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That didn't seem to work either..
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Originally Posted by TA-t3 View Post
That didn't seem to work either..
Both of the links work fine for me. (The second link is simply using to surf anonymously to the first link.) Have you tried using a different computer and/or program? Can you go to ? Can you go to ?
Posts: 3,841 | Thanked: 1,079 times | Joined on Nov 2006
Ok, here's what happens: I can't download from the original link (which seems to have been changed now btw, to a html page instead) with 'wget'. Going through the anonymizer doesn't work either, and in any case whenever a link fails to work for me I always also try through a torproxy to remove any issues with my local firewall.

However, it works if I go to the web page, and then to the download section and downloads from there. I think the site is doing some magic to allow downloads when you visit the mother page first, but disallows a direct link.

My proxy logs:
which is the download via the web page. Now I use the same link, but with curl (just the headers in this case):
>curl -I
HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden

Anyway, I got it downloaded now.
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Heh! Texas Instruments has the various latest ROM "updates" for their current calculators on their website. I'm sure others here know it, but I didn't know you can download them for
and use them with TiEmu!

As it has a full keyboard and lots of memory, here's the Voyage 200 ROM.

As the default V200 skin looks like the actual calculator (cheap), I used SkinEdit to make a TI-92 Plus skin (for iPaq) into a Voyage 200 skin. I then renamed it to ipaq_00plt.skn and put it into /usr/share/tiemu2/skins.

(BTW: I got a job doing calculus homework all day , so I've been using TiEmu a lot! )
16-Bit x86 DOS: DOSBox
Amiga 68k: UAE
Apple II: Winapple
Apple 68k Mac: Basilisk II
Commodore 64: Frodo
Palm OS: Access GarnetVM
TI-89 Calculator: TiEmu 2

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I can't seem to get it to go into full screen mode. Could someone give me a tip please?
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For those who are interested: i was not able to install this from the repositories on N900 but downloading all the packages locally and using dpkg did the trick.

The voyager doesn't seem to work, even after renaming the skin.

The 92+ seems to work fine _but_ the lower line of keys goes out of screen, since fullscreen mode apparently works differently in Fremantle.

If this glitch could be fixed, we would have a virtual ti92+ running at probably the same speed of the real one, only in a much smaller space.
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oh, i've just noticed that I already have installed the skinedit program on my laptop :-D

I guess it's gonna be my really-really-really-part time project to scale the skin (yes, full screen would be an option but i actually prefer to have the task switcher available).
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Those .install links have been broken for awhile.

Download the .debs from
and dpkg -i libtifiles* then dpkg -i libticables* then dpkg -i libticalcs* and finally dpkg -i tiemu2* (order matters for dependencies).

Load the the ROM (.89u perhaps) and skin (the default requires screen rotated; try the widescreen ones like ultskin89 for landscape)

Also in landscape mode sometimes the file browser shows no skins (and doesn't work manually either), just rotate to portrait and it sees /usr/share/tiemu2/skins again. Strange bug.

Last edited by linuxeventually; 2009-09-20 at 11:00.
Posts: 138 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Dec 2009
igor: Did you ever find a fix to display the whole ti92+ screen on the n900? Thanks.
Posts: 2 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on May 2010 @ Tehran
hi guys

i've designed this skin for ti-voyage os. just copy the skin to this address (usr/share/tiemu2/skins) and enjoy of running the voyage on your n900.

you can download the latest voyage os from here:

and the skin from here:


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