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Posts: 880 | Thanked: 264 times | Joined on Feb 2007 @ Cambridge, UK
Originally Posted by pamadio View Post
I am a bit puzzled about the proxy issue. All file transfert are made using gnome vfs.

As i never meant to take care of any proxy setting, i m surprised it automatically used your proxy settings, though i do not know why it is not receiving any data.

The most easiest workaround would be to install the modules with a connection that does not involve a proxy.
that will be tricky due to security policies on the networks I access, but I can give it a try!
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Hi, have had rapier installed before but have had no luck with it in diablo... I have attempted both a regular install through the extras repo, and dpkg install of rapier and the other three required components with no luck on either count.

I receive the following error when I run at command line:

Traceback (most recent call list):
File "/usr/bin/rapier", line 30 in <module>
from gnome import gconf
ImportError: cannot import name gconf

I wasn't able to turn anything up in Google or forum searches on this issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks...
Posts: 111 | Thanked: 31 times | Joined on May 2007
This is strange, it should work when python2.5-gnome is installed , wich should be the case when python2.5-runtime is installed (wich rapier depends on).

try 'apt-get install python2.5-runtime python2.5-gnome' as root in a terminal
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Hmm, says both packages are already installed and both are at the newest version... can these packages be safely removed and reinstalled?
Posts: 111 | Thanked: 31 times | Joined on May 2007
Originally Posted by chromiumdr View Post
Hmm, says both packages are already installed and both are at the newest version... can these packages be safely removed and reinstalled?
As long as you let apt-get remove all the dependencies that goes with them, yes.

Here is what i have on my tablet:
~ $ dpkg -l |grep python2.5
ii python2.5 2.5.2-1osso4 An interactive high-level object-oriented la
ii python2.5-bluez 0.9.1-1osso2 Python wrappers around BlueZ
ii python2.5-cairo 1.4.0-1osso2 Python bindings for the Cairo vector graphic
ii python2.5-conic 0.1-1osso3 Python bindings for ConIc Framework.
ii python2.5-dbus 0.82-4osso2 Python wrappers around D-Bus.
ii python2.5-gnome 2.18.0-1osso4 Python bindings for GConf and GnomeVFS
ii python2.5-gobject 2.14.1-1osso2 Python bindings for the GTK+ widget set
ii python2.5-gpsbt 0.1-18osso2 Python bindings for osso-gpsd lib.
ii python2.5-gstreamer 0.10.5-0osso2 generic media-playing framework (Python bind
ii python2.5-gtk2 2.12.1-1osso4 Python bindings for the GTK+ widget set
ii python2.5-hildon 0.8.9-1osso2 Python bindings for Hildon Framework.
ii python2.5-hildondesktop 0.0.2-2 Python bindings for libhildondesktop
ii python2.5-id3lib 0.5.1-1osso2 id3lib wrapper for Python - library
ii python2.5-imaging 1.1.6-1osso3 Python Imaging Library
ii python2.5-numeric 24.2-1osso5 Numerical (matrix-oriented) Mathematics for
ii python2.5-osso 0.3-1osso4 Python bindings for Libosso library
ii python2.5-pygame 1.7.1-1osso2 SDL bindings for games development in Python
ii python2.5-pygtksourceview 2.0.0 python bindings for the version 2 of the Gtk
ii python2.5-runtime 1.0-8 Python runtime environment.
ii python2.5-xml 0.8.4-1osso9 XML tools for Python

You can check that gconf works with:

~ $ python2.5
Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Sep 8 2008, 19:47:42)
[GCC 3.4.4 (release) (CodeSourcery ARM 2005q3-2)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from gnome import gconf

I wonder if you may have a mix between some chinook and diablo python things....
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Yeah, I did have a mix of diablo and chinook stuff mixed in and it was wreaking havoc on a lot of apps (not just rapier).

I decided to reflash and rebuild to clear out any gremlins related to that, and now rapier works perfectly.

Thanks for your advice!
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I've been away from the forum for a few weeks.
I'm still trying to get the NIV into Rapier. I have downloaded all the HTML files and run through the scripts that were posted some time ago (skipping the concordance steps).
# Download the scripts linked here, then make them available & executable.
$ mkdir ~/Bible/scripts			# These scripts know where they live.
$ mv * ~/Bible/scripts
$ chmod +x ~/Bible/scripts/*

$ mkdir ~/Bible/niv			# Make base dir, "beside" scripts.
$ cd ~/Bible/niv
$ ../Scripts/download bg 31 60		# Get NIV from Bible Gateway.  60 second minimum delay.
# Now make manual edits, per "text.bugs", described above.  Then...

$ ../scripts/ -h			# Grind original text for Sword.
$ ../scripts/concordance -h		# Create a concordance (optional).
$ cd ~/.sword/modules/texts/rawtext
$ ln -s ../../../../Bible/niv		# Accessibility to Sword utils.
$ cd ~/.sword/modules/lexdict/rawld4
$ ln -s ../../../../Bible/niv/concordance nivconcordance	# (optional).
Now I have one text file per chapter that looks like this
-n <div class="sechead"> The Mountain of the Lord </div> 
<span id="en-NIV-17687" class="sup">1</span> This is what Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem:
<span id="en-NIV-17688" class="sup">2</span> In the last days <br />       the mountain of the LORD's temple will be established <br />       as chief among the mountains; <br />       it will be raised above the hills, <br />       and all nations will stream to it.
The files in the Rapier directories appear to be binary, and I don't know just what to do at this point. crossfire appears to be down (I hope temporarily) so I can't find help there.

Does the file fragment above look like a proper Sword file? does Rapier use Sword files? I thought the installer in the Rapier program was downloading from the Sword repository.

I'm sorry to be so dense about this. I'm not much of a coder but I can usually follow someone else's C or Python code well enough to use it or make minor modifications as necessary, and I do understand HTML fairly well. Help would be appreciated!

Posts: 111 | Thanked: 31 times | Joined on May 2007
Hi there.

Rapier do use sword module. The graphical installer download them from the crosswire ftp repository, but you may create your own module and install it manually too. It should work as long as the module is correct as far as sword is concerned.

Unfortunately i do now know much about sword modules themself so i'm not sure if the result you have is correct or not.
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Posts: 880 | Thanked: 264 times | Joined on Feb 2007 @ Cambridge, UK
I wiped rapier and reinstalled it.

Then, I connecting my n800 to internet via an ad-hoc gateway so I can monitor network traffic, Using tcpdump I can tell that the rapier does absolutely nothing!

Maybe I totally misunderstand how rapier works. Fresh install, went to manage modules, clicked refresh and expected it to allow me to download and install various things!
Posts: 111 | Thanked: 31 times | Joined on May 2007
Hi there.

If it does absolutely nothing (not even an attempt at resolving name), then it looks like you are still using a proxy in your connexion setting.

You can either install the module from a direct (or nated) connection on the net, or install them manually (that is, unzipping them in your SWORD_PATH directory).

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