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uTox p2p messenger builds and runs fine. Haven't gotten it to find the microphone yet, but I can use the pulseaudio loopback device to stream music and podcasts to other chatters

killing pulseaudio with /etc/init.d/pulseaudio stop...
reduces utox to 5% cpu use and eliminates the 8-11% cpu-chewing pulseaudio process. It's possible PA is something that needs work to sleep properly when not actually in-use.

Last edited by clort; 2020-11-19 at 14:54.

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Is kodi on the leste repos?
I got it to install/run on my pine running Alpine/postmarket but the screen size was too big, I could have probably edited a .conf file to get it to fit but I have not had time.
Obligatory... Can Leste make phone calls yet? I just hosed my Alpine install playing with alpine unstable repos though so until we have a Pinephone OS ready for daily driver I am still rocking a N900.

Is there a good guide for installing and ready images?
Last time I tried I found out afterwards that the bootloader on the pine needs to be changed to u-boot I think.

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Originally Posted by biketool View Post
Is kodi on the leste repos?
Can Leste make phone calls yet?
Is there a good guide for installing and ready images?
Kodi: no -

Phone Calls: Leste has been used to make phone calls. I don't think it's user-ready yet.

Installation: Instructions and links to images can be found under the devices section eg

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Originally Posted by biketool View Post
Is kodi on the leste repos?
I got it to install/run on my pine running Alpine/postmarket but the screen size was too big, I could have probably edited a .conf file to get it to fit but I have not had time.
If you're using phosh on PMOS, you can turn off the scaling by editing /usr/share/phosh/phoc.ini

Some people don't like how small it makes UI stuff, but it doesn't bother me. It also makes anbox and anything else using xwayland suck less.

You can install leste the same as anything else, just dd it to your sdcard and then expand the root partition. Then, grab u-boot from here and flash it following the instructions over there.
Leap before you look.

Last edited by preflex; 2020-11-26 at 10:51.

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Doom3 at mars_city2 is running ~ 15-20 fps atm with 4x reduced texture size

Still getting lots of PVRWarning): Kicking render due to frag buffer space [691, /buffers.c]

But the pvr can handle this amount of geometry just fine, just getting a lot of black textures, and some shaders not doing transparency correctly

config needs
seta image_downSizeLimit "64"
seta image_forceDownSize "1"
seta image_downSize "1

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In other good news, PPSSPPSDL (Sony PSP emulator) can be tweaked to run playable without sound stuttering, at least in the awesome Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky.

Ok it's now native opengl-es, not using gl4es.

Frameskip 1, CPU 140-150mhz (stock was 222 or later 333mhz).

There are a few issues to work on though:
- our mapped Esc key not detected by SDL - set it to ` key or something [DONE]
- diagonal dpad down is possible holding down + left|right, but up diagonals need to be mapped to comma key and 'OK' key. The latter will be difficult since X treats it as a modifier. [DONE]

- crashes running under hildon [FIXED]
- without hildon fullscreen mode yields visual junk [FIXED]
- windowed non-hildon mode sometimes runs, sometimes not (?) [FIXED]
- fullscreen sdl mode fails to get keyboard input.
- debianization
- sometimes crashes on startup with "corrupted double-linked list"
- In 'Trails' in-game menu stutters and is unreadable ;-;

Still, it's very promising for RPGs, and Trails in the Sky is an amazing game.


Last edited by clort; 2021-03-20 at 07:31.

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Awesome posts again!
"I don't know how but I can try!" (active)

Master of not knowing (active)

For me it is possible to get lost in any case (active)

Learning to fall from high (DONE)

Learning to code with BASIC (WIP)

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Just to share my latest preference for transcoding movies

4:3 Movie, cropped with some sharpening and audio compression.

ffmpeg -y -i $input -filter:v "scale=960x540,crop=720:540:120:0,smartblur=1.8:-0.35:-0.01:1:0.0:0.0" -filter:a "compand=attacks=0:decays=0.12:points=-80/-80|-45/-37|-27/-18|0/-7|20/-7:gain=1.88:volume=-110" -movflags faststart -c:v libx264 -crf 23 -pix_fmt yuv420p -preset slow -vprofile main -level:v 3.0 -tune fastdecode -maxrate 1920k -auto-alt-ref 0 $output.mkv
The device seems to handle main profile ok, without limiting to baseline. I think specifying -level:v 3.0 limits the target to not too-high bitrate. The -maxrate didn't seem to strictly limit bitrate, if I analyze output with ffprobe...

For the too-dark movies i like to add equalizer

With this profile, level and bitrate mplayer can play 960x540 @ 24fps H264 at about 65%-75% CPU. Important to avoid the output scaled due to non 1:1 aspect ratio. You might need to add setsar to fix aspect ratio. scale=960x540,setsar=1:1

The hardframedrop leads to jerky motion, so the current invocation is:
mplayer -vo sdl -fs  -nocorrect-pts -quiet
For fullscreen SDL on droid4, you'll need a patched libsdl, otherwise the window is shifted about 1/2 screen down. I found some changes that 'workforme' but I don't know what i'm doing so my tweaks to libSDL aren't included in the repository.
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Last edited by clort; 2021-04-27 at 11:53.

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The smart leste folks fixed our libsdl fullscreen and now games display correctly!

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We really need Leste running on modern hardware.....
Please donate if you think I'm doing a good job.

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games, leste, mplayer, video

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