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Originally Posted by ste-phan View Post
Ah yes, there is no excuse for having not the slightest web cam integration in the Skype program, Skype being such a closed program.
You actually got the excuse right on that precise sentence (i.e.: Skype being closed).
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Originally Posted by mrojas View Post
So many things that can happen! And one thing will happen for sure: people will hold Quim and Nokia accountable for what they say, will expect their word to be fulfilled, and there will be hell if it doesn't (remember the N900 launch delay?).
Then why act coy instead of simply stating as much? I'm just asking whether he's implying it. He could explain the factors (if he's allowed) or simply state that he's not allowed.

Ultimately, the posture of recommending that the community should backport the operating system features helped make it sound like the N900 is already an orphaned system. I hoped to see something to dispel that notion.
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Originally Posted by fatalsaint View Post
Sure, you're making (Windows 7) great - but evidently that does absolutely nothing for those that bought (Vista) and have paid (Microsoft) now.
I could've changed that to almost any OS or software. It's just the way things are done. Even in open (or in this case, I suppose you could say semi-open) development, as qgil plainly explained, sometimes desired changes go too deep and are too difficult to implement without just saying 'Screw it, we'll hafta go for it in the next version.' All - hey, not even most - bugs and feature requests are ever fixed or added in existing versions of software, usually just what has to be done.

There's always a next version in the works, so what. Nokia may have made a mistake in being a little too forthcoming about their plans instead of keeping them secret until just before release. Many people here evidently can't handle the truth. Now there's rampant speculation and angry expectations. If the was no Maemo 6 in progress, that's when I'd be worried, not because there is. That's supposed to be good news.

But as I said before, I do agree it would be good business and very good public relations to support Maemo 6 on the N900 if at all possible. I'm guessing it will be possible, but differences between 5-6 would be significant enough it would require a reflash/reconfigure, not just a simple seamless OTA update. If so, that represents a real customer support problem for Nokia. IOW, the upgrade may be possible, but more complicated than the average Joe user can deal with and so cannot be implemented to the general public. In such a case, maybe Nokia could release a download for manual upgradng? Let's hope for the best. Have some patience.

Relax and enjoy your N900s. Upgraded or not, either way I'm a happy camper.
Registered Linux user #266531.

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That's not quite right.

Let's replace my comments with Ubuntu Intrepid and Ubuntu Karmic koala.

Sure, intrepid gets orphaned - but I can then use Karmic. Mostly, this same can be said for windows.. but with windows you pay for an upgrade. However, windows offers discounted upgrade versions of the OS for previous customers.

So for your argument to be taken seriously... Nokia would need to offer an upgrade device for cheaper to those that already have an N900... or, of course, bring M6 to the N900 and give us the option of loading it.
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Originally Posted by Crashdamage View Post
I could've changed that to almost any OS or software. It's just the way things are done. Even in open (or in this case, I suppose you could say semi-open) development, as qgil plainly explained, sometimes desired changes go too deep and are too difficult to implement without just saying 'Screw it, we'll hafta go for it in the next version.' All - hey, not even most - bugs and feature requests are ever fixed or added in existing versions of software, usually just what has to be done.
Humbug! At issue is whether a newly released piece of expensive hardware will remain supported by its vendor's distribution so soon after its release, versus being a beta-test already-orphaned device that few people should have purchased... In the wait for a release candidate device... In wait for the final REAL product made for the ordinary consumers.

Originally Posted by fatalsaint View Post
That's not quite right.

Let's replace my comments with Ubuntu Intrepid and Ubuntu Karmic koala.

Sure, intrepid gets orphaned - but I can then use Karmic. Mostly, this same can be said for windows.. but with windows you pay for an upgrade. However, windows offers discounted upgrade versions of the OS for previous customers.

So for your argument to be taken seriously... Nokia would need to offer an upgrade device for cheaper to those that already have an N900... or, of course, bring M6 to the N900 and give us the option of loading it.
That's PRECISELY my point as well! THANK YOU! A faithful-brand customer discount like car dealers often do. Even the Apple folks have their goofy little stickers, clubs and discounts or SOMETHING to make them feel like a proud brand owner. I can't help feeling like Nokia doesn't give a damn that you stuck with their brand.

The comparison is also apt in that you can almost always install the new OS onto whatever computer you've already been using, too.

Originally Posted by Crashdamage View Post
Relax and enjoy your N900s. Upgraded or not, either way I'm a happy camper.
Excellent, but you're not really representing the typical consumer... which is whom Nokia should be more concerned about. As others keep pointing out, there IS a lot of competition out there. I, for one, don't enjoy the N900 and so didn't waste my money. I clearly hope that the next device is better suited to me, but even if it is, I have reservations about the support issues. I want to know that the brand I purchased will not leave me feeling orphaned and raped when I have a problem.

Last edited by danramos; 2010-01-30 at 00:59.

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Posts: 286 | Thanked: 117 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Maybe you are right but what will happen if there will be released another phone with some more things the n900 doesn't have...and you won't get any updates, games, proper apps...etc. AND all the developers will forget that exists. As about sygic nav is not released because of nokia. Does anyoane have a clue why?
Posts: 296 | Thanked: 47 times | Joined on Oct 2009
May I remind you all the old N95 got an update recently ?
If the N900 will be popular enough, which it seems to be, looking at the huge shortage. I guess we'll be getting support for at least 1.5 years... And if not. Most people buy a new phone after 1-2 years when their contract ends anyway
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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
versus being a beta-test already-orphaned device that few people should have purchased...
Oh so you already have inside information that Nokia has (in the past few days) dropped support for the N900 entirely? Or are you just trolling because you don't like the fact that the N900 has a cellular modem?

I, for one, don't enjoy the N900 and so didn't waste my money. I clearly hope that the next device is better suited to me, but even if it is, I have reservations about the support issues. I want to know that the brand I purchased will not leave me feeling orphaned and raped when I have a problem.
The moment the G1 (or any Android device for sale now) is dropped from sale you will see support dry up instantly. Even if you have a bug in a library that can't be upgraded without upgrading some driver, you will not get assistance.

That said, between how open Maemo is and with Mer moving forward, if a usable install for the N900 is ready before the next device is out I think a lot of complaints will be moot, and Nokia will show themselves willing to at least give the community enough support to keep their devices alive as long as possible.

Also, I don't think the days of a WiFi only internet tablet are coming back. WiFi is extremely restricting and had the N900 not come with GSM I'd probably be using an Android device now, disappointed in how limited the OS is and still thinking "if only..."
Posts: 173 | Thanked: 160 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ London, UK
Originally Posted by maxximuscool View Post
the best answer is! "if nokia doesn't port maemo6 to N900, then this is my last NOKIA, period!" I'll go for Android 2.0 instead. At least google didn't abandon it's devices.
Eh? They've not provided updates to many of the older handsets such as the G1. There are technical limitations like free space on the root filesystem. Many apps should still be portable across the old and newer releases of Android, but it's almost exactly the same issue as M5 to M6.
Posts: 3,428 | Thanked: 2,856 times | Joined on Jul 2008
Originally Posted by damion View Post
Eh? They've not provided updates to many of the older handsets such as the G1. There are technical limitations like free space on the root filesystem. Many apps should still be portable across the old and newer releases of Android, but it's almost exactly the same issue as M5 to M6.
Portable?... eh.. The Google Market works in older and newer androids alike due to the davlik VM environment...

There's a big different between native C++ apps and interpreted apps. If the M6 device is near identical on a chip-level to the N900, then the same binaries may work. Otherwise a re-compile, and a maintainer, for every app will be needed; as some developers will not want to maintain several binaries or compiles.

And the G1 isn't getting updated to 2.1+ which was discussed, but the MyTouch, the second device release mid-last year, is. HTC announced that recently. That's 8-10 months.. word around these forums (however inaccurate or accurate is unknown) is the m6 will be second half 2010.. so while the mytouch gets a new upgrade to the new OS - the N900 gets... bandaids.
If I've helped you or you use any of my packages feel free to help me out.
pyRadio - Pandora Radio on your N900, N810 or N800!

Last edited by fatalsaint; 2010-01-30 at 01:39.

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