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Originally Posted by MaDless View Post is there a way how to make power kernel 46 work again from multiboot menu?
If you just followed my tutorial, you would have the default power46 too

What exactly do you mean by guru meditation error?
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well, in multiboot I have now 4 options:
1: stock kernel
2: power kernel
3: power kernel with bleeding-edge driver
4: nitdroid

if I want load option 2 power kernel I have guru mediation error (boot or install files missing..don't remember exactly)
however I didn't try option 1 or 4 yet.
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My camera stoped working after installing the osso-wlan included in the bleeding edge package! Every time I open my lens cover the camera app fails to start. I had to reinstall the original osso-wlan package to fix this issue.

Did anyone had any issues while installing osso-wlan that was included in the bleeding edge driver?

The Following User Says Thank You to amok For This Useful Post:
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Ok, I`ve probably found a solution in another thread postet by porselinaheart, will try it later
1) First of all, please backup/copy the folder below to somewhere safe:

2) After you are done, FROM THE PC, extract the "zImage-2.6.28-maemo46-wl1" file from "wl1251-maemo\binary\kernel-power\kernel-power-bootimg_2.6.28-maemo46-wl1_armel\boot.."
(dpkg the bootimg .deb might work just as well to put the kernel into /boot, but i didn't try it out as it might overwrite your original power46 kernel)

3) Copy the file to /boot ON THE PHONE

4) Copy again into /boot/multiboot, and then rename the file to "vmlinuz-" without the quotes

5) Now, go to /etc/multiboot.d and create a new .item entry called "02-Maemo-"

edit the file as follows :



6) Next, from xterm, run these commands:


sudo gainroot
cd wl1251-maemo/binary/kernel-power
dpkg -i kernel-power-modules_2.6.28-maemo46-wl1_armel.deb

7) Now remember the /lib/modules/ folder that u backed up just now?copy the folder back into /lib/modules

8) Reboot and select the new kernel from multiboot. Your original power46 kernel should load as well.
edit:// 2amok
my camera is working fine with `osso`

Last edited by MaDless; 2011-01-10 at 14:12.

The Following User Says Thank You to MaDless For This Useful Post:
Posts: 10 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Thanks MaDless. I will try to reinstall and see what happens.
Posts: 435 | Thanked: 197 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Great tutorial, but I have 3 questions...
1) My camera isn't working neither, and i never installed "osso", what to do?
2) Everything I find a key, it shows it to me as some kind of mac address format, you know like xx:xx:xx:xx:xx Why is that? is that trully the wep key, I was able to crack three networks and it always shows me that, is it really because people choose random letters/numbers as keys? until now i haven't found a proper word or sentence or passphrase...
3) How is it, that with all three networks I cracked, I always end up using the same IP address? just the 4th packet changes. And my 3 networks are in 3 different locations... at first i was thinking i was failing and connecting to my own wifi, but i can't be connected this far out...
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Do you really need to have Power Kernel just to use this bleeding edge driver?
Posts: 199 | Thanked: 22 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Philippines
Originally Posted by maxximuscool View Post
Do you really need to have Power Kernel just to use this bleeding edge driver?
yes it is a requirement.. see post #42 below:
proud to be PINOY!
Posts: 199 | Thanked: 22 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Philippines
Can anyone help me on the step by step command that I will use to crack wpa/wep? Many thanks for those who will help.. Sorry I cannot understand that much on whats on the youtube..
proud to be PINOY!
Posts: 131 | Thanked: 104 times | Joined on Dec 2010
Is this file really 141 mb or am i downloading a wrong file?

aircrack, aircrack-ng, tutorial

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