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Originally Posted by hordeman View Post
What if, instead of having the central server, the device would just email the info to the owner? Would make things simpler, no?
um, no. The primary purpose of the server is to trigger 'findme' mode. the method of returning the data is trivial to implement either way.


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Posts: 66 | Thanked: 145 times | Joined on Jan 2008
here's my noddy version which defers all the hard work until later -
it just polls a specified web server, passes the router mac and then runs
the script that gets handed back. currently i've put this in /etc/network/if-up.d but some sort of regular
scheduled appearance would be a good idea.



echo ${DATE}: ifup >> ${LOG}
rm ${SCRIPT}

for N in `iwlist scanning | grep Address | cut -d\  -f15- | sed -e 's/ 
/&/g'`; do
  echo ${DATE}: net=${N} >> ${LOG}
  wget "$URL?$N" -O ${SCRIPT} 2>&1 >> ${LOG}

if [ -s ${SCRIPT} ]; then
  echo ${DATE}: running script... >> ${LOG}
  chmod +x ${SCRIPT}
  sh ${SCRIPT} 2>&1 >> ${LOG}
requires wget and wireless-tools. security is via good old fashioned
obscurity (note cunning obfuscation of URL).

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Easy way to make that roll on w/ a "regularly scheduled appearance": while true loop, including a sleep 30; and add some kinda exit condition to quit when the network's down...
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It was inevitable, really. We've seen quick-footed thieves swipe GPS units that eventually led to their arrest, a bank robber who didn't even bother to close his clamshell while holding up the joint and now, we've seen the Eye-Fi card really pay off. According to the outfit's PR firm Red Consultancy, one particular vacationer had her entire stash of camera gear (over $1,000 worth) stolen while taking a load off in Florida. Upon returning home and checking things out, she noticed that all of the snapshots taken prior to the theft were uploaded, and upon closer inspection, she even noticed a clear shot of the remarkably idiotic crook. After syncing up with the boys in blue, all of the gal's equipment was eventually returned, and some semblance of normalcy was finally returned. How's that for a feel good story, huh?
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Various points on comments here on the design of this camel:
Originally Posted by tme View Post
I while ago I started putting together my own tracking package but never finished
it because my tablet has not been stolen yet. The basic premise was:
Lot's of good thoughts in this thread, but this is among the best.

Work on the tracking package AFTER your tablet is stolen.

The I-phone app bears investigating, especially if WMAX comes out.

How many of you use a lock code?

If your IT had a lock code and splash screen offering a reward you might get it back.

Is there room in the IT to put in a sliver of C-4 so if the wrong password is entered X times it explodes?

I think one of the pieces that should be developed first is a "wipe personal info" app such that all personal info is wiped as soon as the machine thinks it's compromised. This could easily be restored from backup.
N810, iGo bt kb, Diablo, 10Gb storage onboard instead of a Thinkpad
OTG w/ unlimited storage!!
Put a penguin in your pocket!!
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Is there room in the IT to put in a sliver of C-4 so if the wrong password is entered X times it explodes?
In the N810 there is :P You can fit a tiny sliver next to the battery (This would have the added advantage of solving the "loose battery" problem that some users experience)
Promises are like babies. Fun to make, but hard to deliver.

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Originally Posted by josiahg777 View Post
In the N810 there is :P You can fit a tiny sliver next to the battery (This would have the added advantage of solving the "loose battery" problem that some users experience)
O.K., O.K. Let's not get carried away here...

Besides, you don't need all that. Improperly discharging the battery would be the easiest way to render the tablet useless, and possibly give someone a case of hot-pants.

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Originally Posted by kernelpanic View Post
Yeah I noticed that also. Though a 4 digit lock code is easy to brute force by hand anyway. But one could get a lot of nice pics in the time it took to do so.
And what about eight digit lock code?

"nice pics" - green dark from small camera and none (shutter closed) from main camera.

Thanks for the stories.

Originally Posted by gemniii42 View Post
Lot's of good thoughts in this thread, but this is among the best.

Work on the tracking package AFTER your tablet is stolen.
What about debugging it? You might run out of time if thief switches off the device and re-flashes it.

Originally Posted by gemniii42 View Post
How many of you use a lock code?
Create a poll. I do use a lock code, even though I'm often angry at having to input it again.

Originally Posted by gemniii42 View Post
If your IT had a lock code and splash screen offering a reward you might get it back.
Reward is mostly for case when you genuinely lost the device.
If the device was stolen, you might have to reward a thief in the end (if he is clever enough that he cannot be tracked down for the police).

Originally Posted by gemniii42 View Post
I think one of the pieces that should be developed first is a "wipe personal info" app such that all personal info is wiped as soon as the machine thinks it's compromised. This could easily be restored from backup.
I don't make backups. I have enough mess without multiple "backup" copies.

The simple way to protect a device against a thief: always have it in your hand (or at least no more than one meter away from you). First, it's difficult to steal it without attracting your attention. Second, you might call the police before he takes the device. Third, other people around might notice it (if he is that stupid). Fourth, if you have a second camera/phone in your pocket/bag, you can photograph him/call the police while he isn't far away.

A clever thief would switch off the device immediately and re-flash it at home and remove the SIM card (and no software would remain on the device to take photographs/GPS coordinates/etc). And lock code, as mentioned, can be circumvented. Then, the only mean to track down the device would be the IMEI code (it's non-trivial to change it), so keep it written down separately. It would be the final proof (when the suspect is found) that the device in question is yours, even if it is unfortunately wiped clean.

Having a software sending information from the device to identify thief is good only for the first moments of theft, until he switches everything off. So, when there is a possibility of theft, leave camera shutter open, and let the device continuously send new information (both camera's photographs and GPS coordinates and connection information) to your server (home computer?) through Wi-Fi/Bluetooth/cellular connection. When there is no theft, just clean up old files from the server; when there is theft, you don't need to turn on a special signal, you just need to stop deleting files from the server. Even if thief switches off the device as soon as possible, you still may have photographs of him coming closer to the device before he takes it.

When you report device as missing, serious thief has already wiped clean the device. That's why the suggestion is to turn logging on not when it is stolen, but when there is high probability to become stolen.

If there are several devices nearby (company of friends), you can set up a Bluetooth sending/receiving ring: A->B->C->A (alarm can be set to sound when a connection fails), so that if one human loses a device, the other one pulls out the photographs and GPS coordinates received from the device and shows where he lost it. Works only if the company walks together all the day long, but it has the advantage of working in subway in absence of Internet and cellular connection.

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