, 22:18
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@ Phoenix
, 23:50
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@ Po' Bo'. PA
The service is now up but the browser on the tablet says (paraphrased),
"we recommend the following browsers.....
Safari 3 or later
Firefox 2 or later
Press OK and it takes you back to the same screen. One cannot access webmail at all...
we recommend the following browsers.....
Safari 3 or later
Firefox 2 or later
, 12:42
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@ Sunny England :)
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@ Irving, TX
, 13:23
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@ Asturies, Spain
Isn't the answer blatantly obvious? Apple hate freedom
Firefox 3 on Fedora 8 gives this:
Maybe apple just don't support Linux, period.
As mentioned many times already, changing the browser won't stop Apple giving you a big, fat F-You. Just another reason to boycot anything made by Apple.
The only good apple is a Braeburn
function addBrowserNametoBody() { var body = SC.window; body.addClassName(SC.Platform.Browser.toLowerCase()); if (SC.Platform.isWindows) { body.addClassName('windows'); } else if (SC.Platform.isMac) { body.addClassName('mac'); } }
The Following User Says Thank You to yerga For This Useful Post: | ||
, 13:36
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@ Bulgaria
Object.extend(String.English,{"IE.Browser.Title":"We recommend the following browsers.","IE.Browser.recommendText":"To make use of rich web applications in MobileMe, we recommend one of the following supported browsers:","IE.Browser.SafariLink.Text":"Safari 3 or later","IE.Browser.FireFoxLink.Text":"Firefox 2 or later","IE.Browser.SafariLink":"http://www.apple.com/safari/download/","IE.Browser.FireFoxLink":"http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/","IE.Browser.MacOrPC.Text":"(Mac / PC)","IE.Browser.WindowsOnly.Text":"(Windows only)","IE.Browser.UpdateText":"Update your browser now to access your email, calendar, contacts, and more at","IE.Browser.MobileMe.LinkText":"me.com","IE.Browser.Support.Text":"Questions? Go to ","IE.Browser.Support.Link":"http://www.apple.com/support/mobileme","IE.Browser.Support.LinkText":"MobileMe Support","IE.Browser.check":"Don't show again"});function createCookie(cookieName,cookieValue){var value=document.getElementById('scheck1').checked;var expire;if(value==true){var today=new Date();expire=new Date();expire.setTime(today.getTime()+3600000*24*30);document.cookie=cookieName+"="+escape(cookieValue)+";expires="+expire.toGMTString()+";domain=.me.com;path=/;";} else{expire="";document.cookie=cookieName+"="+escape(cookieValue)+";domain=.me.com;path=/;";} location.href=document.referrer;} function getchecked() {var value=document.getElementById('scheck1').checked;if(value==true){$('scheck1').checked=false;}else{$('scheck1').checked=true;}} function setContinueVisibility(){if(!isUpgradeRecommended()){$('continueOption').style.visibility='visible';}} function isUpgradeRecommended(){var upgradeRecommended=false;var clientPlatform=SC.Platform;var ua=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();var isVista=false;var isWinXP=false;if(SC.Platform.isWindows){isVista=(ua.indexOf('nt 6')!=-1);isWinXP=(ua.indexOf('nt 5')!=-1);} if(clientPlatform.Firefox&&clientPlatform.Firefox<2&&(clientPlatform.isMac||isWinXP||isVista)) upgradeRecommended=true;if(clientPlatform.Safari&&clientPlatform.Safari<2) upgradeRecommended=true;if(clientPlatform.IE&&clientPlatform.IE==6&&isWinXP) upgradeRecommended=true;return upgradeRecommended;} setContinueVisibility();
, 14:32
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, 14:34
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@ Bulgaria
, 14:38
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Change UA string to firefox 3 (annoying)
Run Firefox 3, iceweasel, fennec on the tablet.