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It's all in the layouts, make a conf file that calls a lua script that draws a guage or whatever in cario, there's plenty of examples on the net.
Drawing in cairo is a learnable skill but yeah it is just like coding so we can all claim to be busy or interested in other things and not do it. I have no background in drawing and i hate having to worry about memory leaks in lua, so good luck convincing me to do it. What I don't understand is why nobody with an n900 has tried yet (and showed us the results). Angry birds graphics are done with cairo btw, so it isn't some weird drawing method, and lua is pretty much like c++. Did you ever look at some of the conky layouts on ubuntoforums or other blogs?
Apperently n900 owners have no talent, knowledge or time? Anyways, yeah, no rewriting conky, it's a lot easier to just make a fancy layout. Performance is a problem though, if you try to do too much. If you don't want conky to use 3 times more cpu i would leave it alone...

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Is there any way to keep the layout from 1.6.1 for the live wallpaper and still use Layout Switcher? Don't like the bluish one that replace it. Doesn't refresh as well as the other.
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Yeah helex said it was a single conf file containing all the layouts, if you can find that file and edit it, you should be able to replace the screen you don't like with another.

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It's all locatet here: /etc/conky/

The config file from the new conky version is: conky.conf

All the other files are from ConkyLayoutSwitcher.
8 Files for 4 Layouts... grasping into each other like gear wheels!
Good luck if you touch this! Watch out for your fingers...

But the easiest way would be to replace the new conky.conf file with the old. Simply uninstall all Conky stuff. Install the old Conky, backup this file somethere else, update again to ConkyLayoutSwitcher and replace the conky.conf with the old one.

If you wan't to use the old, simply deactivate ConkyLayoutSwitcher somewhere in the settings and you have your old layout. Activate it if you want to use one of the four.

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Helmuth, I tried that, but now, layout switcher is broken. Reinstalling won't replace the other configs for Switcher, and all layouts output the default one. I've hosed my Conky royally.
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Originally Posted by christexaport View Post
Helmuth, I tried that, but now, layout switcher is broken. Reinstalling won't replace the other configs for Switcher, and all layouts output the default one. I've hosed my Conky royally.
Sorry for my late answer.

I can't see whats gone wrong. I'm fine with the advice by Helmuth.

Please open the Terminal and enter conky at the comand line.
Could you post the output here?

I'm sure we're able to fix your Conky installation.
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My Conky works just fine. I have the old 1.6.1 .conf file in the Conky folder, but nothing else. Have backups of all the other version's .conf files in other folders. Just no LS.conf stuff anymore. That's why LS won't work. And reinstalling it won't bring it back.
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Okay... tough!
Please try as root:

apt-get purge conkylayoutswitcher

apt-get install conkylayoutswitcher
I hope this does the trick...
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My main reason for liking the v1.6.1 default layout is its stability as a live wallpaper. The replacement from LS causes the homescreen to flicker, go blank, and refresh after a couple seconds everytime you scroll to or away from that homescreen. When it was showing, its refresh rate seemed slow. The old layout stayed in view, refreshed well, and never flickered. Why can't my default view be the old view, and CPU be that newer one, and the rest be layouts we create.
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helex, ran those commands and got some errors, according to xterm
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