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Cool! This even gives Speedstepping!

Who wants to write an Applet ? That should give longer standbytime, or not? I mean,if you press standbymode, you hack it so that it gives the 165 Mhz command, then not only Display goes off...
YoDude's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Mara View Post
This is what I got:

cpufrequtils 002: cpufreq-info (C) Dominik Brodowski 2004-2006
Report errors and bugs to, please.
analyzing CPU 0:
  driver: omap
  CPUs which need to switch frequency at the same time: 0
  hardware limits: 165 MHz - 400 MHz
  available frequency steps: 165 MHz, 266 MHz, 330 MHz, 400 MHz
  available cpufreq governors: conservative, ondemand, null, powersave, performance
  current policy: frequency should be within 165 MHz and 400 MHz.
                  The governor "ondemand" may decide which speed to use
                  within this range.
  current CPU frequency is 400 MHz (asserted by call to hardware).
Ding, ding, ding... we have a winner!

Good call penguinbait

Thanks Mara

... and to be clear. That is on a N800 running OS2008

Last edited by YoDude; 2007-10-20 at 23:45.
penguinbait's Avatar
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the tools to change the freq is in that tarball, can you bump it up?

oh I cant wait for that OS
Mara's Avatar
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EDIT: This was reply to Ar-Ras post:

I think it already does that? It goes to slow speed mode automatically when idle... and go to full speed mode when CPU is busy. (And anything between.)

This is how the AMD Cool'n'quiet works... Do we finally have about as smart power saving in portable/handheld device that I have had in my desktop PC several years...

If only there is a way to find out how CPU core voltage adjustment works? I assume that is supported too...
Posts: 54 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jul 2007
If it was not in the kernel till now, so how could it be speedstepping? And why nobody tried to hack it for overclocking ?

Maybe built-in as a processor feature?

Ok thats not so interesting.

We must find out, how we can rise the speed

Originally Posted by penguinbait View Post

Nokia-N800-26:~# cpufreq-set -f 400 -c 0
Error setting new values. Common errors:
- Do you have proper administration rights? (super-user?)
- Is the governor you requested available and modprobed?
- Trying to set an invalid policy?
- Trying to set a specific frequency, but userspace governor is not available,
for example because of hardware which cannot be set to a specific frequency
or because the userspace governor isn't loaded?
Does it work?

Last edited by Ar-ras; 2007-10-20 at 23:55.
Mara's Avatar
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Heh! I was able to change the minimum from 165MHz to 200MHz. I tried to inccrease the max from 400 to 420 and 433 with no luck...

Right now my device is locked to 165MHz speed and I can tell it feels a lot slower...

UPDATE: Changing the upper and lower limits work fine. I can not set it to fixed frequency (-f option) due to an error message saying "userspace governor is not loaded."...

Last edited by Mara; 2007-10-21 at 00:10.
Posts: 54 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jul 2007
That was not what we wanted
Mara's Avatar
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It looks like somehow the "userspace" governor is needed to set the frequency to a value outside the 165-400MHz range.

Maybe Penguinbait can build me such a governor...

EDIT: Tried to modprobe "userspace" to get that governor... said: "cannot parse modules.dep"

Last edited by Mara; 2007-10-21 at 00:23.
penguinbait's Avatar
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I am clueless, I was just playing around and figured the tools might come in handy with all the discussions.

I am unsure if it is a module that needs to be loaded or what that module is. I need to go do some reading. I ran back in here to type up the ldconfig when I was cooking dinner, the wife almost caught me, close one

I will do some reading, I am not sure what the problem is, I wish I had it to play around with. PM me with a link to 2008

Posts: 437 | Thanked: 90 times | Joined on Nov 2006
Might this can be of help?


Setting and using the userspace governor
echo userspace > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor

at which point the scaling_speed would become available and if I wanted to throttle the speed to something lower than my 2.4Ghz PIV-M was I could

echo 1200000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_setspeed

which is 1/2 of my maximum and also coincides with my cpuinfo_min_freq.  I've never tried setting it to anything other than the frequencies specified by cpuinfo_min_freq or cpuinfo_max_freq.

Last edited by convulted; 2007-10-21 at 00:36. Reason: Grammar!


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