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Benson's Avatar
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No, just install KDE normally, in maemo, I think.
qole's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Benson View Post
No, just install KDE normally, in maemo, I think.
Yes, install KDE on your tablet from your tablet OS, then start KDE and chroot to Debian from KDE (from the KDE terminal) or make KDE desktop icons that run Debian chroot apps.
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XL1200c's Avatar
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I'm confused again. I partitioned and formated my 4gb memory card that I keep in the internal slot of my N800, it is setup as follows.
/dev/mmcblk0p1 - fat, for general file storage
/dev/mmcblk0p2 - ext3, where I installed the large debain bootstrap. by quole

Now when I run the /sbin/debian script (as root) it fails from mounting /dev/mmcblk0p2 to the end. I did change that line in the script to match my partitions.
When I copy and paste each line from the script it works fine and I chroot into debian.

I'm totaly lost. Why will the script work when I paste it line by line but not when run? Yes I did chmod +x /sbin/debian.
qole's Avatar
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If you have already mounted your partition, you will get an error about the mount failing, but that's a meaningless error (it has already mounted, it can't do it again), and the script should proceed normally. What errors are you getting after the failed mount?
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XL1200c's Avatar
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I get the same weather it's munted or not

/home/user # debian
Setting up the chroot...
': No such file or directorytfs/lib/modules/2.6.21-omap1/mbcache.ko
': No such file or directorytfs/lib/modules/2.6.21-omap1/ext2.ko
 failedmounting /dev/mmcblk0p2 on /opt
 failedmounting /dev on /opt
 failedmounting /proc on /opt
 failedsounting none on /opt
 failedmounting /tmp on /opt
 failedmounting /media on /opt
 failedmmc1ting /media/mmc1 on /opt
 failedmmc2ting /media/mmc2 on /opt
 failedusbnting /media/usb on /opt
 failedsernting /home/user on /opt
': No such file or directory
': No such file or directory
': No such file or directory
': No such file or directory
Everything set up, running chroot...
: No such file or directorydirectory to /opt
/home/user #
and it does not chroot.

here is the script, copied ffrom the wiki

echo "Setting up the chroot..."
export CHROOT=/opt
#mount the Debian partition.
insmod /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/2.6.21-omap1/mbcache.ko
insmod /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/2.6.21-omap1/ext2.ko
mount /dev/mmcblk0p2 $CHROOT -o noatime
# Make the tablet's devices available to Debian.
mount -o bind /dev $CHROOT/dev
mount -o bind /proc $CHROOT/proc
# Gentoo wiki says this will make X work.
mount -t devpts none $CHROOT/dev/pts
mount -o bind /tmp $CHROOT/tmp
# Mount various external devices (SD cards, USB devices)
mount -o bind /media $CHROOT/media
mount -o bind /media/mmc1 $CHROOT/media/mmc1
mount -o bind /media/mmc2 $CHROOT/media/mmc2
mount -o bind /media/usb $CHROOT/media/usb
# Mount the user's home directory
mount -o bind /home/user $CHROOT/home/user
# Make the Internet work.
cp /etc/resolv.conf $CHROOT/etc/resolv.conf
cp /etc/hosts $CHROOT/etc/hosts
# Make permissions work.
cp /etc/group $CHROOT/etc/group
cp /etc/passwd $CHROOT/etc/passwd
# Custom prompt. Reduces confusion.
export PS1="[\u@Debian: \w]"
# Actually chroot.
echo "Everything set up, running chroot..."
chroot $CHROOT $*

Last edited by XL1200c; 2008-06-20 at 03:13.
qole's Avatar
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Ok, first thing to do is find those two kernel modules, mbcache.ko and ext2.ko. You might need to become root and then:
cd /
find . -name "mbcache.ko"
Wherever you find mbcache.ko, you'll probably find ext2.ko. Change the directory in those two insmod lines to match the directory where you found the modules. Then try it all again.

Also, the weird spacing in your error messages suggests that there may be something weird happening in the text file you made for the script. Did you use Windows to make the file? You might need to make it again in Linux. It would be best if you used a tablet editor like leafpad to do it.
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Last edited by qole; 2008-06-20 at 04:11.
XL1200c's Avatar
Posts: 56 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Oct 2007
I think I've got it fixed. qole, I did use notepad in Windoze, I was thinking about that on my way into work today (I hate M$). So I used leafpad and made a new debian script, that did not work, but the formating in the errors was correct. So I got to wondering if formating it in ext3 was the problem, but I was able to do it before. I decide to start from scratch, I reformated as ext2, reinstalled, and now everything seams to be fine.

Thanks for all the help.

Does installing KDE on the tablet's os take a lot of space?
Can someone post setp by setp directions for installing KDE?

I've used Linux for many years, mainly as a tinker rather than a true hacker.

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qole's Avatar
Moderator | Posts: 7,109 | Thanked: 8,820 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Vancouver, BC, Canada
Thanks, XL1200c, for figuring it out!

Of course, I'm an idiot. My script loads the kernel module for the ext2 file system (the second "insmod" line), but you had said in your post that you were using the ext3 file system. The answer was right in front of me. It probably would have worked if you had just changed the ext2.ko in that line to ext3.ko ... I'm sorry. Well, we'll know for next time...

As for getting KDE installed, there is really lots and lots of information on doing that. Many long, detailed help threads. In fact, there's a whole section of ITT devoted to KDE on the tablets.
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Last edited by qole; 2008-06-20 at 22:50.
scumgrief's Avatar
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I love this thread. It's really excitin, I'll join your guys fun in awhile.
Scraping money together to get a n810 and/or n800.
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Originally Posted by XL1200c View Post
...Does installing KDE on the tablet's os take a lot of space?
Can someone post setp by setp directions for installing KDE?
1.35G per PB and the lowest I get was 1.42G Free space, installation still went thru.
I am not aware where can one find a setp by setp directions, I do have one step by step here,
I repartiton my MMC boot to make 2.4 G partition on the rootfs. I then dl kde-installer-v3.deb from, the 5th one from top, kde-installer-v3 (boot from SD only), and click on the .deb file, it will automatically install under app manager. It took 40 min for my N810. Reboot, and KDE will be under Extra. Warning: do not turn off tablet while on KDE. Always log out KDE before turn off tablet.

Edit: need more FAT space, re-do another one, with rootfs 1.9 G and free space of 1.47 G, works, installation 45min

Hope this helps,


Last edited by bunanson; 2008-06-21 at 19:48.

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