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Originally Posted by GunnerzMate View Post
What other games will we be able to play other than Super Mario?
I am assuming the SNES emulator is relatively (entirely?) standards-compliant. If this is the case, any SNES ROM will work.

To comment on wiimote/zeemote, while the zeemote is certainly pocketable, the wiimote is going to offer the more authentic experience. Plus, since many people have a Wii, it's going to be a lot easier to pick up and game with a Wiimote than to make an additional purchase.
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"Standards-compliant"? Hehe.

It's a DrPocketSNES clone after all, so if a game doesn't work in DrPocketSNES it won't probably work in DrNokSNES. There have a few changes already which have improved compatibility with certain ROMs. But, probably, new bugs have been introduced.
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I just received my second zeemote. My drivers and the n900 seem to support both at once just fine and i have already done some work to make drnoksnes detect them both. But some further work is still required ...

Still noone interested in donating a unit to javispedro so he can actually put this into the main line? Before that that probably not be any zeemote support in the official drnoksnes release.

I can always do a private hack just for me and my friends, but having an official version for the general public requires some contributions from the users side.

C'mon guys, are you all really just passive consuments?

The Following User Says Thank You to Master of Gizmo For This Useful Post:
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I would like to help in anyway possible, can you tell me concretly what i can do ?

would it be possible to have a new video of snes running on the N900 ?

thanx a lot
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Originally Posted by Master of Gizmo View Post
Still noone interested in donating a unit to javispedro so he can actually put this into the main line?
Thanks for the offer, but I'm not ready to accept donations so far Don't worry.

The Following User Says Thank You to javispedro For This Useful Post:
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Hello all

I received my Zeemote JS1 today. IMHO, this should become THE unofficial gamecontroller for the N900 and Till (Master of Gizmo) has done a fantastic work already, so we are ready to rumble :-)
I will gladly help in testing and do documentation in the wiki.

Javispedro: I will pay you a Zeemote :-) Can I send you 20 EUR by postal mail or PayPal ? (do this all the time, don't worry, see for my hobby ;-) OTOH, in regards to the high quality of Till's works: simply take his code contribution and integrate it please :-)

Till: Can I get your private build somewhere for "testing"? Dankeschön (ich war am Summit am Sonntag vor dem Hotel, als du uns die Zeemote gezeigt hattest)
-Tom (N900, N810, N800)

"the idea of truly having a computer in your pocket just moved a big step closer."
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I posted a while ago about emulators and was told there are already MAME, NES, Genesis, Turbofrax, Final Burn, GBA apps as well for Maemo, but I "only" found NES, SNES and maybe GBA.

I guess Maemo was not the game mecca I was told about? I would have thought the Linux based emulators out there would have been ported, but perhaps the average level of game interest is low with Maemo devs and users?


I have a G1, but the darn byte layer code weighs some games down- still, with a 528mhz clock the following emulators play with sound and I have tested over a thousand games (sadly true).

1. NES plays all games including MMC chipped perfectly
2. Gensis plays most games except some of the "3D" games perfectly
3. SNES same as Genesis performance
4. GBA same as Gen and SNES performance
5. MAME4all plays about 70% games well with sound
6. Neo Geo plays most well- but some better without sound
7. Finalburn plays complex Cave shooters well with sound

Android has been out only a year and already has these emulators. I would have to guess that a more efficient OS like Maemo would be far better than Android and it's byte code layer.

Ironic that a younger and resource hungry OS like Android appears to have more working emulators. I would expect it to be reverse of this.

I am glad I am getting my N900 for internet and media more than games. Could be a long wait for gamers?

Last edited by Rushmore; 2009-10-28 at 13:04.
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Originally Posted by Master of Gizmo View Post
I can always do a private hack just for me and my friends, but having an official version for the general public requires some contributions from the users side.

C'mon guys, are you all really just passive consuments?
Um - if you're going to hack it yourself, why don't you just send him the patch?
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Originally Posted by Rushmore View Post
but perhaps the average level of game interest is low with Maemo devs and users?
That must totally be the reason, and not the fact that nearly no one has hardware. Not me, fwiw.

Originally Posted by Rushmore View Post
I would have to guess that a more efficient OS like Maemo would be far better than Android and it's byte code layer.
Well, I doubt anyone implemented a emulator in Java. I bet that all SNES Android emulators are based in DrPocketSnes in fact, thus C/C++ .

I demand objective benchmarks.

Originally Posted by ewan View Post
Um - if you're going to hack it yourself, why don't you just send him the patch?
He did.The ball is on my side now, sorry.

Last edited by javispedro; 2009-10-28 at 13:24.
Posts: 345 | Thanked: 467 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ Germany
Originally Posted by tangs View Post
I would like to help in anyway possible, can you tell me concretly what i can do ?

would it be possible to have a new video of snes running on the N900 ?
I think it might be possible to ask javispedro for his snail mail address and send him a zeemote.

Dual-player with two zeemotes is running nicely now. I'll see if we can capture a video of a two-player round of micromachines this evening. Two player is just so much more fun!

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