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Sergej_Sim's Avatar
Posts: 43 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Aug 2007 @ Russia
Thanks for support.

I will remind, that assemblages for 28 operational systems can be found in this subject:

News of Russian project OpenTTD 32bpp

Kind of a set of buildings for a temperate climate.

Office high-rise block (1x1 tall office)

Graphics by Dmh_mac , Netherlands.

Appearance and characteristics are shown on a real copy of the screen
Recommended numbers of versions OpenTTD 32bpp = 8942 - 12031

Adjusting file TAR can be found at a project forum in this subject:

The participant of project OpenTTD 32bpp
Blog game Forum game Files Engine

Last edited by Sergej_Sim; 2008-11-28 at 21:26.
Sergej_Sim's Avatar
Posts: 43 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Aug 2007 @ Russia
News of Russian project OpenTTD 32bpp

Kind of a set of buildings for a temperate climate.

Updating of office complex of initial level of 1920

Graphics by Aracirion, BerberJesus, ZxBiohazardZx

Appearance and characteristics are shown on a real copy of the screen
Recommended numbers of versions OpenTTD 32bpp = 8942 - 12031

Adjusting file TAR can be found at a project forum in this subject:

The participant of project OpenTTD 32bpp
Blog game Forum game Files Engine

Last edited by Sergej_Sim; 2009-01-12 at 22:40.
Sergej_Sim's Avatar
Posts: 43 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Aug 2007 @ Russia
News of Russian project OpenTTD 32bpp

There was new official version OpenTTD 0.6.1.

The most important changes in version 0.6.1:

63 errors of the last version of assemblage are corrected

The subject with comments, pictures and archive in the form of one file 15 / 7 Mb is here:

Version OpenTTD for Win32 in the form of one archive is laid out,
"Unpack and play". In the complete set:

1 - All set of necessary graphic files
2 - Set of additional 39 target languages
3 - Set of starting files for start in modes 32 / 8 bits.

The participant of project OpenTTD 32bpp
Blog game Forum game Files Engine

Last edited by Sergej_Sim; 2009-01-12 at 22:41.
Sergej_Sim's Avatar
Posts: 43 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Aug 2007 @ Russia
Allow to acquaint visitors of a forum
With last events from a life of our project.

1 - Us became officially registered 5000 users.
Whom more detailed statistics interests, she can be looked here:


2 - First version of assemblage OpenTTD 32bpp with installation Is let out.
Who has passed this event, it is possible will familiarise here in more details:


3 - Left new official version OpenTTD 0.6.1
Who has passed this event, it is possible will familiarise here in more details:


4 - Leaders of downloadings at our forum, the brightest representatives:

OpenTTD32bpp.exe - 2890 times
Assemblage OpenTTD 32bpp with installation

Farm_19_Z.tar - 555 times
The kind of a grassy covering of a temperate climate for version OpenTTD 32bpp v8942 also is more senior.
The author of model of a grass - Alltaken, New Zealand.

OpenTTD_12031-32bpp.7z - 481 times
Experimental version OpenTTD 32bpp 12031

ZiU5w.rar - 422 times
Russian trolley bus ЗиУ-5 of 1959 of release.
The author of model - Denis, Russia.

RusAirportPack.rar - 417 times
The correcting patch rectifying an error
In registration of the airports... - 401 times
Official version OpenTTD 0.6.1

Forest_Z.tar - 362 times
Large forest
Graphics by Dmh_mac, Netherlands.

GUI32bpp_Z.tar - 355 times
Variant of the game menu for version OpenTTD 32bpp v.6809-7245
Graphics by Joed, Australia

FarmanF60_Z.tar - 288 times
Plane Farman F60 Goliath of 1918 of release.
The author of model - Werminaard, Russia.

5 - the set of volunteers in our project Proceeds.
At desire it is possible to work over this legend and as programmer C ++, and as the author 3-D Graphics,
And as the coder of an external Graphics in language NFO...

Thanks for attention.
Collective of project OpenTTD 32bpp
Blog game Forum game Files Engine

Last edited by Sergej_Sim; 2009-01-12 at 22:41.
Posts: 169 | Thanked: 12 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Tehran-Iran
didn't work on my n800 why?
Attached Images
N800 With 2 SDHC CARD's 12 and 4 GB

But Thinking About A 64 GB !!!!

Os 2008 Chinook,I Have't Trust To Diablo!??

Last edited by italodance; 2008-08-05 at 15:10.
Sergej_Sim's Avatar
Posts: 43 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Aug 2007 @ Russia
Allow me to introduce visitors to the forum
the latest developments in the life of our project.

We have had small problems with the hoster in the past year that have been resolved and work
Forum for the new address is restored.

1 - We are officially a 5000 registered users.
Who is interested in more detailed statistics, it can be seen here:


2 - The first version of the assembly OpenTTD 32bpp with the installer.
Who missed this event, more details can be found here:


3 - The last official version OpenTTD 0.6.3
Who missed this event, more details can be found here:


4 - Most downloads in our forum, the brightest representatives:

Farm_19_Z.tar - 555 times
Type of grass cover the temperate climate for the version OpenTTD 32bpp v8942 and later.
From the model of grass - Alltaken, New Zealand.

ZiU5w.rar - 422 times
Russian trolleybus ZiU-5, 1959 release.
The author of model - Denis, Russia. - 420 times

RusAirportPack.rar - 417 times
Correction patch fix
in the design of airports ...

OpenTTD_0.6.3.7z - 401 times
The official version OpenTTD 0.6.3

Forest_Z.tar - 362 times
Graphics by Dmh_mac, Netherlands.

GUI32bpp_Z.tar - 355 times
Option menu for the game versions OpenTTD 32bpp v.6809-7245
Graphics by Joed, Australia

FarmanF60_Z.tar - 288 times
Plane Farman F60 Goliath of 1918 of release.
The author of model - Werminaard, Russia.

5 - continue to recruit volunteers in our project.
If you prefer, you can work on that legend, and as a programmer in C + +, and as the author of 3-D graphics,
and as an external encoder graphic language NFO ...

Thank you for your attention.
Team project OpenTTD 32bpp
Free Games
Blog game Forum game Files Engine
Sergej_Sim's Avatar
Posts: 43 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Aug 2007 @ Russia
The new official version OpenTTD 0.7.0 beta 1.

The most important changes in version 0.7.0:

Included support for an expanded scheme of cargo transportation ECS
Expand the list of goods being transported

134 Fixed bug in last version 0.6.3 build

1 - List of goods transported by rail

2 - List of goods transported by road

3 - List of goods transported by air

4 - List of goods transported by water

The very issue with comments, pictures and archive in a single file 27 / 9 Mb is here:

Uploaded version OpenTTD for Win32 in the form of one archive
"Unpack and play". The set:

1 - All set of necessary graphic files
2 - A set of additional languages
3 - Set of starting files for start in modes 32 / 8 bits.

Participant project OpenTTD 32bpp
Blog game Forum game Files Engine
Sergej_Sim's Avatar
Posts: 43 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Aug 2007 @ Russia
News Russian project OpenTTD 32bpp

The new official version OpenTTD 0.7.0.

Finally the release of OpenTTD 0.7.0 has come!
It brings you, amongst other things:
Reworked order system (conditional orders, have both non-stop and via instead of one of the two)
Ability to have much more engines
Path based signals
AI framework giving everyone the ability to write his/her AI
Downloading of AIs and graphics from a central server (only when author wants to)
Non-water map edges
Initial support for right-to-left languages like Arabic and Hebrew
Increase or removal of several limits: window size, number of windows, network clients (now 255), companies (now 15)
Six new languages (Arabic, Hebrew, Indonesian, Latvian, Luxembourgish, Welsh)

Fix 114 errors in the last assembly version 0.7.0 beta 1

The very issue with comments, pictures and archive in one file, 9 Mb is here:

Uploaded version OpenTTD for Win32 in the form of one archive
"Unpack and play". The set:

1 - All set of necessary graphic files
2 - A set of additional languages
3 - Set of starting files for start in modes 32 / 8 bits.

Participant project OpenTTD 32bpp
Blog game Forum game Files Engine
Posts: 29 | Thanked: 23 times | Joined on Jan 2009 @ Macedonia
Originally Posted by Sergej_Sim View Post
News Russian project OpenTTD 32bpp

The new official version OpenTTD 0.7.0.
What's the point of these announcements here if there are no new maemo ports of OpenTTD?

The last one I could find was more than a year old and people have a hard time getting it to work...

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