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Originally Posted by splandorf View Post
I'm at 36 hours with 25 percent battery left. frequent texting, phone calls, and internet usage. no email synching and just the weather widget with 4 hour sync intervals. Only 2.5g at my house these past 2 days. fwiw.
Wow I couldn't even get close to that. so I assume no wifi browsing whatsoever?
do you put it in offline mode when you go to bed?

I wonder what my issue is.
How much can an old sim affect the battery life?
Posts: 51 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Seattle
my battery life significantly improved the last couple days
Posts: 2 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Nov 2009
So right now i'm a little bit impressed of mine.
Charged it till 0800am yesterday;
Only use 2g; connection: Allways ask; no use of wifi; no vibration by touching the screen;
brigthness: first 2 bars;
did some websurfing ~ 1h; some calls ~1h; and some shortmessages;
no email sync (exchange 2003 ); no active widgets;
And the usuall demonstrating of bounce to friends

so after 30hours i have 47% left.
Posts: 48 | Thanked: 19 times | Joined on Sep 2009
I turned my Im status to offline. This increased my battery life dramatically.

It seems that anything that uses even a little bit of 3g kills the battery.
Posts: 37 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ South-West UK
I've had my phone 5 days and I can take it off charge first thing in the morning and go until bedtime the following day. Usage = constant 3g (not internet connected), a tiny bit of Wifi (set to always ask) no widgets other than OMWeather, probably an hours worth of browsing with prompted 3G connection, a good batch of SMS and a few calls etc.
I've just turned off touch vibrate but don't expect it to make that much difference, and I have screen on 4/5 bars because, well, screw having to get the phone right under my nose every time I check it just to save a little bit of battery
I'd really like to squeeze more life out of it though if possible.

I hear this wifi bug can be a killer and although I don't seem to have it, I'm concerned that when I hit the Web app for a quick email update or facebook check, it always searches wifi networks- does this mean it is constantly aware on wireless? Surely that's a big drain; is there some way to turn this FULLY off until I decide to manually connect when I really need decent data rates?

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