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i doesn't load i only get a black screen and then it shut's down.
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Originally Posted by pelago View Post
Nice video, but that isn't actually from an N900, but from a desktop PC instead.
Sorry bout that.. Here's another with it on the N900.

Video: Theme Hospital on the Nokia N900 with CorsixTH! (Beta2)

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Love it, thanks for putting the effort in to get this to work for the N900!

People who cannot get the game to load, please read the previous threads. You need the original game files and to edit the config.

Edit: I should also mention that I am yet to try it successfully. I installed it from the repo and had the same issue with it closing after launch, hence looking here at what was wrong!

Last edited by mornage; 2010-04-19 at 11:50. Reason: typo
Posts: 33 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ the netherlands
I've got the original cd and put all the files to nokia n900\MyDocs\Hospital. but were is the config and how do i change it.

Can someone please make a little tutorial because i'm not good in this kind of things.

with kind regards,
Posts: 478 | Thanked: 165 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Manchester
Originally Posted by flatser View Post
I've got the original cd and put all the files to nokia n900\MyDocs\Hospital. but were is the config and how do i change it.

Can someone please make a little tutorial because i'm not good in this kind of things.

with kind regards,
Please bare in mind that I have had my N900 for less than 3 weeks and it is my first experience with Linux so there may be better and easier ways to do this. I also have not had time to try this and get it working yet.

The config file that you need to edit is /opt/CorsixTH/config.txt

To edit the file you need to open xterminal and log into root (sudo rootgain). You will need SSH installed to do this (you can find open SSH in extras and that should allow you to gain access to root. rootsh definately gives root access.).

Once there, change to the above directory, (cd /opt/CorsixTH) and edit the config.txt file. There are different ways to do this such as VIM but I have not had chance to try this out yet. I am going to try VIM to edit the file when I try it but not sure how it works yet so cannot give the instructions. you can however use the vi command to edit the file (vi config.txt) i used it for the wiicontrol config file and had no problems but I am sure it is not the best method.

As I have not tried this, I do not know exactly what it is you need to edit, I am thinking it might be the location of the hospital folder but dont hold me to that.

when I get chance to try this (possibly today if work stays quiet) I will be able to give better instructions.

Remember, when logged in as root you have god control over the phone and doing the wrong thing can brick it. Using the extras-devels repo is risky and anything in there can brick your phone.

Also, as said before, I am no expert on linux so if you try this, I take no responsibility if kill your phone

Edit: I actually cannot try this today as I dont have access to the CD. I killed my PC last night so have to sort that out before I start messing with this!

Last edited by mornage; 2010-04-20 at 17:19.
Posts: 13 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Apr 2010
Im a complete maemo noob but how the hell in the easiest way of telling me possible... how do i get the game workin?
Posts: 254 | Thanked: 17 times | Joined on Dec 2009
i found this link...
but which file has to be downloaded?
and how is it supposed to be installed?
Posts: 13 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Apr 2010
ive downloaded it through the app manager but cant get it too work
Posts: 478 | Thanked: 165 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Manchester

Check that thread, there are some rudementry instructions on there. Hopefully I am gonna able to try this out tomorrow so I will post a post a step by step guide.
Posts: 478 | Thanked: 165 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Manchester
Originally Posted by mornage View Post

Check that thread, there are some rudementry instructions on there. Hopefully I am gonna able to try this out tomorrow so I will post a post a step by step guide.
Sorry, having issues myself so cannot help on this! If anyone could help me though, It would be most appreciated.

Here is what I have done - downloaded corsixTH from extra-devel repo
Copied Hosp folder from original CD to mydocs
Opened Xterm - sudo rootgain, vi \opt\corsixTH\config.txt but get a blank file.
I closed vi, cd to opt and ls. I can see CorsixTH but cannot cd to this folder (if it is a folder).

I cannot cd to anything in opt so either nothing in there is a folder (in which case how am I suppoed to edit the config file?) or I'm doing something wrong??

Any ideas?

bada rox, theme hospital

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