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penguinbait's Avatar
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neat to shoot the monsters and all, but is multiplayer in the future, or is there a way to make it work? Can games be joined from console?
pipeline's Avatar
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Quake 2 on n800 and i guess n810 is awesome... he did a great port... i only hope he is able to add the front end launcher back to OS2008 builds at some point.

Penguin : He had multiplayer working in 2007 but without the launcher its not practical... so yes technically you could join from command line... ctf even!

I just verified that yes it does seem to work with demo files but process is a little involved. I hope you are able to follow this :
- Download the demo on desktop... heres one source
- If on windows xp, run the self extractor and set directory to something like \q2inst
- If on linux try opening the self extracting arcive (q2-314-demo-x86.exe) in an archive program... i just opened with FileRoller and it reads just fine.
- Dont bother installing on desktop, just navigate that extracted directory and in the q2inst/Install/Data directory copy the baseq2 folder over into mmc2 /quake2 directory so that mmc2 has /quake2/baseq2. If using something other than mmc2, just change that also in next step.
- Edit the /usr/share/applications/hildon/quetoo.desktop file, changing the base1 to demo1 (need to be root, let me know if you dont know how to do this)
- Start game from menu link

Bart : as for mission packs i would try adding as subdirectory (maybe /quake2/xatrix ?) first and modify desktop to set game xatrox but i havent tested that so not sure how well that would work. If you ever get that to work you could make a new link with LinkMaker (search)... otherwise you could try replacing paks in baseq2 as workaround and change start map to one of the mission packs as workaround.

Last edited by pipeline; 2008-01-03 at 02:08.

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Slixor's Avatar
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whats mmc2? except for that i think i understand everythingn else
pipeline's Avatar
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On the n800, the internal memory slot is mounted to /media/mmc2 and that is what he hardcoded his desktop (link) to point to for data.

You have internal memory card with around 50megs free space? If so set up /quake2/baseq2 there.

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is there a file viewer anywhere where i can view these directorys? cos when i connect it up to my pc i dont see them
penguinbait's Avatar
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Originally Posted by pipeline View Post
Quake 2 on n800 and i guess n810 is awesome... he did a great port... i only hope he is able to add the front end launcher back to OS2008 builds at some point.

Penguin : He had multiplayer working in 2007 but without the launcher its not practical... so yes technically you could join from command line... ctf even!
What is the launcher, is it something I can compile myself. Is it quake2world?
pipeline's Avatar
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Penguin, launcher is python (glade) front end launcher... not sure if that would be kde compatible. Just try the latest non-chinook build or grab the python files from 2007 build and use executable from 2008 version if kde shares same lib dependencies which required the 2008 build in first place.

The memory cards are mounted as drives (at least on xp)... what is your desktop ... windows xp?

Slixor : Have you installed becomeroot and set root password yet?

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when i open it in windows xp its just got nothing usefull in it

and no i havent isnstaled any of that stuff, should i? and where can i do that?

Last edited by Slixor; 2008-01-03 at 03:09.
pipeline's Avatar
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Well you should know if you put memory cards in the device, even if they are empty just throw them on there if the drives show up on desktop as removable devices. This only takes care of the /quake2/baseq2 stuff though, not the editing of the quetoo_new.desktop file.

You should install becomeroot from the application manager under settings menu on n800... if you dont see it then click this link (from n800 browser) to add the repository which contains it :

After you have installed it then open xterm and type :
sudo gainroot
passwd root

then set your root password, preferably to something you will remember

Once thats done you have two choices (or two i will mention), SSH and emelfm2.

SSH access is best because you can remotely access the entire device from a destop... i would recommend eventually learning this. Install SSH Server on device and a utility like WinSCP for Windows XP or gFTP for linux. I'm out of breath and too tired to explain this further though, you could search though.

An easier solution (after setting up root) for this one task would be to install emelfm2 from here :

and then in xterm (as root) run emelfm2... then browse to /usr/share/applications/hildon and highlight quetoo_new.desktop and click the edit icon (looks like a notepad with pencil)... change settings as previously mentioned.

Last edited by pipeline; 2008-01-03 at 03:21.

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i cant find it in the app manager, and when i try to install that url it says "unable to install (null). Incompatible application package"

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