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After flashing the image again video and bt are working.

But there are newer packages in the repository that will be installed later automaticaly, ex.: if I install software from openrepos. After that new bluetooth packges are installed (from 'bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach-1.0.6' to 'bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach-1.0.8'). This breakes bt again.

After a reboot rfkill shows 'bluetooth bt_power' only. If I unblock bt via GUI, I'm able to attach a 'bluetooth hci0' manualy with 'devel-su hciattach /dev/ttyHS0 qca 3000000 flow sleep' and bt is usable, but not switchable.

Is somebody working on the port for oneplus3(t) or is it dead?

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Posts: 2 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Nov 2020
Is somebody working on the port for oneplus3(t) or is it dead?[/QUOTE]

Not sure it is "dead" but just not upgraded it seems since the build which is a real shame as this flies on a OP3T (albeit with no bluetooth and camera issues)

I have seen some new commits here in

Which kind of look promising as this was mostly on bluetooth .

Need to reinstall it again on my OP3T and then point to these.

Last time I had it on my OP3T I upgraded it to but like many had no viewfinder and also upgraded it to 3.4 but that broke - lots!

Maybe armed with new additions from here and using proper OBS upgrades too it might work

The Following User Says Thank You to andybleaden For This Useful Post:
Posts: 2 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Nov 2020
By the way of a quick update

Had some time over the weekend and tried to upgrade *(knowing the camera viewfinder would break of course!) to 3.4..0.24

I made sure though to update a little differently.

Firstly I made sure my device was still pointing at the Mer Oneplus 3 fixes that have been updated here:

I noticed someone kind had updated them recently in Nov 2020.

Backup your Sailfish OS user files.

Open a shell as user nemo preferably via ssh

Install something like nano (to edit text files)

zypper in nano

Change the repositories for example for version
nano /usr/share/ssu/features.d/adaptation-community.ini

and update the address

press ctrl x to save
y to agree to save
return to agree the name


nano /usr/share/ssu/features.d/adaptation-community-common.ini and update the address again

press ctrl x to save
y to agree to save
return to agree the name

Then I used the following

ssu release
zypper ref
zypper up
version --dup

Unlike the last time I upgraded to it did not break so much - browser/emails etc all work - bluetooth does not nor does the viewfinder and mtp support appears to be broken (again) but the camera does work which is promising even if you are shooting blindfolded!

Another bonus is that is now really really fast - We are talking a decent upgrade in speed....especially the browser.

It aint perfect but worth a try - I notice a few glitches here and there and will report back
Attached Images

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Posts: 48 | Thanked: 191 times | Joined on Jan 2016 @ Münsterland, Germany
I was gifted a Oneplus 3 these days. I revived the device from a softbrick I created ealier this day. (yeah!)

Later I managed to install SFOS on it, @delaya73 thanks for your work.

Then I horribly failed in updating it and even flashed the original image multiple times to start again. Something tells me I have to do a lot of reading to get this to work.

Anyways, this is the story of my failure, I'm sharing it for those who are also starting to walk down this path and for my future self
# This is the place i started:
SailfishOS (Lapuanjoki)

# I did this, to make sure I'm really on the OTA branch...
ssu re
version --dup

ssu re
version --dup

# This went great, let's try the next step:
ssu re
version --dup

# Alright, we are now on SFOS 3 that's easy....

ssu re
version --dup

## Uh-ooh... This leads to the following error:
Error: This request will break your system!
This request will break your system!
nothing provides libstdc++

# Ok, the system might now be broken anyway, let's try some foolish stuff, while reading the forums:

# Then:
ssu re
zypper ref
zypper up
version --dup

# This leads to this error:
Error: nothing provides pulseaudio >= 12.2+git9 needed by pulseaudio-modules-droid-glue-12.2.4-1.7.35.jolla.armv7hl

zypper ref
zypper up

# Doing a version --dup now results in 
Error: This request will break your system!
This request will break your system!
nothing provides needed by qtscenegraph-adaptation-0.7.5-1.5.4.jolla.armv7hl

# dared to reboot. It was an mistake, notification led is white on, the screen stays black. At least the device can boot to recovery. It's time to start at But there is this damn tutorial....

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