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Posts: 243 | Thanked: 28 times | Joined on Nov 2009
Originally Posted by DrWilken View Post
That's why I don't use the "butterfly" (MSN) plugin but Haze or Pecan instead...

There's a bug report on it here...
I know butterfly(MSN) is not recommended but it is the ONLY one that supports video call. If Haze or Pecan supported that, I would have switched instantly.
Posts: 162 | Thanked: 17 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ United States - Saudi Arabia
Originally Posted by DrWilken View Post
That's why I don't use the "butterfly" (MSN) plugin but Haze or Pecan instead...

There's a bug report on it here...
this bug has been fixed.. so does is work under PR 1.2?
Posts: 10 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Originally Posted by zehjotkah View Post
This is the How-To install the MSN-Protocoll (Microsoft Live Messenger) on your Nokia N900.
In case you haven't seen the video already, here it is again:

For a german How-To check out my Blog (see my signature).

First you have to add a new repository. It's called maemo-Testing. Please disable it after you've installed MSN, because there could be software, that isn't finished, yet.
You add a new repository like I've shown in the video. Here is the address and everything else you must fill in:
Catalog name: Maemo Extras Testing
Internet address:
Distribution: fremantle
Components: free non-free
Please fill everything in like it's written above, and make sure you haven't any spelling mistakes..
Press save.
Now the program manager will update. Give it some time. You need a internet connection for that.
Then press Download in the program manager.
Search for "Pidgin protocols plugin for Conversations and Contatcs". Please install only that, because this uses the Haze plugin which is the most stable one.
After installing you can add a new account, and you can now choose "MSN (Haze)".

Congratulations for installing MSN on your N900!
Now you can help anyone who's asking how to install MSN on the N900.

Please don't forget to disable the Maemo Testing repository after the completed install.

Edit: You can also install the "MSN (pecan) protocol plug-in", this will add MSN only, and it's working very well, too.
mine doesnt work after fw 1.2 anyone having the same problem? it can connect but not showing contact and cant send msg

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