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laasonen's Avatar
Posts: 565 | Thanked: 618 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ Finland
Originally Posted by sacal View Post
Of course you are wright but a scrollable contacts or apps dockbar would be much more nice and fun to use.
Maybe it looks nice, but widgets/launchers main priority is usability and quickness what scrolling isn't
Posts: 249 | Thanked: 167 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ International

Thanks for a wonderful little application!

Quick question, how do i set up multiple instances of the dock bar?
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CepiPerez's Avatar
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The same way you configure all widgets is the way to configure each dockbar

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bigears5000's Avatar
Posts: 468 | Thanked: 775 times | Joined on May 2010 @ Hereford, England
Hi. Iam using homescreen dockbar version 0.0.6. I get the background with a horizontal bar but not with the vertical bar. I know this has been mentioned in the thread, but I have the latest version don't I ? The vertical background has never worked on any version for me. Has anyone got any ideas/a fix/workaround ? I see that it is not very common after it was "fixed" by previous version updates.

Last edited by bigears5000; 2011-02-20 at 15:49.
Posts: 56 | Thanked: 21 times | Joined on Feb 2011 @ Bangalore, India
I was desperately looking for something like this. I am a big fan of AWN/Docky in Ubuntu and wanted something similar in Maemo. Before installing,few doubts:
1) Is there any announe thread for this? I am sure many people might be searching for this. It will be helpful for better tracking. Probably edit the title of this thread?
2) Which repo is it available in? devel or testing?
3) How stable it is? Any memory issues?
4) Is there an auto-hide feature for the dock?

Thanks a ton, CepiPerez for making this. I am sure many people would love to have this on Maemo.

Off-topic: Is there any app which auto-hides the status applet and brings it only when I tap on empty screen in desktop (like the button which slides down for customizing desktop) ?
Posts: 320 | Thanked: 45 times | Joined on Feb 2010
can the dockbar made to accomodate more shortcuts on a single and also reducing the size of this shortcut.

thanks for the app
Posts: 45 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Mar 2011
thanks for this widget; really useful.
eefo's Avatar
Posts: 1,444 | Thanked: 461 times | Joined on Dec 2010 @ pakistan
facing a problem with this dockbar is that after changing a background or a theme when i click one of the shortcuts in the dockbar nothing happen and after few seconds it vanishes :$
Posts: 461 | Thanked: 358 times | Joined on May 2010 @ Bilbao (Basque Country [Spain])

I love Homescreen dockbar but now with the last CSSU, and his rotating habilities, I have a problem.

I have a trick to put Homescreen Dockbar in right up corner in the screen, by copying his configuration file to a backup file ( cd .config/cepiperez ; cp Homescreen\ Dockbar.conf Homescreen\ Dockbar.conf-BACKUP ), editing the lineof the y coordinate (finishes in postion-y=NN (being NN a number)) for changing that number to 0. Then, power off, power on, load Homescreen Dockbar and voila! now it is leveraging an space normally empty

Well, as I am telling, I have a problem with last CSSU, when rotating desktp to portrait, and again to landscape, dockbar moves and then it isn't in 0 y coordinate

Cepi, help! (and thank u very much from spain dude).

Last edited by malkavian; 2011-09-17 at 14:49.

dockbar, homescreen

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