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Does anyone remember this post?

It feels like I'm reading in here sometimes!
I like cake.
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Originally Posted by jaysire View Post
Wrong. It's a phone.
The only guy wrong here is you. Nokia clearly stated several times since the beginning it is not a phone. It is an internet tablet with the "ability" to phone. Just because some operators sell it as a phone, because they don't have other categories or are uniformed doesn't mean it is phone! Get it? I guess you really don't know the history behind the N900 and Maemo, do you?

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Technology has taken leaps so fast, that terminology just can't keep up without "It's a phone! No, it's a NIT!" type of cat fight.

Well, first of all, all cell phones have inputs (mic/keys/GSM), outputs (speaker/screen/GSM), memory and processor(s) - therefore they are computers. Well, they qualify as computers. Certainly N900 qualifies as one, too. Personal computer is a whole different concept.

To me, N900 is a phone. Why? It can "natively" (it eats a SIM card) perform calls over cellular network and send/receive text messages. (About MMS support, that's extra, and not a requirement for a device to fit in the "phone" category.) And the most important factor is that I can rely on it as a phone. It has proven to be a reliable fella that Does The Job.

N900 is, to me, also an Internet tablet. It's small, has great web browser, Flash support, email and Skype/MSN/younameit. Because it supports the things listed, I haven't needed to power up my laptop in weeks! Seriously! For "the usual surfing" I most certainly want to use my desktop computer, but when on sofa, N900 is the thing.

N900 is also able to play music and videos. It also qualifies as a portable media player. Hell, I wonder why no one has yet come here shouting It's a freaking MP3 player and I'm right! The media capabilities are extreamely nice when traveling by a bus or a train, and the ability to play Internet radio stations is a killer feat in a party!

N900 acts as a USB mass media device when plugged in a computer and the correct mode is selected. Therefore, it is also a USB key. Also, because it eats a MicroSD card, too, it is also memory card reader.

As you can see, the list could go on and on. Oh, yes, it's a camera, too...

My dear forum users. Please stop whining about the terminology. N900 is not just a phone, nor can one succesfully claim that it is not a phone. Nor it is just an Internet tablet, because it eats a sim card. It holds a Linux distribution, not Symbian. It is really more than sum of its parts. And that's why I like my N900 so much (although there are some physical design flaws I'm very irritated with, but those are not to be discussed here).

The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to mattiviljanen For This Useful Post:
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I think that most of the flamers here are actually only the ones that defend the n900.
It's an awesome device, the best, seriously, but nokia hasn't done enough research. Someone was ******ed enough to think that n900 is to cool to have more than 2 profiles, usable front video camera, ussd, mms, assigning ringtones to contacts and the rest of the basic stuff which my old S40 can do.
The sad part is that they admit some of the flows, but decide that we aren't that important to actually repair it (the one that amazes me the most is the Wlan connection), but they are many.
Hopefully they'll come around, but it might be a little to late and loose some of their fidelity.
The quality of their build is very low, I never thought this would be possible, but their QA sucks. And here I include, USB port, keyboard frame, lcds etc. This is not something people expect from a high end user.

Any marketing/reliability department knows that a happy customer tells other 4-8 people and an unhappy one tells at least 20. (and since the the flamer Ossipena might come and say "references" go and read about six sigma or SPM 112 - Handbook in design of reliable equipment ed. 1993).

On the webpage of NOKIA N900 it says IT'S A PHONE so I expect to use it as a phone.
From tomorrow I'll have two weeks to decide if I keep the device or not, and if ti satisfies my needs.

He just complained, it's his right.
I think most of you just put up front "IT'S A TABLE PC" so you could justify to yourself the missing functions.
If you keep it like this you'll end up like an Apple fanboy, buying an Iphone each year at a huge price just because it's trendy, and it has lots of apps, but ignoring the fact that you bought a device which is year behind an S60 when it comes to basic stuff.
Do most of you remember when the first iphone appeared how much fun we made of them because they didn't had the basic stuff like MMS, sending stuff via bluetooth or videocamera.
Think about it, we are almost stepping on their foot print. and by this I mean we're just accepting something which could do a lot more, and we're getting to a compromise where we loose some important things. It still is amazing, but it could be some much more if nokia would give us the basic stuff back.
Sorry for the comparison with the Iphone, it's the first thing it connected to this, it's not that good since most of us have a little Self-esteem not to give their hard earned money to Steve Jobs for an Ap, and then make him rich by watching his commercials.

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Originally Posted by geneven View Post
Your reply makes ME angry. Even if its primary function is not to be a phone, there is something on the N900 called a phone. It should act like a phone.
Yeah I came in and saw the typical fan boy responses I was expecting to see. Predicted most of them really. The dumbest of course is that it is not a phone. So because its primary function is not a phone it should be 50-50 whether I am able to receive calls on the device I paid over $600 for? It is the same ridiculous response people give when people complain about the media player. Surprising that Nokia included 32gb and micro SD card if it was not intended for media.

And someone sensibly suggested I have my phone set up to go to voicemail after 5 seconds. That is not the case. I don't even see such an option. It is either 20 seconds or nothing on mine. And that would still not explain why it goes straight to missed call without ringing everytime I am playing video and sometimes when I am not.
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Originally Posted by HtheB View Post
Sorry to be harsh:

If you hate your N900, gt*o from this forum then alright?
There are still PLENTY users that are REALLY happy with their N900.

Like me!
I love this Tablet! (Or do I have to say "Phone" for some of you guys!?)

Yeah I was looking for who to give the award of dumbest and most typical fanboy response and I am very very proud to announce that you are the winner of this award. Congratulations. I am only up to page 4 or so but I have no doubt that nothing to come is going to take the award away from you.
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Originally Posted by etuoyo View Post
Yeah I came in and saw the typical fan boy responses I was expecting to see. Predicted most of them really. The dumbest of course is that it is not a phone. So because its primary function is not a phone it should be 50-50 whether I am able to receive calls on the device I paid over $600 for? It is the same ridiculous response people give when people complain about the media player. Surprising that Nokia included 32gb and micro SD card if it was not intended for media.

And someone sensibly suggested I have my phone set up to go to voicemail after 5 seconds. That is not the case. I don't even see such an option. It is either 20 seconds or nothing on mine. And that would still not explain why it goes straight to missed call without ringing everytime I am playing video and sometimes when I am not.
Your device is faulty. Period! Reflash or get a replacement.

And about the whole "phone or tablet" thingy... N900 has embedded simple phone functionality. I knew it before I bought it... Most of N900 users knew it before they bought their devices... Why complain about something that was pretty clear since the beginning of N900's life cycle...? Nokia has NEVER made a device that could do everything in every aspect... They could embed an 8MP camera but they didn't... They could add some more phone features but they didn't... They chose so... It's not Nokia's fault that all of you whining bought a device unsuitable for your needs... Whenever I am about to spend more than 50€ I always do research... And you know what the result of my research was before I bought my n900...? That it's a mobile device with very many capabilities that can ALSO handle basic phone functions... And that's the reason I bought it... If I wanted something else (like a true phone) I would have bought n97 or I would have stayed with my beautiful n82! DEAL with it whiners...
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Moderators. Can we not just put threads like this in some hole somewhere and let people argue amongst themselves?

If you don't like the 'phone' then sell it and stop whining. Stop filling up an forum designed for technical discussions with utter fluff and flame bait. You have some valid points but these were covered in DeadMalcs response earlier. If you discover bugs, or UI design issues you feel can be improved, log them as bugs and they will be reviewed.

I won't defend the fact the N900 has some failings in the 'phone' useabilty stakes but I can live with them since I love other aspects of the 'phone'. I still have an E71 so have given up a good amount of functionality (currently) to use the N900 so don't accuse me of being a fanboy.. I bought the device since I wanted a netbook 'in effect' with phone functionality. The functions of the phone work fine for day to day use and I certainly don't experience the issues you mention...

The N900 is a hybrid device running on an early code cut which is due to change considerably over the coming months potentially, so why not come into the forum with constructive UI critique and possible design thoughts rather than this type of thread which serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever.. Your initial concerns were possibly valid and should be logged as bugs. Please ensure you are on the latest firmware and if you require absolute stability, please ensure no software other than extras repo is installed......

Ill go hide now in the Nokia N900 Fanboy room, awaiting my flaming....
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It seems to me that majority of guys writing on this thread and forum are either Nokia employee's (as they seem to know better then the rest of the world ! ) or hardened fanboys as they are termed on here or they just cannot read english, ok now i will set the record straight so that no one can argue this N900 being a internet tablet no more.
everyone reading this please go to
READ IT OK it is the official UK NOKIA website that clearly states the N900 IS A MOBILE PHONE and no way a internet tablet, please get your facts right before arguing and to all the people who appear to be die hard Nokia fans... your all idiots that will just not acceot that the N900 has got many many many faults that should have never been there prior to release.
I will say this that as the N900 is the very first linux based mobile of its kind i feel Nokia are well and truly out of order in every repsect for not getting the basics of a MOBILE PHONE right before its release.
I could go on and on and on but i am afraid to say all the so called fanboys just need to shut up and wait like me for Nokia to put things right that means ACCEPT the N900 is a first of its kind and has to be completly re-written in order to fulfill its use as a MOBILE PHONE.
I am one of the many many many who are very much feeling conned by Nokia on this one as you will learn by my previous posts on this forum.
I will no way toloerate idiots who cannot read and keep telling everyone that the N900 is a internet tablet, its nothing more than a MOBILE PHONE right now because its so called computing is no way established and none of the so called developers other than Nokia developers are even capable of writing sensible software for this MOBILE PHONE.
Just to add even more confusion the usa site says its a Mobile Computer on this official Nokia site
trust the Yanks to mix it all up as per usual !!!
anyhow as much as i love the yanks they are somewhat loud and i have to say also entitiled to their opinions.
i hope this puts the argument right about if the Nokia N900 is a Mobile Phone or a internet tablet.
NOKIA get your *** moving and give us the update every owner of a N900 very much needs because untill then this whole forum is only going to get worse with sad and somewhat volatile comments.
Everyone is entitled to there personal opinions and should be read with interest instead of idiots trying to make laws to suite themselves simply because they disagree with a comment made ! .
Posts: 125 | Thanked: 35 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Finland
Originally Posted by emeni View Post
On the webpage of NOKIA N900 it says IT'S A PHONE so I expect to use it as a phone.
"Explore these features to learn what you can do with the power of the Nokia N900 mobile computer."

kill the infidels, n900 != phone, troll thread, unproductive thread, worst thread ever

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