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I don't understand! Please try again by download this new version of the script at
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Originally Posted by jlbrd View Post
I don't understand! Please try again by download this new version of the script at
That's it, it worked! I'm so happy now and Big thank you for your patience with my problem. Can I safely delete those other duplicate files now? By the way, what is the delete command in debian?
I have to learn to do also that backup thing before next firmware release!
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Originally Posted by colinleroy View Post
Does Claws see a Queue folder? If not, create one, and in its properties, set its type as Queue, it should help. If there's no Sent folder, create it too (and set its type to Outbox).
Thank you very much for the reply Colin

I have created a Queue folder and all seems to be working now.

As I have now setup my 6 imap mail accounts I would like to ask is there an easy way to backup the files and settings so that when the operating system is updated I can carry out a simple restore. I have looked at the system with Xterm but it all looks double dutch to me at the moment and I am a bit scared to input any commands as I don't want to have to re-flash , this is my first attempt with linux and so far I am VERY pleased

Thank you

Last edited by Flomet; 2007-04-19 at 12:13.
Posts: 46 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jan 2007
Happy to see that work!
Originally Posted by markku View Post
Can I safely delete those other duplicate files now? By the way, what is the delete command in debian?
You can in Osso-email select then delete all messages. It is safe by this way.

Posts: 90 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Jan 2006
claws mail is working very good. the only "problem" that i have is that the fonts is to big in the preferences.
Is it possible to change the size of the fonts (Menu and Preferences)?
Posts: 605 | Thanked: 137 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ La Rochelle, France
So far I find Claws mail very usable. It would be nice if one could have it integrated in the system instead of ossomail ...
One thing : I would love to be able to select multiple lines and delete them in one click...

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I have one bizarre problem with the new claws-mail on the N800: I can't exit it.. the program works and all, but clicking the X in the upper right corner does nothing, and there's no menu when I click the upper left corner (where I would look for an 'exit' option). Clicking anything else works, and I can do the mail stuff. But to quit the program I always end up having to start an xterm and kill the pid from there.

Another problem is that it's tricky to open a message.. I have to try some 4-5 times usually, and most of the time claws-mail wil just split the screen vertically for a second, then go back. But when the message opens things are ok.
-- Metalayer-crawler delenda est.
-- Current state: Fed up with everything MeeGo.
Posts: 46 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jan 2007
Originally Posted by TA-t3 View Post
I have one bizarre problem with the new claws-mail on the N800: I can't exit it..
Claws-mail on the tablet is essential, impossible to leave it
No, seriously, you can't exit only when emails are downloaded. Sometimes a long time if a server does not answer or slowly.
Another problem is that it's tricky to open a message.
Specific Maemo icons are present in toolbars, one to open a message, another to close it. It's true that the double-click is not easy and for that icons are present.
Posts: 3,841 | Thanked: 1,079 times | Joined on Nov 2006
Ah, I see. Thanks for the reply! I've no idea what kind of communication it's doing with the imap server, there shouldn't be any really. But I suspect the citadel server I'm using is not the best of imap citizens.

I must admit it's a bit of hit and miss for me with the icons.. I can't say I'm confident as to what they indicate, so I hit one and cross fingers (e.g. "did I send the message or discard it?")
But I'll certainly look for the one to open it. I always tried clicking the little envelope to the left of the message, but that didn't do anything, but I didn't think of looking at that row of icons...
-- Metalayer-crawler delenda est.
-- Current state: Fed up with everything MeeGo.
Posts: 46 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jan 2007
Originally Posted by TA-t3 View Post
I can't say I'm confident as to what they indicate, so I hit one and cross fingers
If you click on a empty location then, while leaving clicked, move the stylus on a button, a tooltip will appear. That work because the mouse cursor is hidden but exists anyway.

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