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Originally Posted by Tragos View Post
Thanks Konttori,

UKMP 1.5 doesn't stop playing after each song, like 1.4 beta 3 did on my 770.

...snip ...

I believe oggdemux for GStreamer is provided for n800 by "ogg-support", but this can't be installed on 770. I have installed mogg, but it only adds OGG support for the default audio player
If you can conjure an gst call that works on 770, I will be more than glad to replace the existing call with that one. Do you think you could do that? Just a command line gst call will be enough for me.
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Originally Posted by konttori View Post
I read your post, just forgot to answer. OGG support is crippled in the way that it does not load ogg tags yet. You will need to put your ogg files in folders with the album name as the folder name. That way, ukmp will try to get the cover based on the album name. I will look into getting ogg/wma/aac tag support as well as wma tag support in the future. I am just focusing on mp3 support as most of the music these days is in mp3 format.
OKay, thanks for your response. Ah, I thought it might be something like that. I'll try to work around it for now then. Is there a way I could disable the album sorting for MP3s so that they all just show up in the same list as the oggs?
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I think I know why ukmp keeps crashing on some videos. Its the ones that if you were on youtube in a traditional browser would require you to log in to verify you age. Is this ever going to be fixable? Don't no why but most ones I look at require the age verification thing.
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Originally Posted by konttori View Post
If you can conjure an gst call that works on 770, I will be more than glad to replace the existing call with that one. Do you think you could do that? Just a command line gst call will be enough for me.
I noticed that there was an alternative call using tremor commented out in /usr/bin/MediaCenter, line 281. I enabled this line and disabled the next one (with oggdemux). Now the oggs are playing, although playing them uses all the CPU resources. But I find a bit choppy playback more tolerable than the player crashing whenever the random play chooses an ogg file

EDIT: I noticed this morning that when using tremor to play oggs, the player doesn't recognise when the song ends. This means that it doesn't automatically change to next song and the Play/Pause icon shows as pause. As this happens only with oggs, I can live with this. Maybe I should start learning python and how gst works, in order to find a better solution for 770.

Last edited by Tragos; 2007-07-26 at 08:06.
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konttori , any ideas why when i install ukmp and click on it to open it , nothing happens? uk tube seems to work fine but nothing out of ukmp?
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Please add in the next version a loop option on the shuffle button.

EDIT: actually not needed. The queue function does the same.

Last edited by ColdFusion; 2007-07-25 at 23:20.
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Originally Posted by munky261 View Post
konttori , any ideas why when i install ukmp and click on it to open it , nothing happens? uk tube seems to work fine but nothing out of ukmp?
I would guess that you are missing pygame. Anyway, the best way to be sure is to open xterm and open command MediaCenter.
(Notice capitals)
You should be able to see then what is crashing ukmp.
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Originally Posted by konttori View Post
Anyway, the best way to be sure is to open xterm and open command MediaCenter.
(Notice capitals)
OUCH! Same happens to me but I couldn't figure out why I couldn't run anything starting with "media"... and I'm not a Linux newbie, or, at least, I know very well how it manages capitals and not...
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Posts: 701 | Thanked: 21 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Italy
Originally Posted by maxilogan View Post
OUCH! Same happens to me but I couldn't figure out why I couldn't run anything starting with "media"... and I'm not a Linux newbie, or, at least, I know very well how it manages capitals and not...
Mine stops when saying RuntimeWarning: import joystick: No module named joystick

Then it never returns to prompt, even tough the CPU occupation returns to mostly zero level.
Does life seem worthwhile to you?
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These two things are currently in my wishlist for UKMP future releases:
  1. External config file

    There could be a config file, in which the settings are stored. Preferably the default file would be stored in /etc. If the user would like to change some settings, this file could be copied in /home/user and edited according the user's preferences. At startup UKMP would check if there is a config file in user's home directory and if not, use the default file in /etc instead.

    Configurable settings could be: disabling some audio format from search or output (referring to the problem with oggs in 770), changing settings for gst calls, disabling kinetic scrolling (as zerojay wished), setting default volume at startup, changing UI colors, defining directories for music searching and saving album covers, etc.

  2. Support for sending information of played songs to (Audioscrobbler)

    I believe the easiest solution for this is to use a program called Maemoscrobbler, which takes care of storing user credentials as well as caching and sending song names to service.

    To make a music player work with Maemoscrobbler there should be two dbus calls sent. First one with song details (name, artist, album, length, position in track) when a song has been playing for a few seconds. The second one is sent if the player is stopped, the user seeks within the track or the track is changed. The functionality is better described in Maemoscrobbler's API page.

    As is used only by some UKMP users, this should be disabled by default and Maemoscrobbler package shouldn't be a dependency for UKMP. There could be some kind of a check at startup to see if Maemoscrobbler is installed or a setting which turns on this support (for example a variable in the config file, see #1).

Last edited by Tragos; 2007-07-26 at 12:12.

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