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just wondering. you've been saying bada is cooler than android, how is that? apps? multitasking?
many wave owners in a local forum are already giving up on samsung due to memory problems, is that memory mismanagement (OS fault) or hardware problem? plus i haven't seen a promise of bigger RAM on the waveIII...
the screen and the build quality are good but for those who love to tinker, they quickly run out of things to do.
Note: your username and avatar really gets my attention. i was an SE guy who was interested in the Waves but after having the N900, i haven't been looking at other phones. can this be love??? though i'm still eyeing an ericsson dumbphone when my other phone retires.
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Originally Posted by ericsson View Post
LOL If you by "most people" mean the geeky side of geek then yes. But I assure you that is a very far stretch to even reach 1% of "people".

Hell, only a handful on this board have the slightest idea what Bada really is and the specs of the Wave III, and this board is far out on the extreme geek on the geekometer.
I was talking about the N9, not Bada. Bada actually has a far better chance of doing better what with its genuine new OS smell and the far bigger backer in Samsung. Although, I strongly suspect Samsung is going to continue to back Android far more, since the trends seems to indicate that it's a winning strategy so far.
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR

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The number of constructive threads & useful new topics has greatly diminished.

I don't think most of it's attributable to any obsolescence or reduced Nokia support. Many non-current items from OS's to automobiles have very active forums fostering active development, use, & culture around them. The fact is the forum is a social construction, & the persistent, dispersed, low-level trolling & social hostility from a few posters on has made the forum unpleasant to read & visit on a spectrum from drudgery to aggravation.

The success of the trolls in destruction can be attributed to nothing else but a failure of moderation. I can appreciate how difficult it can be to deal with low-level trolling & social hostility, but generally at some point moderators put a stop to it expressly to head off destruction of the social group. The only place where it persists is in cultures where social hostility is actually held up as a cultural prize, and those places are pretty much viewed from outside as unproductive, unattractive, undesirable, and unwanted.

If the moderators can't figure out the grounds for which trolls are bounced from TMO, I'd suggest they define trolling in terms of the effects on the community, not on specific language from the trolls, which the trolls by definition will dynamically tweak to exploit linguistic loopholes in the rules.
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It'll die when there'll be only one Maemo-user.
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Posts: 4,672 | Thanked: 5,455 times | Joined on Jul 2008 @ Springfield, MA, USA
Originally Posted by rotoflex View Post
The number of constructive threads & useful new topics has greatly diminished.

I don't think most of it's attributable to any obsolescence or reduced Nokia support. Many non-current items from OS's to automobiles have very active forums fostering active development, use, & culture around them. The fact is the forum is a social construction, & the persistent, dispersed, low-level trolling & social hostility from a few posters on has made the forum unpleasant to read & visit on a spectrum from drudgery to aggravation.

The success of the trolls in destruction can be attributed to nothing else but a failure of moderation. I can appreciate how difficult it can be to deal with low-level trolling & social hostility, but generally at some point moderators put a stop to it expressly to head off destruction of the social group. The only place where it persists is in cultures where social hostility is actually held up as a cultural prize, and those places are pretty much viewed from outside as unproductive, unattractive, undesirable, and unwanted.

If the moderators can't figure out the grounds for which trolls are bounced from TMO, I'd suggest they define trolling in terms of the effects on the community, not on specific language from the trolls, which the trolls by definition will dynamically tweak to exploit linguistic loopholes in the rules.
I believe the irony of your own statements are so overwhelmingly profound that you failed to realize that you neglected to post a single constructive point of the thread's debate or topic. It is a good attempt to dismiss the arguments and opinions so far, however. You deserve at least a B+ for effort. Good show. Now run along and find a thread you can participate in. That's a good lad.

Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR

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Banned | Posts: 974 | Thanked: 622 times | Joined on Oct 2010
Originally Posted by vetsin View Post
just wondering. you've been saying bada is cooler than android, how is that? apps? multitasking?
many wave owners in a local forum are already giving up on samsung due to memory problems, is that memory mismanagement (OS fault) or hardware problem? plus i haven't seen a promise of bigger RAM on the waveIII...
the screen and the build quality are good but for those who love to tinker, they quickly run out of things to do.
Note: your username and avatar really gets my attention. i was an SE guy who was interested in the Waves but after having the N900, i haven't been looking at other phones. can this be love??? though i'm still eyeing an ericsson dumbphone when my other phone retires.
Well, if someone wanted an N900 and came to this place, he certainly would think more than twice about getting one. Or you can go to any SGS2 thread and look at all the whining.

Bada is cooler period. Bada 1.X has some problems because it doesn't have real multitasking, but this is gone on 2.0 where multitasking is implemented. It is faster, smoother, better, easier to work with, more intuitive than Android. 3-4 times longer battery life, etc etc. Anyone saying they like Android over Bada has never tried Bada 2.0. It will be like saying you like Win95 over Win7. The tinker factor could be higher on Bada, at least easier accessible, but with all the betas and stuff floating around, there is more than enough tinkering to do.
afaq's Avatar
Posts: 1,038 | Thanked: 1,408 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ London
This is so miserable - all is doomed, updates are no more, N900's are spontaneously combusting, TMO dying AND the N9 will never come - what will WE do?

I suggest those who no longer see meaning in life discuss a group suicide pact.

For the rest of us, carry on.
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Last edited by afaq; 2011-09-05 at 12:46.

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christexaport's Avatar
Posts: 1,589 | Thanked: 720 times | Joined on Aug 2009 @ Arlington (DFW), Texas
I'm begging for NITDroid install help, but no one responds to those threads. Well, except newbs. I can't get the archive to extract. Where can I find help??
"...and the Freaks shall inherit the Earth."
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Posts: 1,589 | Thanked: 720 times | Joined on Aug 2009 @ Arlington (DFW), Texas
Its not very helpful... I still cant find nitdroid help...
"...and the Freaks shall inherit the Earth."
Banned | Posts: 974 | Thanked: 622 times | Joined on Oct 2010
Originally Posted by christexaport View Post
Its not very helpful... I still cant find nitdroid help...
So you basically come to a maemo board looking for help on Android and whine about the lack of it in an arbitrary nonsense thread ?

bada rox, buysomethinelse, doomsday, merge, op braindead?, pls delete, winding down

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