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Hedgecore's Avatar
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I felt like I was back in college watching people stumble over presentations. Marvellous camera work detailing the PowerPoint presentation. (Y'know, the one they removed from the shot when they zoomed in on the static & lifeless speakers?)

One thing I thought was cute, the 770 signage in the back was an instore display I think. "Try the 770 here now!".
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Originally Posted by jussik
I agree. Another great moment of "corporate publicity gone awry" was trying to watch the videos of the 770 press conference with the 770.

Offered formats were WMA and Real.
I really blame web developers for that though. I can see them sitting down, what way will get this this watched on the web. Everyone uses windows, so format a and format b.
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Seems to me that the only BIG changes in the 2006 OS is:
1. the relatively NEW look [i'll buy that...]
2. the NEW thumb keyboard that most of us don't use [good effort]
3. the UPGRADED Opera browser [the regular one's good enough for me]
4. the NEW Google Talk function [that nobody uses]
5. the new VOIP function [we're not even sure if the little bloody hole on the bottom (which I believe is a mic) will work]

The only thing that actually hypes me up is the new themes (the one i'm using is getting kinda...)

If I had my choice this is what I would fix:
1. A radically new look [I'll give Apple (although I hate Apple) credit for creating some cool looking machines (though I prefer Alienware and Voodoo better)]
2. Better OS and hardware interactivity coding [A change to a different OS like Windows (if people want mass-user friendly OS) or Apple (for a more modern look) or just update the Linux OS to look a little more interesting]
3. Flash 8 player [for watching those live streaming videos]
4. More file extensions [such as tar.gz for installing actual Linux programs]
5. A better keyboard idea [like a bluetooth keyboard option for cheap. mouse function would be nice.]
6. More applications that run for the 770.
7. More functions that will help in daily use.
8. An instant messing client we all use [c'mon Google Talk?]

Okay... I honestly don't think that they will incorporate a mouse and keyboard thing because of prices and all (I'm just fantasizing in my own little world). But things that deal with code can be fixed or incorporated right?.. Then again this is just my little dream for the 770... lol.
aflegg's Avatar
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Originally Posted by takumikai
Seems to me that the only BIG changes in the 2006 OS is:
1. the relatively NEW look [i'll buy that...]
2. the NEW thumb keyboard that most of us don't use [good effort]
Of course none of us use it: it's not been released yet! (Duh... ;-))

3. the UPGRADED Opera browser [the regular one's good enough for me]
We don't know there have been any major changes to Opera.

4. the NEW Google Talk function [that nobody uses]
5. the new VOIP function [we're not even sure if the little bloody hole on the bottom (which I believe is a mic) will work]
Yes, it's a mic. Yes it'll work for VoIP (I'd bet money on it). As for no-one using Google Talk, I know a lot of people who do, and I'll be using it increasingly if the client on the 770's any good.

The only thing that actually hypes me up is the new themes (the one i'm using is getting kinda...)
Riiiiight... Of course, the 2006 OS - having proper package management - will make it a lot easier for third party themes to be used.

If I had my choice this is what I would fix:
1. A radically new look [I'll give Apple (although I hate Apple) credit for creating some cool looking machines (though I prefer Alienware and Voodoo better)]
You've pointed out you like the new theme (I'm holding out judgement, ATM) and I've said new themes will be easier. Personally, I think the general UI decisions have been largely the right ones. And as Alan Cox said, "you've succeeded in making it look like a Nokia device which runs Linux, rather than a Linux device from Nokia".

2. Better OS and hardware interactivity coding [A change to a different OS like Windows (if people want mass-user friendly OS) or Apple (for a more modern look) or just update the Linux OS to look a little more interesting]
Looks?! You don't choose an OS on looks. No version of a "mass-user friendly" Windows (if one exists) is suitable for the 770 hardware. Rumours of an Apple tablet are interesting, but it'll cost as much as a MacBook, not 250ukp!

3. Flash 8 player [for watching those live streaming videos]
Yep, but if Macromedia won't do it for a realistic fee from Nokia, it ain't gonna happen (unless gnash gets a lot better quickly).

4. More file extensions [such as tar.gz for installing actual Linux programs]
The new package management will allow for third party applications to register file handlers with gnomevfs. So, for example, an archiving program could register .gz, .bz2, .zip, .rar etc.

5. A better keyboard idea [like a bluetooth keyboard option for cheap. mouse function would be nice.]
There is a BlueTooth keyboard option. Written by a guy who works at Nokia (although it's not officially supported, as with all third party software).

6. More applications that run for the 770.
7. More functions that will help in daily use.
8. An instant messing client we all use [c'mon Google Talk?]
These are all kind of related: in less than 6 months of release, the 2005 OS had several hundred programs written or ported to it. With the more sane and sensible API, better packaging etc. which 2006 OS gives I'm really hopeful for the future application catalogue.

Personally, skyhusker's gaim has worked very well for me for MSN. And "more functions that will help in daily use" is just a bit vague.

Okay... I honestly don't think that they will incorporate a mouse and keyboard thing because of prices and all (I'm just fantasizing in my own little world). But things that deal with code can be fixed or incorporated right?.. Then again this is just my little dream for the 770... lol.
Dreams are fine, but sensible discussion as to what's possible and what's not, and the real pros and cons of the device is even better :-)

Especially if it can be directed into ways to make it a specific checklist for Nokia or a third party developer.


Andrew Flegg -- |
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Originally Posted by cybe
"...The 770 tablet appears to have only a single one-eighth-inch headphone jack, but the jack actually supports mobile phone headsets with microphones...."

Didn't know that =)
I've always wondered. I have had the 770 crash a couple of times plugging in headphones. Could have just been chance but it wouldn't do that if it was simply a headphone socket hanging of an audio amp.
aflegg's Avatar
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The other day the screen had dimmed on mine when I plugged the headphones in and it lit up - further evidence of a software link between the socket and the OS.

The ability to support a mic would be cool indeed.
Andrew Flegg -- |
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Why not release a beta OS for wider break-testing? Or from which URL can I get it?
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I suspect it's past the beta stage by now. Just fine tuning before final release (ever optimistic)!
aflegg's Avatar
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derekh: I can see Nokia's point for not releasing it: as soon as it's ready for external use, they want it to make an impressive splash. A phased release makes that harder.

I'm beginning to think that the first release should be considered a developer release: either because of niggling bugs or the lack of 3rd party software.

After a couple of weeks there'll be software and (possibly) a new bug fix release :-)
Andrew Flegg -- |
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Sorry, to pop it like that: but have "we" by now found out wheter there will be new hardware or not? I am soooo ready to buy a 770, but wouldn't wanna miss new hardware at the same price tag...

mainly since VOIP would be a great add-on...

so... any new gospels about hard-/and os-upgrade vs. os-upgrade only?


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