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What test should I try to verify?

The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to mscion For This Useful Post:
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Originally Posted by Heik View Post
Since Mouhijoki my Aigo does not recognize GPS hardware. GPSInfo does not find satellites. Sailfish thinks GPS is on.

I even did factory reset and checked GPS at least in few updates and hardware did work until updated to Mouhijoki. Nurmonjoki did not fix the problem.

Anyone else with Aigo having the same problem? And with Jolla Tablet ?

I can confirm with Aigo, that with the latest SF GPS didn't work. Since, Bluetooth pairing and sound redirection did't work as well, I went back 2.0, where both GPS and Bluetooth work. And the tablet forgets the WLAN pass from time to time (2.0 - 2.2).

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Originally Posted by Heik View Post
Since Mouhijoki my Aigo does not recognize GPS hardware. And with Jolla Tablet ?
Jolla Tablet elicits the same result unfortunately.

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Originally Posted by mscion View Post
What test should I try to verify?
Just GPS hardware.

Actually tried to take screenshots while testing, but... it takes screenshots , but cannot open .png in gallery. Also cannot open in Windows at least with programs I checked.

And forgetting WLAN password is because of changing hardware address in every boot, as far as I know.

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Originally Posted by Heik View Post
Just GPS hardware.

Actually tried to take screenshots while testing, but... it takes screenshots , but cannot open .png in gallery. Also cannot open in Windows at least with programs I checked.
This is actually a bug introduced some two years ago and never fixed: all screenshots are empty. It's a Jolla Tablet (and Aigo) exclusive bug. Hurray!

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Originally Posted by Heik View Post
Just GPS hardware.

Actually tried to take screenshots while testing, but... it takes screenshots , but cannot open .png in gallery. Also cannot open in Windows at least with programs I checked.

And forgetting WLAN password is because of changing hardware address in every boot, as far as I know.

I can confirm GPS alone does not work on original Jolla tablet. Thanks for pointing it out.

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[引用 = 解释;1526718] 你好书呆子和水手!经过10个月的研究和研究,我在中国找到了一家拥有Aigo X86平板电脑的供应商。(Jolla平板电脑克隆) 有现货。谁还不知道,Aigo X86是一款ODM参考设计平板电脑。乔拉采用了这个参考设计,并对他们的Jolla平板JT-1501。Aigo x86的工作、感觉和工作与原装Jolla平板电脑相同。与原装Jolla平板电脑的不同之处:1) 16gb eMMC (内部存储) (Jolla平板电脑有32/64gb)2.) 显示器具有相同的视网膜分辨率 (1536x2048 @ 325 dpi),但有另一个内部连接 (eDP) (乔拉平板电脑 = MIPI)不幸的是,这就是为什么Aigo x86显示器不能与Jolla平板电脑互换的原因。3.) 侧面的盖子是黑色的 (Jolla平板电脑 = 白色),背面是金属饰面 (Jolla平板电脑 = 黑色)所有其他硬件规格都是一样的。价格是270欧元,包括欧盟运输。对于第一批 (5个Aigos),没有必要缴纳税款/关税,但我不能保证将来不会改变。总价格为270欧元,包括平板电脑和运费,但不包括任何税费。如果有什么 变化,我会通知每个买家。这就是为什么我从中国小批量订购Aigos的原因。运送到非欧盟国家也是可能的, 但是会稍微贵一点,而且需要更长的时间。如果你住在欧盟之外,有可能直接把Aigo从中国送到你的国家。它 会更快,但是你需要自己刷新SailfishOS而不是Android MUI。这并不困难,需要5-10李玟映 (在Linux上)。在Windows / MacOS下闪烁也是可能的,但是由于安装了DnX驱动程序,所以有点复杂。我将提供所有必要的闪烁文件。 Aigo x86平板电脑将与最新版本的SailfishOS 2。1。0。11包括外星人达尔维克。BTW。微型usb端口上的银色按钮是我的WSKEN磁性充电器适配 器,不要怀疑我认为在这种情况下,贝宝支付是最安全和最简单的支付方式。你通过贝宝支付我,我通过贝宝 支付给供应商。每笔交易的保护期限为45天。Aigo x86将在大约付款后3周。平板电脑到达德国后,我用SailfishOS重新刷洗,然后通过DHL发送给 您。跟踪-Nr。发货后将通过电子邮件提供。片剂的数量是有限的,这取决于供应商库存的片剂数量。如果您有兴趣,请直 接给我发送电子邮件至:明确说明信息。德或者通过电报联系我: @ explithttps:// 上传。tapatalk-cdn。com/2017041...152。jpghttps:// 上传。tapatalk-cdn。com/2017041...365。jpghttps:// 上传。tapatalk-cdn。com/2017041...cd2。jpghttps:// 上传。tapatalk-cdn。com/2017041...2e6。jpghttps:// 上传。tapatalk-cdn。com/2017041...24c。jpghttps:// 上传。tapatalk-cdn。com/2017041...b9d。jpg[/报价]
Sorry to disturb you. I am a jolla enthusiast and I always wanted to have a jolla tablet, but nowhere to get. I went through a lot of websites and finally found that aigo x86 could install SFOS, but, years after it was released. It is strange that aigo comes from China, but I find little information about it in China. I ended up looking for it for a long time and finally found the only remaining aigo x86. on a used trading platformBut unfortunately it carries MIUI, I don t know how to install SFOS, so I started browsing the site again. Finally found out, from your 2017 post. Can you give me some help, thank you.

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