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Originally Posted by aflegg View Post
Similarly something clever with downloading of maps when there's no network connection.
Do you mean that, if Auto-Download is on, and if it fails to download a particular map, then it should automatically disable Auto-Download?
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Originally Posted by jcostantino View Post
I would like to see a pixel-doubled version of the maximum zoom (maybe a menu choice for "Zoom 0.5") since the resolution of the screen is so high that I almost have to squint at it even on the closest zoom level.
You can choose not to download the lowest level (0), at which point it will pixel-double the Zoom-level-1 maps when you want to view Zoom-level-0. That should hold you over until a better solution is implemented.
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Originally Posted by revwillie View Post
I cannot get 1.4 to install. The sqlite from scirocco wouldn't install either.
770 or N800? If the former, are you using the most recent firmware for the 770?

Originally Posted by revwillie View Post
Also, is there a way to paste coordinates into mapper to plot a POI? If I download a route with the coordinates as start and finish I get a nice dot but only on a road. I want to see the real location like in a park or field.
I'm a little unclear on your intentions, but unfortunately, the directions are street-centric - you can only get directions that utilize roads. You can use arbitrary coordinates for POIs (just tap and hold any point on the map), but directions between POIs are limited to the use of roads.

So, although you can create a POI in the middle of a field, you can't actually get directions to that exact point in the field, just to the nearest road.
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Originally Posted by gnuite View Post
Do you mean that, if Auto-Download is on, and if it fails to download a particular map, then it should automatically disable Auto-Download?
Well, it shouldn't be disabled, just not tried again for the lifetime of the current application - or until the "network established" DBUS message is received.

Similarly, for the GPS-finding, if a GPS can't be found, stop looking until the user restarts the app or takes some action to force it to be relooked for.
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Originally Posted by gnuite View Post
Do you mean that, if Enable GPS is on, then you want it to try to connect to the GPS once, and if that fails, it should automatically disable GPS?
If Enable GPS is on (or set to "on" from "off") it could search, and if it fails, ask e.g. "continue search or quit?" and if the latter it wouldn't search anymore. Enable GPS would still be in its "on" setting so that whenever maemo mapper is started with the GPS at hand it will use it - otherwise not (without having to use the menues).
Not a matter of life or death, obviously, but it would be convenient.
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For both GPS and Auto-Download: timeouts. After a certain amount of time searching for a GPS unit and not finding one (2 minutes?) it should simply stop searching until the user re-initiates the search. For auto-download if the user is prompted for a connection and clicks cancel either it should stop attempting to download immediately or timeout after a certain time and reinitiate either when the user connects to a network or if the initiate another download attempt.

Another idea that came to mind for easier access to some of the menu options (primarily auto-download and GPS, which the timeout function would solve anyway) is to have the bottom 20-pixels-ish of the screen have 5 or 6 buttons. Small, white, semitransparent icons with vertical white dividers and no background. Clickable over their entire height and width. Keeps as much of the map visible as possible, while providing fast access to some of the buried menu functions. Maybe even a drop-down (or up, in this case) menu to select repositories. I was planning on putting together a mock-up, but hopefully my description will suffice.
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Originally Posted by gnuite View Post
770 or N800? If the former, are you using the most recent firmware for the 770?
770 with gregale (49-2)
So, although you can create a POI in the middle of a field, you can't actually get directions to that exact point in the field, just to the nearest road.
Yes, I was wondering if you can generate a POI by entering (copy paste) the real coordinates. If that is not a current function, I don't want to sidetrack the Mapper development cycle for non-driving purposes. The real intention? Geocaching. I'd like to download a route to drive up to the field and a POI dot in the middle of the field would tell me where to walk after I get out of the car.

Mapper works great for it's intended purpose and I'd hate to see it run slower due to unecessary overhead. I'm still learning how POI's work, so I'm trying to figure out if Mapper already can do it. Is there a way to make my own POI database with known coordinates from other sources?
Posts: 116 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Jun 2006 @ Warsaw, Poland
Originally Posted by revwillie View Post
Is there a way to make my own POI database with known coordinates from other sources?
Yes, it's very simple. Install sqlite3, and:
- create new database:

sqlite3 new_poi.db

- create new category:

sqlite> insert into category (label, desc, enabled) values ('Geocaching', 'Geocaching category', 1);

- new poi:

insert into poi (lat, lon, label, desc, cat_id) vales (52.000, 21.000, 'Box', 'black box', 1);

(where 1 is category ID), add more poi...

- close database - type .q (dot q)
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First thing I did I pulled it out of the box and flashed it to:
Internet Tablet OS 2006 edition
Vesion: 3.2006.49-2

So Im trying not to bother people and doing my own research but now Im trying to isntall the sqlite3 and I get the follwing error now:

Unable to Install.
Incompatible Package

What is this program manager that I heard somebody mention earlier? is that the Application manager? and if so how do I get the sqlite3 to show up there, does it have to be in a certain directory? because when I double click the sqlite3 I just keep getting the following error:

Unable to Install.
Incompatible Package

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Originally Posted by cjackiewicz View Post
Yes, it's very simple. Install sqlite3, and:
thanks for the insight. As soon as I can get squlite30 installed, I'll try. Unfortunately I'm having the same problem as JimmyK.

BTW, are you just issuing commands in a term window? I still haven't installed or discovered a term app.

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