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Posts: 9 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jun 2010
after a week trying to get mer 0.16 to work I'm going back to OS 2005 for now. Anyone else who tries mer 0.16 let me know if it works for you (or doesn't). At least OS 2005 is stable and fast. No aps, but you can get on the wifi. I forgot that I could use my VMware ubuntu to load my EXT3 filesystem on the nokia 770 via the usb, you don't need an MMC reader to write big files right to the MMC card. Next time I load this, I'll do it the easy way.

Last edited by bonerici; 2010-11-27 at 01:36.
Posts: 154 | Thanked: 73 times | Joined on Jan 2009 @ Toronto
Originally Posted by bonerici View Post
... there is plenty of room, wget is small. ....the nokia under 2008HE is kind of erratic.
2008HE on internal flash is erratic because it has insufficient space. You don't want to add ANYTHING that you don't need. wget is a "luxury" item because there are always other ways to get your download.

.. it took me a few days of downloads to finally finish the 150 meg download..
That would be a reason to download to PC, if there is one available.

I dont know where you found something to read an MMC card.
By an eBay search for "card reader mmc". The kind I use seems to be available now for under $1, including shipping to almost anywhere in the world. Here is a trader with 100% positive feedback:

Your PC would have to be running some kind of Linux to make the download into the ext3 partition. If you only have Windows, you might have to dl to a USB drive and put your 770 into host mode to transfer the tarball to your MMC. The old threads and wikis about host mode on the 770 have disappeared, but I wrote a few posts about it in a thread of Bunanson's recently. The first one is , written for non-Linux users . (If you have a Linux PC available, it is simpler and better to use the 0xFFFF flasher to activate host mode.)

still not sure mer 0.16 is the best, might go back to 2005
It depends on what you want to do. Many websites don't recognise the OS2005 browser as a "real" computer and won't let you transact business with it. Mer is a pain, but it does work.

Also I suggest commenting out "swap" on partition 2 of your mmc2 in the listed instructions, it makes the nokia freeze even more
I find the opposite, that a large swap space is the only way to keep 2008HE from freezing.

Sorry if the Mer suggestion has given you a lot of work. I did say that it was unlikely to be much fun.
Posts: 9 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jun 2010
oh it was fun tinkering with it. thanks.

Your PC would have to be running some kind of Linux

it's really easy to use vmware first download the vmware player, and then download your favorite linux, I used ubuntu, then ubuntu will run as an application under windows and share the internet and usb connections.

This also lets you develop your SDK aps from your windows machine from within the linux appliance

with how easy it is to use vmware and ubuntu even if I had an mmc reader i would still plug it straight in, it's a bit easier than using your own mmc reader cause it plugs right into your machine and you can change stuff on your nokia without having to pull out and plug in the mmc
Posts: 205 | Thanked: 159 times | Joined on Oct 2009
I just loaded OS2005 on my 770 and i have internet access again!! does we know what the problem is with OS2006 that is causing the no network connections issue?
Posts: 9 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jun 2010
yes, there's a bad module in the kernel when it hits a 802.11n network, it returns an error which bombs the entire scan, we dont have access to this module so we cant fix it. If nokia wanted to this would be a 5 minute fix, but this product is no longer supported.
Posts: 449 | Thanked: 29 times | Joined on Jun 2006
Originally Posted by bonerici View Post
yes, there's a bad module in the kernel when it hits a 802.11n network, it returns an error which bombs the entire scan, we dont have access to this module so we cant fix it. If nokia wanted to this would be a 5 minute fix, but this product is no longer supported.
Hence the reason I no longer buy anything from Nokia!! I know you can't support every product forever, but for those that are still regularly used if a nagging issue could be solved relatively quickly by a Nokia programmer they should do it...or allow the community to do it by releasing the source. I think it says a lot about Nokia!
Posts: 9 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jun 2010
btw i loaded up wpa-supplicant, wireless-tools, python, Bora, build wicd on the SDK, loaded it all up and it still has the same problem. I guess wicd/wireless-tools uses the same broken wifi scan module that's in that kernel.

Back to OS2005 :-(
Posts: 2 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jan 2011
i need help ,i was updating my tablet and i lost the navigator (navicore) the maps and all the program and the bluetooth icon doesnt apear any more and i cant connect withmy gps wireless antenna neither with other phones .... how can i get my navicore navigation app and my bluetooth back and is there any sites where i can download maps for this tablet ....

thank you

Last edited by eawaideh; 2011-01-31 at 11:27.
Posts: 63 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Jul 2007
So, OS2005 is the only OS to use when there is N accesspoints to hear? and OS2005 WPA2-PSK is no-go?


What if I took the Modem that has G-AP in it to a location that had no N-networks, would it then list the networks? If I then connect to it, will it work when I get the modem back to N-network area?

Well.. what's the point if I teach the device one AP, because the device can not connect to a AP that It can not see.

Is there ANY way just to force the device to connect to a created Connection entry?

Last edited by realjobe; 2013-10-06 at 17:43. Reason: what's the point

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