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Originally Posted by debernardis View Post
For example, having a full Debian distro working in a chroot upon the android kernel is a breeze. VNC is a decent substitute of a real X server until someone does it. In the hands of Qole, this could turn into the real Debian phone/tablet, and others could develop or adapt a window manager optimized for capacitative screens and fingertip use.
Android needs an X Server or a Wayland client. Get me one of those and I'll be all over that like peanut butter on toast.

And working with the capacitive N950 has taught me that desktop Linux is tricky to use with a resistive screen, where you can use the stylus to hit the tiny little buttons, but almost impossible to use with a capacitive screen, where you've got to use your fat fingers.
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Originally Posted by qole View Post
Android needs an X Server or a Wayland client. Get me one of those and I'll be all over that like peanut butter on toast.

And working with the capacitive N950 has taught me that desktop Linux is tricky to use with a resistive screen, where you can use the stylus to hit the tiny little buttons, but almost impossible to use with a capacitive screen, where you've got to use your fat fingers.
VNC to localhost is not that laggy, at least on my device. Double cores might score even better.
And, since touchscreen can emulate mouse, you get all the precision you need - it's like having a real mouse.

You should try it. Too bad Vancouver or Okanagan aree too far from Sicily. I should send you a video to tease you.
Ernesto de Bernardis

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Qole, I really have to say if it wasn't for all your hard work with easydebian & the bluetooth keyboards/mouse support for the n900 I would have given up long ago.

Your software is one of the reasons I still use my n900 and I just want to say thanks for everything you've done and I appreciate your hardwork.

It's a shame the industry trend at the moment is to install dumb operating systems onto powerful and potentially very capable hardware.

Whatever platform you decide to back in the future I'll be keeping an eye out because no doubt your future platform choice will mean that the community will unlock the power of their hardware with your efforts.

Commercially maemo & meego have no future but as a community are the last true mobile operating systems we have now.
I like cake.

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Qole lost his faith==Johnny cash is dead.

I may have to now go and weep.

PS: Texrat, be a total bro and leak the maemo code eh? I won't tell it was you I promise.
N900: One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Last edited by vi_; 2011-08-16 at 07:55.

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Estel's Avatar
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Hey, qole just clarified (well, few pages ago) that he hasn't lost faith And how you know that I've listened to few albums of Johnny Cash today?

Tekki, thanks for clarification - it is really useful and well thought info. So, basic question is - which option (solution based on Community Edition or Cordia) has better "final quality" / "amount of work needed" ratio (new version of quality/price ratio )? By "final quality", I mean (as objective as it can be) usefulness, ease of creation UI for programs that keep style/habits of base system UI, possibility of using with capacitive screens, as mentioned by qole...

AFAIK Hildon is nice thought as finger-friendly UI and proven very effective overall, but my experiences with Latest Community Editions (of Meego UI) are rather miserable, so I may be wrong in putting it higher than CE.

Huge thanks for detailed information. I understand it now, but, still, I think that if we're going to separate from Nokia and start own "entity", we should also get own servers/domain, at best with dumped posts/thread from current forum, as an archive. I see you agree that most of content was created as for In fact, I'm sure 99% of currently active users also arrived here via, and at least half of them don't even know that something like ITT ever existed.

I also understand that Council doesn't manage (directly) things like forum, but IMO it's so important thing - maybe most important after repos, autobulider etc - that it should definitely by more controlled by community itself. And, transfer of "being" to self-owned would be great time, to also straighten forum things, IMO.
N900's aluminum backcover / body replacement
N900's HDMI-Out
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Originally Posted by qole View Post
the Maemo community is (almost) nothing without Nokia, mainly because Maemo is nothing without Nokia hardware and that hardware is no longer in production.
the N9 doesn't count then?

Originally Posted by zehjotkah View Post
Regarding MeeGo and new hardware.
After yesterdays announcement of Google buying Motorola, the discussions with HTC and Samsung to use MeeGo on both x86 and ARM based devices heated up a lot.
This makes me a much happier bunny. Details?

Last edited by Jedibeeftrix; 2011-08-16 at 08:49.
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In fact, no. But CordiaTAB does count After reading this quoted part of qole's post, I thought that he mean we can't do anything without Nokia. Ho ever, qole clarified what he meant, and he's far from thinking like that. If I understand correctly, he mean that our new "entity" won't be *literally* Maemo anymore - for many reasons, not to mention that we can't use this name, cause Nokia won't give it to us - but, that's still not big deal.

I couldn't care less if we're called Maemo, Cordia, Meego CE or whatever (although I must admit, Meego CE sounds worst of all of this names ). The thing is to remain "devoted" to our goals about open mobile system, easy adaptable and one, that we can port linux packages relatively easy.

Personally, I can't just wait for the moment, when we start doing it on our own. I know that it will be hard - even well prepared Open Pandora gals and guys faced many unexpected problems - but, when You finally begin (instead of posting on countless "future" threads :P ) it's becoming only closer and closer to achieving goal.

Not to mention, that we're on relatively easier position that OP guys - Smoku have selected 1005 compatible device, so we can left designing our own for "future releases". At least we won't put "fixed in CordiaTAB2" in bugzilla, as reason for wontfix
N900's aluminum backcover / body replacement
N900's HDMI-Out
Camera cover MOD
Measure battery's real capacity on-device
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Last edited by Estel; 2011-08-16 at 08:53.
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This is like reading the obituaries for the N900, and TMO. It isn't long before Nokia cuts this website as part of a "marketing blitz", "cost savings", customer support, or under some other reason.

A unique bunch of people, and it won't be long till the community really goes separate ways. Some will migrate with Nokia to WP7, some will go to Android, some to Apple, and others like true trend setters will wait until some new zany company with some flavor of Linux comes to market. The point is the N900 hardware has met it's Zenith long past, and like any other bunch of hardware zealots (There is a reason we were with Nokia; it was because of the hardware!) we must move on.

Personally I believe Nokia has made its bed, it is not our problem and it it is only up to Nokia to prove that WP7 was worth turning their back on the pet project that barely made it to completion.

The community had many differing viewpoints, but it is safe to say that when dissenting voices in the community converged, Nokia did the opposite. It can probably make some good research paper into distributed management styles. It is sad that Nokia has never really utilized the mind share that was ready and willing. Nokia has squandered the reputation of their brand, and ultimately created the monster we see today ... the hostile community.

The only remaining question is why even release the N9 at all if it is DOA? Why send out developers phones when the N9 and the consumers using it won't be of a significant volume? The N900 will probably have more users using it than the N9.
qwazix's Avatar
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All these posts made me think about a few things. The idea of debernardis to use the android kernel sounds the most appealing. The first thing we have to think about here is ROI, return on investment.
I strongly believe that we have to choose a new hardware instead of supporting a bunch of devices so that forces are not scattered. I even think the division of forces between N900, N9/50 and whatever hardware we may choose to go forward with (cordiaTAB or any commercial device that ships with something else) is still a significant fragmentation threatening the effort. Then there is time. We should have a 'beta' release sooner than later. If we pick up let's say the new pre and it takes us two years to finally be able to run our software (say cordia hd) on it in an everyday usable state, it's already too late. We have to pick up a new device now, that our N900 still have a year of life, and in that year to be able to switch.
CordiaTAB may be the thing but I think that most of N900 users want a device with phone function. Phones are more adorable, more personal. If in a year from now I have a cordiaTAB and a galaxy, it will be too tempting to put my little extra time to developing for the cordia which will sit at home than for the phone I have always with me.

A longshot would be to approach one of the smaller smartphone manufacturers, preferably one who has declared interest in MeeGo and urge them to provide us with the blobs we need (for one particular, already marketed device) so we don't waste our time trying to get the hardware play. The selling point will be that the sales of the aforementioned device will boost a little (maybe significantly) and that in two years' time they will have an alternative to android without much development costs.

A final wild idea is to create a new pcb for the N900. The casing, lcd, digitizer etc are sold cheaply in ebay from chinese manufacturers. How much would it cost if we contracted a batch of pcb's with the same hardware (so that current drivers still function) as a N900 but with more ram?

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Originally Posted by Estel View Post
Tekki, thanks for clarification - it is really useful and well thought info. So, basic question is - which option (solution based on Community Edition or Cordia) has better "final quality" / "amount of work needed" ratio (new version of quality/price ratio )? By "final quality", I mean (as objective as it can be) usefulness, ease of creation UI for programs that keep style/habits of base system UI, possibility of using with capacitive screens, as mentioned by qole...

AFAIK Hildon is nice thought as finger-friendly UI and proven very effective overall, but my experiences with Latest Community Editions (of Meego UI) are rather miserable, so I may be wrong in putting it higher than CE.
We can discuss this on technical terms (let's fork the thread if so) if you think it's a good idea that we start noting down the thoughts / problems that we see at this time. Not a thread for ideological discussion/attacks, but one for discussing technical direction and one where people can look into to understand the various issues surrounding the approaches.

If anything, it should serve as good input for both Cordia and CE projects (god, I hate the CE name.. at least the Mer name was somewhat creative)

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