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ian_ryge's Avatar
Posts: 138 | Thanked: 262 times | Joined on Oct 2006
Originally Posted by LABAUDIO View Post
no i dont use thememaker but...

if you know the name of this part in theme maker....its suppose to be the same name in anywhere

if you have a clue
its my last issu for finich my borg theme

here a picture of a default files manager and like you see the default focus is black whit underline purple

My question is what is the name of this part exactly

i need to fix this color but iam not able to ''isolated'' where is it in the layout or in the color chart

Tx to help a french nooby
That text color is called "PaintedDefaultTextColor" and the purple outline is an image in the "Focus" section near the bottom-left corner of the template. You could make the text visible by filling in the outline image, or just changing the text color.

Hope that helps; sorry I didn't reply sooner.

The Following User Says Thank You to ian_ryge For This Useful Post:
Posts: 315 | Thanked: 71 times | Joined on Oct 2008 @ €@$T Montreal Quebec Canada
Ha! Ian! You're the Man!

TX a be the first to test my borg mix soon... you know that!!

Tx to the others for best regards too

Borg Complete ready soon!!!
N900 Owner N95 + N810
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French Noob

BorgTheme ¤ BorgSounds ¤ BorgStartUp ¤ BorgClock
Posts: 9 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Apr 2010
Hey bro, was just wondering if there's any progress on this Doom 3 theme? Been keen on getting it, wish I knew anything useful that could help in theme making. It looks tops. Love the game.

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