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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
Let's take this a step further...

And the ultimate...

Stephen Elop: LOL! You like Symbian and MeeGo? HA! I'm driving Nokia into the ground... I mean, enjoy WP7!
Hey common dude it's not WP 7 it's WP 7,5 Mango or tango or something like that.
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Wp 7 or wp 7,5 both suck,
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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
The question appears, once again: How is any of this better than Android's experience? If it's not better, and all other things are better on Android because of its larger install base then why bother with anything Nokia has done?
while was looking for mSDXC (64GB) cards i came across a forum where the members where complaining that "movies" where disappearing from the mSD?C (the mSDXC owner was one of the 1st to post & was wondering whether it was due to the X...)
turned out that on some ANDroids (maybe version? proprietary firmware?) movies were systematically deleted
and not only 700MB movie files downloaded from I-net... also movies (of the little daughters 5th birthday or what not.... ) made with the device

how good an experience is that?
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Originally Posted by Zoxir View Post
Hey common dude it's not WP 7 it's WP 7,5 Mango or tango or something like that.
Changing the label doesn't fix the bugs in the concept of WP7.
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Originally Posted by misterc View Post
while was looking for mSDXC (64GB) cards i came across a forum where the members where complaining that "movies" where disappearing from the mSD?C (the mSDXC owner was one of the 1st to post & was wondering whether it was due to the X...)
turned out that on some ANDroids (maybe version? proprietary firmware?) movies were systematically deleted
and not only 700MB movie files downloaded from I-net... also movies (of the little daughters 5th birthday or what not.... ) made with the device

how good an experience is that?
So far, in my experience, with all the various versions and brands I've played with I've never had video files deleted on me (avi, mkv, mp4, etc.). This is the first time I've heard of it. Where did you see that? I'd be interested in looking into that more deeply and asking around my Android peeps about it. How did they arrive at KNOWING it was a version/firmware systematic deletion? I tried Googling around for it but I'm not seeing anything like that. Please provide me with something to refer to. THANKS!
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR
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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
So far, in my experience, with all the various versions and brands I've played with I've never had video files deleted on me (avi, mkv, mp4, etc.). This is the first time I've heard of it. Where did you see that? I'd be interested in looking into that more deeply and asking around my Android peeps about it. How did they arrive at KNOWING it was a version/firmware systematic deletion? I tried Googling around for it but I'm not seeing anything like that. Please provide me with something to refer to. THANKS!
gee, man, take it easy
don't remember exactly what search i entered.
i have the 64GB micro SDXC from sandisk which seems a good bet
if memory serves well, i was searching a review for that (complete model name SDSDQY-064G-U46A)
i don't care about ANDroid, barely about NITDroid, thus sorry if i didn't write down everything
the firmware / brand is a conjecture of mine;
the thread didn't come up with an explanation.
pure conjecture.
i think the last post came up with some workaround, adding a hidden file or something

like i said, sorry, don't care really 'bout ANDroid
information is a necessary though no sufficient condition to rationality...
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Originally Posted by misterc View Post
gee, man, take it easy
don't remember exactly what search i entered.
i have the 64GB micro SDXC from sandisk which seems a good bet
if memory serves well, i was searching a review for that (complete model name SDSDQY-064G-U46A)
i don't care about ANDroid, barely about NITDroid, thus sorry if i didn't write down everything
the firmware / brand is a conjecture of mine;
the thread didn't come up with an explanation.
pure conjecture.
i think the last post came up with some workaround, adding a hidden file or something

like i said, sorry, don't care really 'bout ANDroid
S'okay. Just seemed like a weird behavior I've not heard about and if it was accurate and happening, it needs to be stepped on immediately to make sure that doesn't become commonplace on ANY platform.

Anyway, if you come across it again, let me know. So far I've not had any luck.

Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR
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Android is plainly stupid. Why would anyone go to bed with google?
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Originally Posted by Lumiaman View Post
Android is plainly stupid. Why would anyone go to bed with google?
nobody want to go bed with you

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Originally Posted by ibrakalifa View Post
nobody want to go [to] bed with you

or with make$$h!t :@
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information is a necessary though no sufficient condition to rationality...

blame others, deluded fanboys, kidsbeingkids, lumiadork, ms will die, salesdroids, the elop flop, wp blows

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