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frostbyte's Avatar
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I'd like a Vista port. That way when I get uber bored with my smooth sailing N900, I could boot up Vista and have the inevitable "Oh-mothereffing-goddamn-son-of-a-b|tch"-windoze moment
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WereCatf's Avatar
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Originally Posted by frostbyte View Post
I'd like a Vista port. That way when I get uber bored with my smooth sailing N900, I could boot up Vista and have the inevitable "Oh-mothereffing-goddamn-son-of-a-b|tch"-windoze moment
Booting up Win9x in Dosbox should be quite close.
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it's closed source so basically no...
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N900 doesn't have the right specs. WP7 "requires" 1ghz processor with 512mb RAM.
ndi's Avatar
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Originally Posted by WereCatf View Post
There are no suitable drivers for the GPU, cellular modem, WLAN and a multitude of other devices present in N900, and Windows Phone 7 OS is developed with a DX9-compatible GPU in mind which N900 does not sport anyways.
True, but lack of drivers means reduced functionality or poor performance until such drivers are available. This, while perfectly true is a far cry from no, never.

A lot of chips sport Windows drivers or will do so. Maybe the GPU will be an issue, but the rest (GSM driver, GPS, BT) are still perfectly fine to use in newer phones and, thus, could have drivers.

CPU is capable of 1150 MHz, and will do so if the OS allows it, as it does on N900.

As for the other minimums, I am fairly certain they are there to provide smooth sailing. One can install and run XP in a lot less than the minimum requirements. Sure it will be slow(er), but for someone who has need of a feature that will never come to a Linux, it could be a great save.

I can't tell for sure because I have never tried, but if Desktop and CE versions are any indication it will run in 256M.

The biggest issue would be UI stuff without hardware support. With luck, some of the fancy stuff could be disabled. I doubt it will run the nice active wallpaper, but it could perform well for lesser apps, like office.

For example, navigation software runs fine on 400 MHz with no GPU acceleration in handheld devices. At a lower resolution, true. Still, I'd be willing to dual boot for that alone.
N900 dead and Nokia no longer replaces them. Thanks for all the fish.

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lwa's Avatar
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Geez some of the reactions here....

"NoT *****y M$ WinD0z oN My l337 H4x0r B0x!!!?!!!"

I still use my n900 as my daily phone, its the only phone I own, and yes it has its merit (although admittedly I am counting down the months until I can upgrade my contract...)

I wont be getting a win7 phone because I do like multitasking and it is too limiting, but its about doing it so it can be done. I dont think anyone said "I really NEED a copy of windows 95 on my n900 that takes 20 min to load", it was done simply because it could be..

You would think the guy asked if it was OK to fool around with his sister from some of the reactions.. not simply asking if one of the 3 biggest OS's in terms of mindshare could be run on his supposedly very open and modifiable phone in a community that supposedly prides itself on modifying devices and pushing the envelope on what the device can do simply because they can.... guest he must have come to the wrong place...
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with all the OS's that you can put on the N900 from Android to WIndows 95, the one that runs the best is Maemo, installing another OS will not make the phone magically faster unless it's a Lite version of Maemo. Some OS's such as Android do have tools that you will need to use, but an entire reboot is just too much work to stop what your doing and use ONE tool.
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This is Platform > Alternatives forum. One should expect people visiting to understand this is where people considering or who are interested in platform alternatives gather.

I have always considered people who feel very strongly about one or another to be on the wrong cause. People, if you have energy to spare, save a darned hungry child. Feed the hungry. Clothe the poor. Help the sick. There are so many noble causes out there.
N900 dead and Nokia no longer replaces them. Thanks for all the fish.

Keep the forums clean: use "Thanks" button instead of the thank you post.
Posts: 44 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Oct 2010
Why the hell do they make then something like windows mobile 7 which even can't multitask, can't copy/paste, and cannot install apps from 3rd parties. I mean is that so f@cking hard to put those things into windows mobile 7? they can made a whole OS **** but cant put the important things into the OS. How f@ck is that! :
shallimus's Avatar
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Originally Posted by bkkick View Post
Why the hell do they make then something like windows mobile 7 which even can't multitask, can't copy/paste, and cannot install apps from 3rd parties. I mean is that so f@cking hard to put those things into windows mobile 7? they can made a whole OS **** but cant put the important things into the OS. How f@ck is that! :
...but these "exciting" "new" features are being added sooner thank we had hoped!

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