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It didn't work with mplayer.
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Originally Posted by dchen View Post
vengine[2029]: GLIB MESSAGE farsight - Unloading plugin skype-transmitter

Binary corrupted (o)
...interesting. I have the same problem. It would be nice to know what it is trying to do there. If it is possible to go around it or if it really needs N800. Tried with strace?

Will give it another try next week...
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Originally Posted by iball View Post
While the loss of the new Flash browser plugin is regrettable, the loss of Skype isn't as much since there IS a new beta of SIP/VoIP integration available.
That is, if it's compatible with this new HE version.

I've tryed to install Rtcomm on my nokia 770, with os2007HE 4.2007.36, but Rtcomm still don't working-....

anybody knows how to ?
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Few of things I've noted since upgrading:

1. WiFi connect happens immediately upon bootup - is this the behavior of the N800?

2. Bluetooth keyboard connects, but never auto-connects. Always have to go through Control Panel/Bluetooth/Devices/Connect, etc. - anyway to get it to auto-connect like bt-plugin on N770?

3. Seems to constantly charge if booted (or indicate charging, even if disconnect from WiFi). If off, it will complete charging, and indicate same.

4. Application Manager seems to be AWFULLY slow, much slower than N770 Application Manager.

5. What I've done so far with Opera - it's much faster.
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Originally Posted by tundrwd View Post
Few of things I've noted since upgrading:

1. WiFi connect happens immediately upon bootup - is this the behavior of the N800?

2. Bluetooth keyboard connects, but never auto-connects. Always have to go through Control Panel/Bluetooth/Devices/Connect, etc. - anyway to get it to auto-connect like bt-plugin on N770?

3. Seems to constantly charge if booted (or indicate charging, even if disconnect from WiFi). If off, it will complete charging, and indicate same.

4. Application Manager seems to be AWFULLY slow, much slower than N770 Application Manager.

5. What I've done so far with Opera - it's much faster.
Well, I've gone back to OS2006. The longer 2007HE ran, the slower everything got. It would take minutes to start/stop apps.
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2007He2007.36-2 MMC 2006OS Flash/MMC 2G

Second Look

2007He2007.36-2 flash 2006OS MMC 1G

First impression (9/8/07)
Extremely impressed with this recently released 2007He2007.36-2 version for the 770. The file manager is completely compatible with 2006OS. The prev 2007He (2006.47) version file manager can only read the name of the file, but not execute the file, e.g. you cant even delete the file if file was created under 2006OS and browse under 2007He (3rd party SW is case by case, spreadsheet yes to read but not ren or del, MM route/track cant even read. maps are the same though). For people that flip back and forth with 2007He2006.47 (old one), and 2006OS, like myself (I use 2006OS ONLY for video media, I use 2007He for everything else), I have to keep a copy for each OS, it is headache on management and it wasted tons of space. Now it is over, the new 2007He2007.36-2 does not have this problem. I immediately del dup copies and reclaim space. Space is v precious for a 1G MMC. And yes, 2006OS is able to execute/ren/del files created under 2007He2007
__________________________________________________ _______QUOTE]

It has been exactly one week since the above 1st impression and there has since been more than 50+ posts about the newly released 2007He2007.36-2, it is time to clear some myth and answer the question the second time, "if she is your mother (ok ok, your father), would you recommend her/him to upgrade to 2007He?"

Does it run FASTER?

2007He flash, 2007He MMC, 2006OS Flash, 2006OS MMC

Boot, 54, 50, 38, 36
Inet 1st load, 44, 44, 45, 44
2nd load , 8, 9, 7, 8,
Gnumeric load, 13, 11, 16, 15
recalc, 8, 8, 7, 7,
switch off, 8, 10, 10, 9
loading 500songs,
TVersity/inet, 8, 7, 7,
TVersity/mediastr 9, 8, 8,
Mplayer, 65, 67, Not available
DSLreports, 520, 500, Not available
1stloading, 11, 11, 10
2ndloading, 12, 10, 11

The number shown are in seconds, the smaller the number, the faster it runs.
How the test was done: Boot, after the menu shown till all dust settle; loading 500 songs for media streaming, using TVersity coupled with inet, mediastreamer, vs Mplayer, and Mplayer is 9X slower in loading, interesting.
Dslreports shown is 1000 - kb/s, the larger the number shown, the slower the r/w.

comparison between MMC and flash obviously depends on available internal memory. comparison between 2007He and 2006OS upon initial loading takes into the account, that the WIFI loading is included in 2007He but not in 2006OS.

All runs are ave of triplicate running.

There is NO significant speed difference between tested OS, which are 2007He on flash, 2007He on MMC, 2006OS on flash, and 2006 on MMC.

Does it run MORE apps?

Here is the answer,

2007He2007.36-2 flash, 2006Os MMC on 1G

2007He2006.47 (old 2007He)_____2007He2007.36-2 (new 2007He)
__________________________________________________ _____
AisleRiot solitaire ___?
Becomeroot _______.1-2 ____________same
canoe ____________0.2.0-1
flite ______________1.3______________same
geoclue-status _____.2.2-1
gnumeric __________1.7.0-lindt3_______same
gpe-calendar ______2.8+maemo-1______same
gpe-filemanager ____2.8+maemo-1______same
idea ______________1.0-n800 _________same
libsqlite0 __________2.8.17-2 __________same
libsqlite3-0 ________3.3.8-1 ___________same
maemo-mapper ____1.4.7-2 ____________same
mediacenter _______1.61_______________same
mediastreamer _____1.2-14_____________same
minimo ____________0.20.1_____________0.20.2
mplayer ___________1.0rc1-maemo.18.n770_same
openssh-server _____1.43p2-9.maemo3
osso-xterm ________0.13mh24bora1______same
proj ______________4.4.9-3 ____________same
python2.5-runtime __.4-12______________same
sqlite3 ____________3.3.8-1____________same
Vncviewer _________0.6 _______________same

Above all tested and worked.QUOTE],

With a few exceptions, I have tested all under 2006OS, they ALL run.
I have yet to find one apps that ONLY runs on 2007He but not on 2006OS (I am sure there maybe some if one looks really really hard). 2007He does not open the 770 to more apps.

Major difference that I noticeD:

a) opera is more smoother, it occasional hangs but always recover under 2007He, while 2006OS will need A reboot; flash 9 driving a pig up to the tree, its difficult, and one day is better the other, sometimes worked under 2007He. 2006OS is unavailable. Google maps totally working under 2007He.

b) BT is well behaving under 2007He. I have yet to re-pair BT even once under 2007He. It is always able to wake up a BT device. and BT app is ONLY available under 2007He, not 2006OS, for example, file transfer.

3) apps involving video: forget it. it behaved haphazardly under 2007He and behave beautifully under 2006OS. For example, with a lot of tweaking, mediastreamer, video and audio, is somewhat working under 2007He, but have no control on the program. Say, secretly watching a porno movie or reading a secret FBI report, suddenly somebody show up and you want to turn it off, nay, you cant. With luck, you may be able to switch to different apps, but the audio continue running in the background and there is noway you can turn it has to wait for it to boot down.


2007He runs smoother on opera, give a working BT connection but no video apps. To answer the question, if your mother/father watch porno movie or work for the FBI or with similar usage/circumstance, the answer is NO. Otherwise, go ahead and upgrade. I stay with the 2007He because my BT usage (file transfer several times a day!) and GPS usage, outweigh video apps, and my mother/father does not watch porno nor works for the FBI

dont care?


Last edited by bunanson; 2007-09-16 at 05:34.
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The decision is much obvious, one should have both. That is what I am having. My path: new 770 from box, running 2006OS, clone to MMC (2006OS MMC), flash to 2007He2007.36-2, clone to MMC (a different MMC card, 2007He on MMC), re-flash the 770 back to 2006OS in planning.

Then I got both video and BT.

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Can someone please tell me how to get fanoush's fast MMC access kernel onto this latest HE image?

Is it possible? Thanks.
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Posts: 4,030 | Thanked: 1,633 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ nd usa
Originally Posted by idhindsight View Post
Can someone please tell me how to get fanoush's fast MMC access kernel onto this latest HE image?

Is it possible? Thanks.
Shameless copy/paste,

__________________________________________________ ____
07-06-2007, 06:34 PM
weezedog Offline
Member Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 34

Re: Successfully flashed ITOS2007HE with Fanoush's MMCPlus+Multiiblock writes


Ok here's a pretty much step by step guide of what I did. If you install unzip you could do this 100% on the nokia, but I didn't feel like installing unzip so I just used my Windows PC to unzip the Zimage and put in on the mmc card via usb.

Before doing this, make sure you have xterm and becomeroot installed. I'm pretty sure it's required to access the kernel.
This was all done while booted from the MMC, I did not boot to the internal flash.

1. On my PC,downloaded the Zimage from,
2. Unzipped the file and copied it to the mmc card via usb. The file should be called zImage-su-18-200639-2gb-mmcplus52Mhz-multiblockw
3. Once on the mmc card, I copied the zImage from the mmc card to the Documents folder, just to be on the safe side I wanted the flasher and zimage in the same place. Now with ITOS2007 this has to be done from the terminal because filemanager can't manage files on the mmc, its a bug.
I think the command I used was:
"cp /media/mmc1/zImage-su-18-200639-2gb-mmcplus52Mhz-multiblockw /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/"

4.On the 770, download the following kernel flasher file from, Save it to your documents folder.
5. Open X-term and give your self root access by typing "sudo gainroot"
6. Change directories by typing "cd /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/"
7. Uncompress it using the following command "tar zxvf kernel_flasher.tgz"
8. Change directories by typing "cd kernel_flasher"
9. Flash image by typing "./kernel_flash /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/zImage-su-18-200639-2gb-mmcplus52Mhz-multiblockw"
10. Reboot by typing "shutdown -r now"

And of course all commands are typed without quotation marks. You could also shorten the zImage file name to make it easier on yourself, but I didn't.

Last edited by weezedog : 07-06-2007 at 06:39 PM.

__________________________________________________ _________

Have not tried it yet, they are the same, I think the above is slightly in more details, though.

tell us what you found,


Last edited by bunanson; 2007-09-18 at 02:47.

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