the numbers (Bada sold much more because it's on cheap phones) but in quality, potential (= devs in the ecosystem) and future updates.
This is my view, I might be wrong, but for sure normal people, who are 99% out there, don't know **** about Maemo, Harmattan or other stuff, and have been brainwashed into thinking that Symbian stinks. So yeah, WP7 is the third of the 3 major OSes.
Thats an overstatement to say that people hate symbian. In order to hate it they have to know what it is, American people have no idea what symbian is. We can definitely say that the MNO in us hate symbian, Att or tmo hasnt had a symbian phone for years beside e71x.
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Originally Posted by Etchelon View Post
I think you guys should get out of your shoes for once and try to look at the world with non-geek eyes. Normal people actually think that iPhone is the best, followed by Android. Normal people now think, after more than a year being laughed at by everyone, that Symbian is crap. Normal people now see the ads about Lumia and that little big name in the ads, "Microsoft", and think it's wow. We geeks know that WP7 still lacks a shitload of functionalities, that it's as close as iOS, and all the other shortcomings, normal people don't and just remain impressed by the UI and the "Microsoft" brand behind it. Moreover, a lot of devs are turning to this OS.
It certainly had a very slow start, but it's about to spring, imo. It certainly is better than Bada, not in the numbers (Bada sold much more because it's on cheap phones) but in quality, potential (= devs in the ecosystem) and future updates.
This is my view, I might be wrong, but for sure normal people, who are 99% out there, don't know **** about Maemo, Harmattan or other stuff, and have been brainwashed into thinking that Symbian stinks. So yeah, WP7 is the third of the 3 major OSes.
I love it when this argument comes up People know microst but exactly how many people like microsoft???. What do you think it's the first thing that comes to mind when an avarage user hears the word windows ??? Virus, crashes, reformatting etc. And what is the first thing that comes to mind when an avarage user when IE comes up? Even more crashes and viruses. Just by naming microsoft has killed it's project.
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Originally Posted by Lumiaman View Post
that's from Pogue...
incompetent ***** who is convinced Apple invented the computer and the mobile phone... and everything else in between
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Originally Posted by Etchelon View Post
I think you guys should get out of your shoes for once and try to look at the world with non-geek eyes. Normal people actually think that iPhone is the best, followed by Android. Normal people now think, after more than a year being laughed at by everyone, that Symbian is crap. Normal people now see the ads about Lumia and that little big name in the ads, "Microsoft", and think it's wow. We geeks know that WP7 still lacks a shitload of functionalities, that it's as close as iOS, and all the other shortcomings, normal people don't and just remain impressed by the UI and the "Microsoft" brand behind it. Moreover, a lot of devs are turning to this OS.
It certainly had a very slow start, but it's about to spring, imo. It certainly is better than Bada, not in the numbers (Bada sold much more because it's on cheap phones) but in quality, potential (= devs in the ecosystem) and future updates.
This is my view, I might be wrong, but for sure normal people, who are 99% out there, don't know **** about Maemo, Harmattan or other stuff, and have been brainwashed into thinking that Symbian stinks. So yeah, WP7 is the third of the 3 major OSes.
Look at other parts of the world where Nokia is stronger, not USA of course. Normal people dont know what is Symbian, they know Nokia, they know they own a Nokia phone.
When they buy a Lumia, they get pissed that this 'new model' doesnt have SD Card, USB mass storage(+bluetooth for the 800) and stuck to Zune. Their old cheaper Nokia phones had all of those, how can this be an upgrade they say....
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Originally Posted by Zoxir View Post
I love it when this argument comes up People know microst but exactly how many people like microsoft???. What do you think it's the first thing that comes to mind when an avarage user hears the word windows ??? Virus, crashes, reformatting etc. And what is the first thing that comes to mind when an avarage user when IE comes up? Even more crashes and viruses. Just by naming microsoft has killed it's project.
Got to agree here. For the best part of the last 10yrs Windows has been the largest brand to ever grace the mobile phone, and yet nobody cared. Granted there were us early smartphone users who enjoyed winCE/Mo devices but for the average person these were just as confusing as their PC.

This confusion does not have to be with technical aspects of their phones either. How many times has MS rebranded their Search engine, Mobile OS, Online service or even the Xbox dashboard? The frequent rebranding also adds a mistrust to it as new users cannot grow a familiarity with the product compounding to the stigma Zoxir talks about.

This has got me thinking... IF windows8 on PC fails, MS will want to re-image themselves yet again, changing the Mobile OS with it.

Last edited by MINKIN2; 2012-04-05 at 23:33.
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Originally Posted by MINKIN2 View Post
This has got me thinking... IF windows8 on PC fails, MS will want to re-image themselves yet again, changing the Mobile OS with it.
Been thinking the same thing, actually. Too much time, money and effort has been put behind the Metro UI and not everybody is sold - vendors especially.

As an user, I'm not 100% sold on Metro. Nothing is wrong with it, but it doesn't exactly answer a lot of Windows issues with UI/UX. It introduces new problems in the name using bigger type and tiles.
Posts: 273 | Thanked: 463 times | Joined on May 2011 @ Athens
Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
Been thinking the same thing, actually. Too much time, money and effort has been put behind the Metro UI and not everybody is sold - vendors especially.

As an user, I'm not 100% sold on Metro. Nothing is wrong with it, but it doesn't exactly answer a lot of Windows issues with UI/UX. It introduces new problems in the name using bigger type and tiles.
If WP8 fails microsoft will be on the track to being irrelevant and only a miracle will save them especially with desktop and laptop becoming irrelevant themselves. Nokia made a horrible horrible bet when they chose MS.

blame others, deluded fanboys, kidsbeingkids, lumiadork, ms will die, salesdroids, the elop flop, wp blows

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