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I would call those "bait-and-switch-scam-mortgages". Those were the classic sub-prime mortgages that brought the whole house of cards down. I don't think they're even allowed to sell those up here in Canada. That was a uniquely American form of self-destruction. "Don't worry, you'll sell the house for a 10% profit long before you have to pay that high rate of interest..."

The All-American make-money-now-and-screw-the-future attitude has made even healthy economies like the one up here sag and buckle under the weight of American foolishness. America is like that guy that quietly gambles and drinks all his money away, then, before anyone realizes he's broke, starts borrowing heavily from all of his friends, feeding them stories to keep the cash coming. The stories are so believable that his friends borrow money from their friends, so they can give him more money. Then one day, someone catches him at the roulette table with the money they just lent him, and word gets around... all of his friends start demanding their money back, and when he can't pay, everyone suffers.

Another interesting analogy is the the one Cringley uses about forest fires. Bubble after bubble has made the US economy dangerously ready for a giant conflagration.

Since I mentioned Cringely, he actually has something to say about the original topic of this thread, too.

As I have written before, one of the great problems in IT management is that the big bosses typically haven’t a clue what is happening, what is needed to happen, and what it all should cost. There is a role for trust here, but if the Big Guy is signing off on a budget he can’t even read, much less understand, well something is wrong. Some IT departments like this, of course, just like my students liked it when class had to be cancelled (they liked getting LESS for their money), but in tough times, facing reality and speaking the truth is usually the best course.

...when jobs have to be eliminated, they tend to come off the bottom of the organization when they should more logically come off the top — or at least from near the top. A tech who directly helps users is more important than a manager who can’t manage. This is especially true if that manager is making 2-3 times as much as the tech...
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Last edited by qole; 2008-11-07 at 06:56.

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The center cannot hold.

Take a corporate policy that costs $X million, but without which the company would go bankrupt in 5 years. Sooner or later, someone will realize they can 'save the company money' by eliminating that policy and obfuscating or rationalizing the long-term risk. By the time the company goes under, that person is two higher-paying jobs away.

In other words, capitalism has no mechanism to deal with long-term strategy. Once a market matures, to keep a profit, companies have to either: use governmental pressure or market dominance to maintain a monopoly or oligopoly ('anti-net neutrality'), expand iinto other markets, or start cutting. The first ends the free market; the second rarely works and only prolongs the problem; the third results in rewarding short-term expedients at high long-term costs.

Meanwhile, the whole world economic system is built on similar principles, so we're at the mercy of speculation on stock prices. And Greenspan should know we've had boom-bust cycles for centuries. You don't need a Nobel to figure this out.

And Bush is still president.

Sorry about your Job, Tex. I hope it works out for you.

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Originally Posted by DingerX View Post
Meanwhile, the whole world economic system is built on similar principles...
Yeah, even Canada's "healthy" economy was based on a full-tilt strip-mining of our natural resources. If the American crash didn't get us, the pine beetles, global warming, and exhaustion of our mines would have anyway....
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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
What's to say you're not BOTH right? People being deprived of an opportunity to own a home were forcing bankers politically to be more open to giving loans.. and then there's the overly greedy bankers who decided to use this as a great opportunity to do some creative vulture lending practices and screw a little of everyone in every type of way. It's not like all the banks did this.. but a lot of the most greediest certainly appeared quite happy to get involved in the practice of predatory lending and then turned around to blame the people they lended to, whether they were guilty of being irresponsible or not.

The short of it, as I see it: a lot of bankers and investors were greedy and a lot of lenders and borrowers were irresponsible.
I must have missed the announcement that owning a home has been declared a Universal Human Right. Or even that people are being deprived of it. Nice spin, though...
Watch out Nokia, Pandora's box has opened (sorta)...
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Did you miss Bush's talking about the Ownership Society?
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Originally Posted by qole View Post
I would call those "bait-and-switch-scam-mortgages". Those were the classic sub-prime mortgages that brought the whole house of cards down. I don't think they're even allowed to sell those up here in Canada. That was a uniquely American form of self-destruction. "Don't worry, you'll sell the house for a 10% profit long before you have to pay that high rate of interest..."

Good points, but how does this take into account that banks all over the world are allowed to create money out of nothing only having to back up 8% of all the money they have written out on bank accounts? And that we, the people, have to pay for this indirectly (inflation) or directly (government debt)?
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Originally Posted by allnameswereout View Post
Good points, but how does this take into account that banks all over the world are allowed to create money out of nothing only having to back up 8% of all the money they have written out on bank accounts? And that we, the people, have to pay for this indirectly (inflation) or directly (government debt)?
Yes, we get it, it's a grand pyramid scheme. You can try beating it by sending your debt to zero and acting locally. Or you can join it by leveraging yourself beyond the hilt. Everything else is a rat race. But there is no doubt that all forces (time, biology and the haves) are trying to blead you dry 24/7. Who's working for you 24/7? Nobody. Then you die.

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It's like a Un1b0mb3r m@n1f3st0 in the making.
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i give the itt server 24 hours until it gets raided by FBI or equivalent.
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{ Ya think I should warn the neighbor that I'm stealing wifi from? Maybe not, he's probably guilty of something.

[bang, bang, bang, bang]

Who could that be at this hour?

} ELSE {

I should be safe for now; my last name's Tuttle.


Last edited by daperl; 2008-11-07 at 20:57.

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