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Originally Posted by stickymick View Post
Reported that shares were down 17% at the beggining of the week and set to fall further.
The writing is on the wall, IMO, and Elop insits on throwing money at his WP7 strategy.
They need to fall back to Maemo/MeeGo, f*ck Android right off the scale. Going with that would be going from 1 "ecosystem/prison" to another. Google's future plans are to become more closed, integrated to the point that if you want to use Google anything you gotta use Google everything. I love the freedom that Maemo & MeeGo offer, none of this "If you want to do that you gotta use this", "It's my party and noone else is invited".

If Nokia don't do something other than throw money down the WP7 drain they're gonna need a miracle and at present they're at the back of a very...very long queue.
you totally forgotten that microsoft actually PAYING nokia for using wp...
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Originally Posted by Zoxir View Post
I too say screw android. They might as well continue with WP. We wanted Nokia to offer a reliable alternative not become MS or googles whore(even though I would understand moving towards the second). But what is scary is that even now there are no articles with "rumors of Elop chair being unsafe" or "Nokia rethinking their strategy" I mean after this colossal failure and it;s been more than a year now there should have been someone at the board thinking about throwing failop out of the window and leaking some info to the press. But there's nothing which makes me think that they either have accepted that their going down or they know that even of they go down MS will come and buy them.
so you think eflop only one too blame for this mess? The whole board have to get fired thats for sure.
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Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
so you think eflop only one too blame for this mess? The whole board have to get fired thats for sure.
Nope, everyone is to blame but since you can't fire the board Elop would be a nice scapegoat that would take all the blame and by firing him the board would send a strong message to their clients and markets that noone F***s with Nokia. But we all know that wont happen
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Originally Posted by Zoxir View Post
Nope, everyone is to blame but since you can't fire the board Elop would be a nice scapegoat that would take all the blame and by firing him the board would send a strong message to their clients and markets that noone F***s with Nokia. But we all know that wont happen
Eflop has made sure it won't happen. If they threw WP7 down the pan along with Eflop what exactly have they got to fall back on?
He's sold Symbian to a "marketing company"? and chances are he's had everything else recycled and put into his WP7 baby.

One minute WP7 is Nokia's future, the next it isn't. Given the signals and hints he's given over the past 6 months, he can't make his damn mind up on what the future is.
Seems to me he knows he's dropped the big one and he's pacing up and down saying "What am I gonna do What am I gonna do?"
Mick has just punched the cr@p out of the "Unlike" button on the Official Nokia Facebook Page.
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Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
you totally forgotten that microsoft actually PAYING nokia for using wp...

Paying someone a dime to lose a dollar is hardly doing them a favor... And remember, with that one big payout, Microsoft got their clammy hands on all of Nokias patents! That alone should be worth atleast that sum.
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Originally Posted by volt View Post
Paying someone a dime to lose a dollar is hardly doing them a favor... And remember, with that one big payout, Microsoft got their clammy hands on all of Nokias patents! That alone should be worth atleast that sum.
You could have just said "it's like pissing in your pants for warmth". At least then Nokia would understand.
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Originally Posted by mohi2k7 View Post
Well actually Nokia could/can use "android" who says it has to be Google version of the OS. For example look at what Amazon did with the Kindle Fire they did a code rewrite made it look nothing like Google version, its more focused on consumers...
Did you actually use Kindle Fire? Its just Android 2.3 with unresponsive and ugly UI glued over it. On top of that they took Android 2.3 default browser with all its bugs, removed about:debug, added their famous cache, christened it Silk and voila, a new broken browser though with different UA. I don't really call that a "new" OS.

On a similar note, if the browser in Android can be any measure for Android's OS quality - Android is doomed. In Android 4.x the browser is so bad, it makes baby seals cry. Don't get me started on all the bugs and "features", they are getting for the worse with every release

Not that the Harmattan browser is better, but at least they are not inventing broken things to cover other broken things. And Qt is killer feature for development (though I would prefer styling to not be restricted to QML only).
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Originally Posted by Bundyo View Post
On a similar note, if the browser in Android can be any measure for Android's OS quality - Android is doomed. In Android 4.x the browser is so bad, it makes baby seals cry. Don't get me started on all the bugs and "features", they are getting for the worse with every release
Why restrict yourself to the stock Android browser? There are plenty of 3rd party browsers around including the excellent Opera Mobile.
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@bundyo its a £200 tablet, what you expect it to be fast as lighting. The ugly UI is a matter of opinion different people like different looks, its not all about version numbers, btw its a successful "android tablet" that dosen't have to pay for Google services.

i was mainly talking about a different strategy that could be adopted if nokia was more agile and if it still had maintained its other services to prevent it from collapsing in on it self and become a blackhole is the mobile industry.
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Didn't Nokia give 2000 patents to mosaid so they can patent troll for Microsoft?

And I seem to remember Barnes and Noble describing exactly what Elop the MS Trojan horse is doing somewhere in a legal .......wait here it is, I just found it, yeah this.

I remember reading that before but it is very detailed so if you want a more easy to understand summary of it try this

Elop is a Microsoft trojan horse plain and simple. He is to destroy or render irrelevant any other OS Nokia has and Kamikaze itself for Microhard

backdoors, buysomethinelse, danrantos, goodbye nokia, lumiadork, lumiaturd, nsa_cia_lumia, seasons in sun

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