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Poll: Would you pay $1 for a maemo theme?
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Would you pay $1 for a maemo theme?

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Posts: 214 | Thanked: 256 times | Joined on May 2010
I live in Venezuela and 1$ is A LOT in here. Maybe 3 themes for 1$ better. If I lived in USA, I thinks that I would pay 1$ without problems

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Maybe.. if it was something extraordinary. But that kind of work i have not seen anyone done yet. That would include a own made icon theme and background.. cause that is what really makes the look. If you take someone elses work and charge for it. I would be against it.
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Inspired by this discussion, I created a PayPal account and added a donation button on my blog. This way people can appreciate my work for free and can support me if they feel so. I'd rather not "force" people into paying since I do this just for fun.

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Originally Posted by joppu View Post
Inspired by this discussion, I created a PayPal account and added a donation button on my blog. This way people can appreciate my work for free and can support me if they feel so. I'd rather not "force" people into paying since I do this just for fun.
How do I find your blog? :P
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Posts: 780 | Thanked: 855 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Helsinki, Finland
Originally Posted by Wichall View Post
How do I find your blog? :P
Heh, if you are so inclined, I added it to my signature.
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Originally Posted by garyc2010 View Post
$5 for a theme, are you insane ???

If we are going to go down the road of paying for apps and themes why don't we just buy an iPhone, at least the apps would be of a decent quality.

Surely paying for software/themes goes against all the n900 stands for ??

doesn't it ?
That is completely ridiculous. You'll complain about the availability of software et.c. for the handset yet you won't support developers and other creative people that spend their personal time creating such things? How about YOU develop something of "decent quality" like on the iPhone (the hilarity of that statement is something I cannot pass up).
It only goes against it if you think the N900 is about piracy and free software as opposed to both free (as in beer) and paid software.

I will pay more than $1 for a theme, and I have in the past for my S60 handsets.
Posts: 1,729 | Thanked: 388 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Canada
a dollar for a maemo theme? why not?
if i did help you, just click "Thanks" on the lower right of my post. thanks!

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Paying for a good theme, maybe,
Helping you in technical matters to develop the theme, yes.
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Hell yes. I mainly say it like that because i like how the home screen woks with widgets and how the colors can be changed to look really cool including batteries and icons. Very sweet and it reminds me of the N95 8GB i gave to my sister. So yes i would pay 1$ easy as long as they are AT LEAST up to par with the current ones that are available for free but a little more detailed i guess! ^_^

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I've seen several people saying that it would have to be quality. The quality would be better then my maemo-org theme that has been downloaded almost 78k times. So that is the quality of the theme I'm talking about.
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